Thanks Colin! What a pal!


What a nice guy Colin is!  Thanks BFF!
From Rush Limbaugh this hurts, weekend of the knives.

Rush said:
"At any rate, flew home after the game, I guess we rolled in at 10:45 or so, got into the house at 11:30. I still wasn't aware how much it had blown up. I did a little work when I went home, went up to bed, it was a long, taxing, exhausting day. I'll tell you, it is tough physically going to a football game. I can't imagine playing in one. I got home last night feeling like I had played in the game. So I got up this morning and talked to Cookie. Cookie says, "Okay, here's a preview of the sound bite roster," and, lo and behold, the media had a cow over this. Folks, I must have struck a nerve on this because everybody in the Drive-By Media has something snarky to say about my two little paragraphs to Jonathan Martin at The Politico regarding the Powell endorsement. Now, there's something else interesting -- I got one thing wrong. It was not a Republican that nominated his son, Michael Powell, to head the FCC. Michael Powell, by the way, has not only endorsed McCain, Colin Powell's son has endorsed McCain, he is campaigning for him. Colin Powell's son is debating Obama surrogates on communications issues. What actually happened was -- and this is even more fascinating -- what actually happened was, and my friend Professor Hazlett informed me of this, it was McCain who got Michael Powell appointed to the FCC by Clinton in order to forge a relationship with his father, Colin Powell, as was reported at the time.

So McCain went out of the way, went to Clinton, said, "Please nominate Michael Powell to the FCC." Clinton did it. This was an effort by McCain to forge a continued relationship. We've also heard -- I can't substantiate this -- we've also heard that the reason that Senator McCain has had Jeremiah Wright off-limits is in hopes of getting the Powell endorsement himself. But one of the interesting things to point out about this is, who is Powell? If you stop and think about how Powell is characterized by the Drive-Bys, he's the epitome of today's moderate, right? And that moderate, Mr. Powell, that kind of person is the target for McCain's campaign, is it not? And so we see, ladies and gentlemen, just how -- I mean, he gets his kid on the FCC with Clinton, forge a relationship, bam. I don't know if McCain thought Powell was bought, but if so, it's obvious Powell doesn't stay bought for very long."
Jarasan says:
"John McCain is finding out very quickly who his friends are.  How would you like it, someone in your own party?  Burning bridges and hedging bets, all on the back of getting some appointment by someone who has not yet won,  Colin Powell will fade into obscurity.  I think Colin's wifey has something to do with it.  You see at $100k to $200k per speech, it is no sweat off of Colin's back, he is immune and part of the elite, his life will remain the same. Now the (dem/leftists) won't call Colin an Uncle Tom anymore, I don't blame him."
The reasons Colin gave during his big announcement were confounding and nonsensical,  actually they were dem/leftist talking points.
Entry #94


Avatar jarasan -
Like I said "who cares" but it is amazing how shallow politics are.
Avatar konane -
It's some people who exemplify the shallowness of politics. Me, me, me and [censored] you.
Avatar TigerAngel -
Ouch! Too bad and I really liked Powell. Could be he knows what's coming and just doesn't want to be on the wrong end of a machette. . . if you catch my drift.
Avatar chowchow -
From what I know of colin Powell, he has always been a person of high integrity. Now because he has endorsed Obama, his character is in question. This world is so full of hate, it just amazes me. Racism and name calling is what USA is all about. This country is just like it was in the 50's and 60's. A lot of people have exchanged their sheets for suits. If you liked the man what has changed. You have your opinion and he has his. Why can't you respect that. I might not agree with McCain, but I respect him to the highest. I actually like him as a person, but I would not vote for him.
Avatar NBey6 -
ChowChow - You hit it right on the head about Colin Powell and his integrity. He resigned from his position because of his integrity and probably couldn't stomach the, "They have WMD" lie, our intelligence gathered which he took the fall for, anymore.
There are probably going to be thousands of Republicans that will vote for Barack Obama and that is their "Right." Whether you agree or not is your choice/right.

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