Police state creep: DHS checkpoints



Police State creep: DHS to run local sobriety checkpoints

by Joel McDurmon on Sep 3, 2012

They have the power to stop, arrest, and even draw blood from those they suspect of DWI. So much for the “Volunteer State.”

Teri Webster writes for Examiner.com:

The Department of Homeland Security is sending out its state watchdogs to arrest drunk drivers and draw their blood over Labor Day weekend.

It echoes of a national trend of the increasing presence of federal police and military troops on our streets. And the state of Tennessee is a pioneer in the ghastly movement.

In Tennessee, suspected drunk drivers will be subject to forced testing for blood alcohol levels. A new law allows police to get warrants and draw blood samples from people who appear to be driving impaired. Additionally, drivers can expect  to see more sobriety checkpoints over the Labor Day weekend.

Tennessee has touted itself as the first state in the nation to have Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers conducting random searches on its streets. Echoing DHS’s “See Something, Say Something” program, drivers are also urged to call authorities if they see something suspicious. . . .

No one wants drunk drivers on the road. But whether we need a zealous arm of the federal Department of Homeland Security involved in local police patrols is another issue.

Continue Reading on www.examiner.com



Entry #311


Avatar rdgrnr -
Yep, in Tennessee we don't have to go to the airport to get frisked and felt up and x-rayed by the TSA.
They yank us out of our vehicles right here and make us prove we aren't drunk or otherwise impaired.
And if we don't cooperate, they'll forcibly draw blood from us.
This is just a taste of the Obama-Nation to come if he's re-elected.
And we won't be talking about it here on the internet when it happens either.
He has already given himself authority to shut it down in a "national emergency".
Avatar Tenaj -
It's Bush who did the "Patriot Act" in the name of a fake war. But Obama got Bin Laden. Don't get it twisted.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Obama renewed the Patriot Act after he said he would rescind it and it is here now.
He sent the TSA here to TN last year to conduct unwarranted searches on innocent Americans at will just to get us used to being under the federal thumb and know that there's nothing we can do about it.
And this is just the beginning.
If you don't value your freedom, vote for him.
Avatar jackpotismine -
They do that here in China. I expect it!!! In America? The land of the free? Ha..ha. It's getting really scary how much power is being taken away from us.
Avatar sully16 -
T M'ER F'ERS, sntsefootunrbitfhrn.
Avatar Rick G -
If they didn't take an oath of office, then they are not public trustees and have as much authority over you as your neighbor does. This makes those INDIVIDUALS liable for criminal charges and law suits.

Just say 'No' and if they violate you, take the individual to court and sue their ass off for impersonating a public officer and violating your 4th Amendment rights. You will win because a private citizen cannot detain another citizen unless he has seen a crime committed. Otherwise, it's kidnapping and worthy of criminal charges. When in court, ask to see the individual's oath of office. They can't provide one and therefore have no authority or jurisdiction over you. Sue the individual for a couple million. Once these individuals start amassing monetary claims against them, the others won't be so quick to violate your rights.

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