Total Amazement today


    This morning while driving in Clifton N.J. ,a lady driving a grey chevrolet trailblazer pulled out from the Main Ave ramp onto Route 3 right in front of my truck. She was talking on the cell phone and not even paying attention to where she was going. I had a tractor-trailer beside me on the left and I was left with no where to go, except over this car that had just pulled out in front of me.

    The other driver beside me saw what was happening and moved to the left just enough for me to get by without running this lady over. people have no conception when it comes to pulling out in front of a truck. We CAN NOT stop like a car, especially when it's loaded, but yet drivers don't even think before they act. I laid on my airhorn until I passed her car within inches. I collected my thoughts and continued driving.

    I was about (5) miles down the road when this lady came up besides me and was motioning me to pull over. It was the same lady who had pulled out in front of me back on route 3. She was holding a tissue and patting her chest while motioning for me to pull over, which I did.

    My thought were running rampant as I got down from my truck while meeting this lady. Tears were coming down her cheeks as she apologized for what she had done. Over and over as she was apologizing to me, she said she had to catch me and tell me this in person or she would'nt be able to sleep tonight. I told her I was glad that she was allright, but by not being alert when she was driving almost cost her, her life. She told me that opened her eye's and from that moment on she was going to be a totally different driver, I said I was glad to hear that.

    In all my years of driving I've never had anyone apologize to me for doing something that could have ended their life. I've seen the fingers and arms twisted every which way but loose when people think a truck driver did something wrong, and I've heard all of the expletives  (9&*%@###*&###@**** ) while driving, even when I'm not at fault.

    Well, my hat goes off to this lady, for being so honest, sincere and determined and I will return that same gesture the next time I make a mistake to another driver. If I get the finger and expletives, I'll just waive and say have a "nice day", even if it is under my breath....! 

Entry #40


Avatar emilyg -
Nice post.
Avatar justxploring -
Good for you! I see people talking on cell phones while driving all the time and I hope it is soon outlawed. I don't know route 3 at all, but wasn't she at risk pulling over on the highway? At least I'm happy you got thanked by someone when you deserved it.   I used to drive a lot (not a truck) and now I hate it. Too many crazy people out there. Be well.
Avatar Rick G -
Interesting story. Glad it had a happy ending.
Avatar Tenaj -
I'm glad both of you are safe. Whew!

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