

Sarah Palin Leaker Outs Himself...and Turns Out to Be a Hoaxer!

By P.J. Gladnick | November 10, 2008 - 17:35


(Check out the update below. Apparently this leaker is actually a hoaxer. Did Carl Cameron get scammed with completely false information?)

The leaker who "revealed" to Carl Cameron of FOX News that Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent or which nations were in the North American Free Trade Agreement has outed himself. First of all the leaker turned out not to be Mitt Romney nor one of his associates as some have suspected. More importantly, the leaker's own revelation does not show that Sarah Palin didn't know that Africa was a continent nor that she didn't know which countries were in the NAFTA. Okay, so who is the leaker? Drum roll please, maestro! And the leaker is....Martin Eisenstadt, a McCain campaign adviser. Eisenstadt revealed himself to be the leaker and his reasons for leaking in his blog:

Financial Times U.S. Editor Questions Wisdom of GM Bailout

Entry #649


Avatar konane -
Interesting Em, a couple of things I found reading comments on his blog. He seems to be having a coronary due to a BBC documentary , video link below, about him showing him in an unfavorable light so may be smearing Palin to achieve some media time.

Many blog comments said Palin was incorrectly or incompletely vetted which was the responsibility of the McCain advisory team which didn't do their job. Looks like that's coming out and he wants to appear innocent.

"comment number 76 by: Kent Powell
November 10th, 2008 at 5:27 pm


In the BBC documentary you state: “There is a frustration I feel that my skillset is at least as good as the skillset of some of the people I’m promoting - there is a frustration that I can do it better”

This indeed is your delusion and the belief that has caused your fall into many a mistake.

You state that you’d make a good senator and dream of other positions.

Your flirting and hitting on the BBC reporter for sex, and your suggestions of McCain’s infidelity are appalling. With advisors such as you, John McCain deserved to lose. It is types like you that we are hoping to throw out of Washington and American politics, and John McCain and his staff didn’t have the judgment to avoid hiring you and thus entrusting you with confidence that you do not in any scenario deserve.

You flirt with the BBC reporter about your next move - without realizing that your next move is that you are out.

What a lack of judgment, character and reckless destruction of your own reputation.

How pathetic. "

Avatar jarasan -
I said it a couple of days ago and I'll say it again, Carl Cameron is a jerk for letting this out without "VETTING" the sources.
Avatar time*treat -
Wow, they were quick to throw her under the bus. That kind of loser-tantrum doesn't exactly attract people to the team. As an aside, Cameron has *ALWAYS* been a jerk. ;-)
Avatar justxploring -
Our country is in crisis and we all need to focus on the next 4 years, not what will happen in 2012. I'm very curious why a woman who hid from the media, wouldn't answer questions from the press and even challenged the moderator during the sole VP debate, is suddenly all over the TV and very willing to talk. The only people who will vote for Sarah Palin in 2012 are those who are star struck by her celebrity. How can anyone blame the media or other Republicans for her lack of general knowledge? I know what I saw and what I heard and I honestly believe we saw the best of Palin. Now she is blaming the McCain campaign for her own inadequacies.

IMO she is a very divisive person. Maybe that's what some people call a maverick, but anyone who says there's a "real America" and incites violence at rallies (yes, I was there!) isn't someone who wants to united people. The new president hasn't even been inaugurated and she's campaigning for 2012? Doesn't that tell you something? Never does a VP make a concession speech, but she was upset on election night that she was unable to do so. John McCain's speech was eloquently delivered.   

We hear Obama inviting people from both parties to work with him to heal the country. Joe Biden earnestly called out to his close friend in the Senate, "John, we need you." Sarah Palin calls people jerks and shows everyone how she can serve moose stew. This is not a person who can lead. Folksy people who know how to wink during debates belong on Jerry Springer, not in the Oval Office.
Avatar Todd -
@Justexploring: Your comments are so far removed from reality it's truly disturbing. What planet are you living on? Sarah Palin is "divisive"? Are you f'ing kidding??
Avatar chowchow -
Sarah Palin in my opinion was used an "attack dog". She would say things that John McCain wouldn't say. The husky from "Alas-ka
Avatar emilyg -
Nancy - what a sad commentary by you.
Avatar justxploring -
Emily, I don't think it's sad at all. It's the truth. She was never even close to being ready to be in the White House. It's mind blowing to imagine anyone can compare her with Hillary Clinton who is such a brilliant scholar.

Are you telling me it's negative to expect the 2nd in command to have a better education than most secretaries? Michelle Obama is a brilliant and accomplished woman, Jill Biden has 2 Masters and a PhD, and the "first dude" races snowmobiles.   

Of course I'm in awe of a woman that can raise 5 children, be governor of a state (even one with less people than Memphis) and run for Vice President. She's very determined, ambitious and has a lot of chutzpah. However, the people we elect to be the leader of our country should be extraordinary, not ordinary. Should we have a Palin/Wurzelbacher ticket?

Todd asks "what planet are you on?" I guess you must live in the "real" part of America.   Her exact words when she campaigned in North Carolina was that she was glad to be in the "pro-America areas of this great country."   This is just as divisive as when her former pastor said that anyone who voted for John Kerry would not get into heaven.   Obama never once said that people who did not agree with him were unpatriotic which was the theme of the McCain campaign.

Do I think Palin got a raw deal? Yup. But to say my comments aren't realistic is to ignore the fact that the largest newspaper in Alaska, her own state, endorsed Obama.   Lawrence Eagleburger said that even is she spent time in the White House she could become "adequate." That's not a misquote. So what planet does he live on?

I guess you'd feel safe with someone who might become "adequate" being Commander in Chief.
Avatar spy153 -
Oh, well, I suppose people will be debating back and forth about this election for the next millennium.
Avatar konane -
What is the LOGIC QUOTIENT of people who have a list of degrees long as your arm but don't have common sense to use bathroom tissue correctly, or cross the road to the other side as well as the proverbial chicken????

I'll take someone with common sense any day of the week. Education standards have fallen so far in the past several years a wall full of diplomas isn't nearly as impressive as it was in the past!!!

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