GOP emphasis on values fails when it comes to politics!


Republicans,especially the evangelicals,believe that they have morality to the exclusion of everyone else in the world.They also have ab air of supercilious religious correctness on how everyone else should live.They are disciples of the family values man,Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council,who thinks he is the expert on what is moral.Honesty is also their espoused virtue.

All of the Republicans' morality and honesty failed into oblivion when it came to their politics.Just one example of this is when the speakers at their convention spent much of their time lying by taking out of context a statement made by President Obama.They obviously hate this man with great passion.

The president's statement that successful businesses did not make it on their own was to point out what was obvious to all but Republicans,that all businesses in our great nation are helped to achieve their success by using everything our country has and will have available to make success possible.This did not suggest that owners of business did not work hard and smart to achieve success.This was an outrageous Republican spin and an outright Lie.

Just how successful would our businesses be in Rwanda,Zimbabwe or Uganda/Have you ever heard of anyone going there to live,let alone start a new business?

Entry #110


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