Who did the president include during this shut down?


It's incredible that 42% of Americans think that this unqualified,
incompetent, dishonorable, ego-driven President is doing a good job. Take a
moment. Admit it to yourself. You know who his supporters are. They are the
people that YOU support -financially.

Did you notice who Obama threatened when he wasn't getting his way on
raising the debt ceiling? He threatened to not pay:

Ø Social Security retirees

Ø Military retirees

Ø Social security

Ø Disability

Ø Federal retirees

Now let this sink in really good...

Ø He did not threaten to stop payments to illegal aliens

Ø He did not threatened to take frivolous benefits such as internet access
away from violent inmates

Ø He did not offer to fire some of the thousands of unnecessary federal
employees that he hired

Ø He did not offer to cut down on his or his wife's frivolous gallivanting
around. $20 million already spent on family vacations. (One million on a FL
golf outing alone). All our TAX money...why not?

Ø He did not threaten to not pay the senators and representatives or any of
their staff

Ø He did not threaten to take benefits away from welfare recipients

Ø He did not threaten the food stamp programs

Ø He did not threaten to reduce payments in foreign aid

Ø He did not threaten to cut back on anything that involves his base voters.

The list could go on and on. He is in full political mode!

Why are we allowing this person to destroy this wonderful country with his
selfishness and his lies? Have WE lost our blooming minds??

In 2014, Support the people in the House and Senate that are willing to cut
taxes and spending.

LET'S MAKE 2014 THE Beginning of a turn around!

Entry #127


Avatar emilyg -
Thank you.   Vote with your head - not your heart.
Avatar lilluv -
A turn around to what ? My granny and aunts, social security is already threaten by Republican, who wanted and got the President to cartel index of #SS that mean they will not be getting an cost of living raise as needed in order to afford and maintain their lively hood. One other question, what 's your crowd obsession with the poor and feeding children. I would like to know without a lot of name calling and profanity, matter of fact we all would like to know. You see we are researching different ideas and what at the root of people anger.
Avatar inittowin -
lilluv are you lilspeedy hiding behind a different screen name?

If you go back and research for yourself, you will find that any down falls to the SS benifits, have ALWAYS been under a democratic president! True story! Look it up with both eyes open this time.
You crack me up...

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