False impressions


Evening blogsters:

I'm in a mood to muse a bit.  The urge comes at a convenient time.

The fact I'm a middling good writer and I use my writing on this blog as an instrument for reflection shouldn't be taken by any of you as evidence I'm someone you'd want to know in real life. 

It just ain't true.

I enjoy doing this blog.  I try to be a straight shooter and never misrepresent what I am, what I believe, what I feel.  I do my best not to intrude into the lives of others, get into their business, tell them what to do.  Sometimes I don't succeed in that regard and I overstep my self-established boundaries.

But tonight I'm a bit troubled, a bit rattled, even a bit doubtful whether all this blogging is a good idea. 

I've said what I am many times on this blog, many of the facets of my character.  I've tried to offer the unvarnished truth as I see it.  There shouldn't be any reason for anyone who's read it to think for a moment you want to get to know me better.

I'm just me, blogsters.  I like myself a lot and I get a lot of joy out of my own company.   I'm happy if some of what I've shared here gave you some laughs and amusement, but you'd be entirely wrong if you allowed yourself to believe there's anything here for you but my thoughts, my words and my best wishes.


Entry #508


Avatar waynr -
Hey, long time no speak'ems but I stop by about every blue moon or three to listen to ole Jack from NM, his tales and observations. Some of what you've said echos in myself tonite. Too much "online" time in the head when it should be offline when offline.

You once told me things would get better for me and they did, eventually. I'd never tell you what to do and sometimes the best thing one can do for another is to leave them be. Just felt like returning you a thought, a few words and best wishes.
Avatar luckierlady -
I suspect the inclination for folks out there in internetland to feel a connection with you has a variety of reasons. I'll speculate a little bit.
    You are good at describing thoughts and inclinations which we all recognize to some degree, but it's unusual for some of us to find these words written by someone with an obvious sense of self-awareness as well as a sense of humor. You putting your "unvarnished truth" on "paper" is a far cry from what we read in the newspapers, see on TV, read in most popular magazines, or even on a lot of other blogs. Even if we don't agree, your honesty is apparent. So we admire you for your talent and identify you as an interesting and unique person the more you write. That's an attraction. It's an attraction to an intangible, but still an attraction. Maybe it's a part of ourselves that we see in you, but keep hidden in ourselves because we aren't generally working hard to be that honest.
    So I'm not talking about whether you have "good" habits or beliefs that we share, I'm just talking about the honesty that is projected in your writing. Reading this is refreshing. And sometimes inspiring.
   So we are attracted to honesty. But we still aren't used to it. We think "Hm... well, maybe he *thinks* he is a flawed individual, but maybe he really isn't so flawed, maybe he's just unable to see the qualities that I admire. Most of us can't.and if most of US can't recognize our own "goodness" why should he be able to? So maybe he's not so awfully "flawed" after all. Or maybe I can handle those flaws because they are mine, too. Also, maybe I'd like to get to know him better, because he's got some qualities I'd like to cultivate, and one of those is honesty. I could learn some things from him, maybe. In fact, I think I'd like to actually meet this person sometime."
So we jump to conclusions about you. We forget that we can't see most of the details, after all, you do put a lot of detail in your blog. And because you speak to us with the intimacy of a friendship, we as your readers feel like your friends since we can overlook all sorts of things that would be impossible to avoid off the internet.
So if the occasional individual needs a bit of a reminder to bring them out of the internet world of connections and speculations about relationships and back to a more practical reality, I'd hope you could just continue to be gentle about it and not distress yourself about whether the blogging itself is a good idea. The risks are there for all kinds of interactions and it could be lots worse.
Keep blogging....and thanks for the smiles.
hang in there....
Avatar Rip Snorter -
Thanks for the comments LottoMike, Luckierlady and WayneR.
Glad things have improved in your life WayneR.
Best to all of you,
Avatar waynr -
Thanks Jack. There's really no r in my name, not that it's of any importance to anyone reading. But everytime I see it I'm reminded of where it came from. When I registered, it was to reply to a post from someone in Fla. That reminded me of a certain couple I lived with down there for only a short time thank God. Seemed every damned word they could tack an r onto the end of they would. Hey think of what it would sound like with yours! Anyhow, I wasn't planning on hanging around lotry pus fer long so I used it. So, if you don't like it (the handle) we have more in common than you thought eh? Preddy durn dum I say. Anywho'r this'r be yo'r blogr eh'r. Take care cuzr. Later, Wayne
Avatar Rip Snorter -
Thankr forr thr commentr waynr. Yor gotr a chucklr outr me.
Good hearing the history on that handle. I'd wondered.
Avatar waynr -
U'r whalecum, L8'r jack'r.
Avatar Rip Snorter -
Not that I ain't grateful for the sentiment waynr, even if it involves being whalecum, I guess

Best to you,
Avatar waynr -
Yeah Jack, what's amusing in one moment of time may be horrific at a later one. The madness of good intentions gone awry. The personal disconnect of words without an expression, tone, or knowledge of the character writing them. And the insensitivity of trying to have fun with words under those conditions. I probably like it even less than you after thinking about it. Feel completely at ease deleting any comment I've made, because it IS your paid for blog to be whatever YOU want it to be.
Best wishes to you Mr. Purcell,
Avatar Rip Snorter -
waynr, Ir dontr have any intentionr of deleting your blog comments. I'm favorable to them, appreciate them every oner.

I can live with being insensitiver. Been that way all my lifer.

Thankee and happy double naught six
Avatar Rip Snorter -
Avatar Rip Snorter -
This blog entry didn't involve you waynr. I was going through some extra thinking because of the lady who decided she was in love with me because of my blog.

I don't want to cause anyone any pain by way of just being me if I can help it.
Avatar waynr -
Nah Jack, what's horrific in one moment of time may be utterly hilarious at a later one. I think I've got you bettered on the insensitivy deal though. But like yourself I can really only guess. People prolly think I have some nerve. I don't, they've long left the premises.

Now to lotto mike. You think Jack should "hang" in there. Go hang yourself robot. You must be kin to that Konane fu**r. Two cavities, but not a cell in sight. Jack's purse is full. BUTT U B lacking, lacko mikr.

Luckier Lady, U luv Jack? Dats whut PM's are for.

Good luck to all yu hoomans. I'm taking the rest of the year off. Maybe for life.

Jack, I apologise for it taking so long to respond. A sledge hammer accidently fell on my puter, richocheted to my keyboard and killed a mouse in the process. That left me with a ugly moniter. Put it to good use. Painted a smiley face on it, shot it right between the eyes. The implosion was hilarious. Thanks for having the best blog on the net. I'll be gone by the time you read this, so if you feel inclined to thank me I'm inclined to say you're welcome in advance.

Best wishes,
Avatar Rip Snorter -
Hasta la vista baby

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