Missouri Billboard tells Americans: Prepare for War Against Gov


Step 1) Starve the Beast ----> keep your money

Step 2) Vote them all out

If step 1 & 2 fail, Prepare for War-----> LIVE FREE or DIE

see actual billboard here: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/11/20/missouri-gop-billboard/

Entry #154


Avatar wiltay -
In war everyone loses. It takes communication.
Avatar LANTERN -
I don't see nothing wrong with that sign!
Didn't they rebel against the British, their own government?
Wasn't the end result the U.S.A.?
This is nothing new.
Doesn't history repeats itself?
People always have a short memory.
Avatar jim695 -
Personally, I have no problem with this billboard. However, according to the comments I've read on ThinkProgress.org, my opinion is clearly in the minority. Apparently, the members of that web site can't see beyond their own noses, and they seem to believe exercising our rights and duties as outlined in the Declaration of Independence amounts to "treason." This tells me our government has done its job exceedingly well in engineering a massive and far-reaching "Stockholm syndrome," and that the incumbents' positions are therefore secure. One member of ThinkProgress.org, in defending our government's right to oppress us, blames the "joos" for our current plight, and I find it somewhat disturbing that this person is a registered voter, free to vote his or her own demented conscience despite an obvious IQ of around three points above plant life. This view is indicative of how the incumbents obtained their positions in the first place, and why they needn't worry about losing their jobs.

     Face it, folks; THIS is the new Amerikka, and those who long for the old ways where the people's rights and freedoms were sacrosanct are not patriots, but domestic terrorists and criminals whose own freedoms should be quashed and their opinions silenced without delay. George Orwell published "1984," his most famous novel, in 1949. At the time, it was considered to be nothing more than entertaining fiction, a concept that could never actually come to fruition in "The Greatest Nation in the World." He may have been a few years off, but Orwell's prophesies have proven him to be a true Twentieth-century visionary, and there can be little doubt that the book's conclusion will prove to be just as prophetic.

Avatar jarasan -
thinkprogress.com looks like a leftist hate site,   treasonous acts by a sitting govt. is the real treason going on, the subjugation of the US people by a fascist govt. is cause for uprising, first we must vote, then if they cheat again..........................
Avatar jarasan -
Oh yeah, "Live free or die" is the state motto of New Hampshire.
Avatar Rick G -
Step 1) Starve the beast.

No taxation without representation.
Avatar TigerAngel -
Thnx everyone for your most insightful comments. I agree. The only thing I disagree with is the inevitableness of the outcome. If only enough ppl wake up we could restore the Republic. I know it's a tall order. But the American Revolution had less than 5% of the population behind it. The rest were happy to lay down for whatever King George demanded of them.
Avatar konane -
We need to keep ourselves informed about candidate's positions with sources other than television indoctrination and vote accordingly. We've had 'sacred cows' for years who've grown roots in office believing they're too important to be drop-kicked to the curb. If our current dissatisfaction continues many incumbents are going to be shocked the day after election.

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