UN Passes Small Arms Treaty While Media Invents Romney Gaffs



The United Nations Small Arms Treaty passed in its second session. The Media was silent over its passage.

According to the UN’s press release,

Concluding its two-week session today, the second United Nations conference to review the 2001 Programme of Action on trafficking in small arms and light weapons adopted a consensus outcome document that highlighted the international community’s renewed commitment to preventing, combating and eradicating the illicit trade.

The document’s adoption represented a major achievement for delegations, who had failed to agree on a final outcome at the first review conference, held in 2006. “We accomplished something great today,” said U. Joy Ogwu ( Nigeria), President of the Conference, formally known as the United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.

According to the text, Member States renewed their pledge to rid the world of the scourge brought upon it by the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of small arms and light weapons, and their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many parts of the world. They also committed to mobilizing the necessary political will and resources to implement the Programme of Action and the International Tracing Instrument, with the aim of achieving clear and tangible results over the next six years, through 2018.

Further by the text, States emphasized that the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons continued to sustain conflicts, exacerbate armed violence, undermine respect for international humanitarian law and international human rights law, aid terrorism and illegal armed groups, and facilitate increasing levels of transnational organized crime, as well as trafficking in humans, drugs and certain natural resources.



Those in a panic over the expected loss of 2nd Amendment rights, should the UN Small Arms Treaty be adopted, need to understand two very important facts:

1)  the Treaty has no chance of garnering the 2/3rds vote necessary for senate approval; and

2)  a real UN sponsored threat to gun rights in the US and globally does exist, going under the acronym of ISACS,  “International Small Arms Control Standards.”

The UN has been actively working to disarm private individuals and a fair number of nations for thirty years. From its inception in 1982 to the current United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, the organization promotes not only nuclear disarmament, but also and perhaps most especially “disarmament efforts in the area of conventional weapons, especially land mines and small arms…”

And 3 decades of effort have resulted in a program which hopes to impose international standards on virtually everything having to do with the types of weapons owned by some 130 million American citizens. For in its “Working Outline,” ISACS means to create and make mandatory:

1.) National controls over the manufacture of small arms and light weapons

2.) National controls over the end-user and end-use of internationally transferred small arms and light weapons

3.) National controls over the access of civilians to small arms and light weapons

4.) Stockpile management over both storage and DESTRUCTION of weapons and ammunition

5.) International legal cooperation, criminal offenses and investigations

Phase 1 in the United Nations scheme is the same that has been dreamed of for years by gun grabbing organizations in the United States, mandatory and universal gun registration. Offered under the ISACS protocol as a necessary means for the tracing of weapons which have been put to illegal use, ISACS means to collect, catalogue and offer to law enforcement agencies worldwide the following information on every gun owned by either state or private citizen:  make, model, caliber, serial number, country of manufacture, physical characteristics such as barrel length, type of action, magazine capacity and naturally all pertinent information on the owner. Of course pictures are also preferred!

According to its project summary, this immense, internationally accessible data base would make possible “…the timely and reliable domestic tracing of illicit small arms and light weapons from their manufacture, import…up to the last legal possessor of the weapon…”   Naturally the ability to trace ammunition would also be mandatory which means all bullets would have to be marked and their purchasers made part of the same worldwide network responsible for the tracking of guns!

After the global system of registration has been adopted by each UN member nation, Phase 2 of the ISACS plan will be implemented. And that of course involves the “Control Standards” incorporated in the ISACS acronym. This part of the scheme is defined as the ability of the United Nations to “work as one” with the nations of the world, or more properly, to impose standards of conduct and performance on a worldwide basis, blissfully ignoring the various laws of each nation along with the rights of their citizens.

Nothing like dictatorial authority to make a system run without a hitch!  And should anyone wonder, the UN makes it clear “the primary beneficiaries of ISACS will be people all over the world who live in fear of their lives, as well as those of family and loved ones…”  Isn’t it always the case that those who demand absolute power claim it is really for our own good!

So, although the Small Arms Treaty contains provisions contrary to the right of the American people to keep and bear arms, it bears repeating that any organization committed to the unlimited extension and exercise of its own power is prone to attack from more than one direction. The UN has engaged in that practice for decades and won’t rest until it has disarmed the American public.

Entry #33


Avatar MADDOG10 -
It's never going to happen. The American people will never surrender their Arms to third world strategist.........!
Avatar Piaceri -
MADDOG, that may be, but the current president has proven himself to be a liar of the first order. He and his secty of state support this and they are the heads of their party. If re-elected, Obama will have more 'flexibility' for his agenda. Do not dismiss the threat of UN control of small arms in one form or another.
Avatar rdgrnr -
The John Birch Society has been saying it for decades: "Get the US out of the United Nations and get the United Nations out of the US."
We don't need U Joy Ogwu from Nigeria or any other third-world idiots telling us what to do.
They consistently overrule and work against American interests and serve no purpose for us.
It's just a big den of spies who work to steal our secrets and to ultimately destroy us.
Which is why the Democrats love them.
Throw their asses out of our country.

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