Stormy Daniels Takes Stand In Trump’s Hush Money Trial



Entry #32,809


Avatar noise-gate -
* Wow, Stormy Daniel's is getting stuff out in open court, apparently- 45 loved being spanked with a magazine. The guy avoided the military altogether for fear of being shot at, but Stormy D got the greenlight to inflict some pain on the poor guy.

* l can just picture 45 saying to Stormy D" Go ahead, spank away, l am an adult, l can take it."
Avatar noise-gate -
* There we go again : The vultures are attacking Stormy Daniel’s for coming forward & exposing the vile side to the disgraced former ex President. Always attacking those who go after the C leader. They taking a page from their failed leader: Attack the system, the witnesses, the judge, the DOJ, the evidence & never yield to facts.

* Not a word on their leader waiting for Stormy to return from the restroom to find the Orange unit in his briefs, sitting on the bed, ready for action. Not a word on him telling SD that he & the wife do not sleep in the same bed, oh no- it’s going after SD because she dared tell the court that 45 did not use a condom. That he was swearing like a pig & pressing his entire weight on this poor thing.

* If we didn’t hear it, we wouldn’t have believed it, but there it was, out in the open exposing the Orange Unit for all to hear. Seems like he didn’t like the jury hearing that he only goes for missionary & throws his weight around.

* These minions better not complain-after all, the Republican aired Clinton & Monica’s dirty laundry, so all is fair & square. What goes around comes around- right?
Avatar noise-gate -
“ that he was sweating like a 🐷 “
Avatar lakerben -
Hey now!  Donald said it never  happened!!!   He doesn't know her but what about the picture with his arm wrapped around her?    The serial liar is busted again.  Lock him up!!!!
Avatar grwurston -
He had a picture taken with her? So frigging what. That doesn't prove anything. 
Some athlete/rock star/celebrity is having an autograph signing-photo session. There's a line of fans around the block. Does that mean that every fan that spent 15-30 seconds having their photo taken with the person knows them? Not at all.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
You can NOT fix the stupidity of the three blind mice. Like babies having their candy taken away. About four blocks short of the runway.
Avatar CDanaT -
"President Grover Cleveland had pretty much the same problem that Trump is dealing with.  As a young bachelor in upstate New York, Cleveland impregnated a woman named Maria Halpin, who birthed a son. That was in 1874.
Ten years later, as Grover was running for President, Ms. Halpin was back seeking money even though the child had been adopted. The ensuing lurid headlines almost cost Cleveland the election. The Democrat defeated James Blaine by less than 100,000 votes.
Republicans used this chant to denigrate Grover:  "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa?  Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha."
Grover Cleveland tried to keep the scandal quiet, and New York authorities left him completely alone. But that was then. Now we live in appalling times. President Cleveland is the only chief executive ever to win two non-consecutive terms. Trump is trying to duplicate that. And he just might again win the White House."
Avatar noise-gate -
* The only blind mice here are those who think that 45 is the answer to all the world’s problems: Inflation? We need 45. High gas prices- we need 45. World Peace? We need 45.

* Nevermind incompetence: We need 45. Remember the riots? Response to law enforcement? dominant! Remember Covid? inject disinfectant. Please….
Avatar CDanaT -
Maddog, you are correct.....The nocturnal emission specialists are in full bloom because they don't have any factual data to back up how great their side is...Thank the almighty that in 4 years & 8 months when TDS has been officially declared completed over.  I am curious what you believe the next abnormal thought process will focus on ??
Avatar lakerben -
The Republicans can't handle the we truth he is guilty.  He is now the national punch line on talk shows, a disgrace.
Avatar lakerben -
And his idiot followers still send him money.  Hilarious!
Avatar lakerben -
A book could be written about the trump worshipers its called abnormal psychology the blind leading the blind.     The twilight zone revisited.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Are you truly a Trump supporter, by your comments, it seems unlikely, why you ask? Because " low gas prices, no inflation " is repeated at every single rally your leader fronts, he can't get enough of saying that. He repeats it ad nauseam that it's his go to message, he repeats " no wars" took place on his watch, so where the F does this " TDS " statement come from?
*Doesn't he crave attention, doesn't he want to be in the spotlight at all times- gee, he even sends out texts at all hours of the NIGHT,  and you come up with that lame statement? Unbeknownst to you close minded followers of his is that he rode into the WH on an economy that was growing during the Obama years.
* To hear him tell it, the heavens opened up on his watch & poured down a blessing on America because he was in charge. Grow up, when Covid hit, he showed his true colors which is why the voters rejected his leadership. He lost, get over it.

* It's like l asked" Are you a 45 supporter or just masquerading as one?"
Avatar noise-gate -
* Last post on this : Wanna know why millions KNOW you guys are in a cult? Because in real life, if your spouse or significant other cheated on you- you'd swear it never happened or is impossible to happen, why? Cause you trust that person completely. The only way you part ways with your loved one is if you have pictures or video of you being cheated on..

* Piviot to your leader, he does all kinds of crap, caught on video, phone calls, theft, charged with rape, attempting to overturn Democracy BUT you guys stick with him. That action right there is the definition of being in a cult: See no evil, hear no evil. Wasn't there a sing called " heaven help us all?"

Avatar MADDOG10 -
These mice believe that their 46 would answer their prayers, oh jeez look at all he's accomplished.
They actually think he's their messiah, I guess they've had their blinders on for the past 3 1/2 years. Unemployment? got caught feeding the public false numbers, surprised? Gas prices? lowest oil reserve in centuries! Inflation? oh my $4.50 for a dozen eggs, Cheese $4.75 package of 12 slices. Milk, cereal, meats, ect, ect, ect. Yeah keep telling yourself 46 is better than 45. As I've stated before, you can NOT fix stupidity. PERIOD!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Oh yes, Stormy Daniels getting things out. Bruuuuhahahaha, she's as ditsy as the majority of democrats.
Avatar noise-gate -
* That's the exact response one can expect from a member of the cult.
Avatar grwurston -
* Last post on this :

Avatar grwurston -
Hey dems...

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