Appeals Court Strikes Down Donald Trump's Immunity Claim



Entry #32,527


Avatar lakerben -
Lock him up!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
So much winning. You maga idiots just don't get it, do you?  SUCKERS!
Avatar JAP69 -
Of course it got thrown out. He would be a threat to Democracy if he is allowed to be President again.
Avatar grwurston -
The dems want this because they think it will hurt Trump.  Actually it's just the opposite. 
They don't realize that this now means that Biden, Obama, or any other past or future president of either party will no longer have immunity either for anything they may have done themselves while in office. So if or when the same thing happens down the road to JB or BO don't cry about it because this will be exactly what you wanted.
Be careful what you wish for.  LOL
Avatar jarasan -
Dittos GR!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Why oh why do you always say the " Dems want this because"- you keep telling yourself that fairy tale if it makes you feel good.. BUT the voters in 2020 decided that Trump's services were no longer required. You are partly right, the " Dems" decided he was useless after-all.

* As for your insane post of " past & future Presidents no longer having immunity" clearly points to the warped thinking of not only your supreme leader, but his comatose followers as well. Just because 45 says something, does not make it true- have you not learned that yet? Trump is asking the courts to give him blank immunity for LIFE. Hello, no one gets that, no one. When Trump lost the presidency- he became CITIZEN TRUMP.

* He may have retained the title " Mr President" like all other former Presidents out of respect, BUT once a President leaves office, he is no longer : Commander in Chief." That applies to every ex President- your Toddler is saying that if he killed a pedestrian, he is covered from any charges. Where the F does he get that idea from? Probably from that genius mind of hiss, the same mind that has that voice telling him that he won the 2020 election, that voice that tells him that he can defame Carroll and end up paying her millions of dollars more.

* What the justice system is doing is holding Trump accountable for his actions: What actions you say: Attempting to overturn the will of the voters, attempting to deny legitimate votes to be caste aside so he can remain in power " against the Constitution." What 45 should have done long before he won the nomination for the Republican party was to " Read the Constitution, understood what it meant, if he was in doubt" he should have called upon Constitutional scholars and had it explained to him, so that he had a clear understanding of our laws- instead, he make rules as he went along. l was hoping that he would come up with the excuse " my advisers did not tell me that my motives were wrong."
Avatar lakerben -
Lock him up!!!

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