Post "debate" interview with Ron Paul



Too bad they didn't actually show this on T.V. last night, instead of giving us that 'Mittens-McLame Mudslinging Hour'. There is a lot of false "information" out there, and they want to keep it that way.

From index 1:32 to 2:22, the reporter brings up the Fair tax and asks Dr. Paul why he's for it. He states that he isn't for it and explains why he isn't for it. For the hearing impaired (or the obstinate), I've transcribed that portion below.

index 1:32 to 2:22 of 6:39
Reporter: Now, part of your platform is advocating for a fair tax. I think that's a very foreign concept for a lot of people. Boil it down to just a couple of concepts so people can understand why you believe the Fair Tax is the way to go.

Ron Paul: I don't advocate the Fair Tax. I'm for no tax. I'm for getting rid of the income tax, which the Fair Tax people also want, but I want to cut the spending so much that you don't have to have a sales tax; that's what the Fair Tax is. But it's (the Fair Tax) not fair for everybody so that's why I don't push it. But I emphasize cutting spending. That's why I talk about this trillion dollar empire that we're operating around the world and we can't do it for much longer. And that's why I want to cut so much spending we don't have an income tax. If we didn't have an income tax today, we'd still have as much revenue as we had ten years ago. But, you'd have to cut. If you just got rid of the income tax, the deficit would go up. That's why I want to cut a lot of spending.


I'm not waiting for my state's primary to vote... Boxing


Entry #54


Avatar Rick G -
The Republican debate on CNN Tuesday was a joke...but not a funny one. Anderson Cooper should stick to hurricane coverage...he's pretty good at acting like he's going to blow away.

In a debate without rules, he interrupted Dr. Paul twice in the seven times he was allowed to speak. One of those interruptions came right as Dr. Paul was going to respond to the "conservative" label the others had unlimited time to claim. Nobody on that stage is more conservative than Dr. Paul. Cooper knows that and quickly interrupted him promising him response time in two minutes. We're still waiting for his response. On the other hand it was the punch and judy show with McCain and Romney. It was very apparent that CNN supports Romney in the Republican Primary.

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