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Playing the lottery online (over the Internet)


One of the most common questions we are asked is, "Can I play a government lottery game like Powerball or Mega Millions online legally?"

If you live in the United States, our answer is, "We don't know."  If you live outside the United States, that would depend on your government's interpretation of various laws regarding ticket ownership and so forth.  There is no easy answer (unless you live in the United Kingdom, in which case you can officially play the lottery online).

Whatever you decide to do, we'd like to offer three important recommendations:

  1. If you can't use a credit card or direct electronic bank account transfer, then don't do it.  (Payment services such as PayPal do in fact utilize both of those payment methods, so they are fine.)  If you can't use either a credit card or bank account, there is probably a good reason why not.  Avoid anything requiring a wire transfer or Western Union.  Setting aside whatever laws you may be breaking, you have absolutely no protection from fraud.
  2. A big, flashy website does not mean it is a legitimate company.  It just means they spent money on a web designer.  Case in point is the rash of websites that claim to offer lottery tickets for just about any USA lottery game.  These sites are not buying the lottery tickets that they claim to.  Want to know if they are legitimate?  If you see a label or graphic at the bottom that states "Insured By..." then get away fast.  That is code for "We don't really buy the tickets."  It is frightening to think how many people use sites like that.
  3. There are a few huge pyramid schemes on the Internet.  Don't be lured into using any of them.  If you are being asked to join a "syndicate", it is almost certainly a pyramid scheme.  We are not aware of any legitimate site on the Internet that uses the word "syndicate".

Hopefully these tips will help.  We understand it is very confusing, and we're sorry we can't do more to clear it up for you.  Use your common sense and skepticism everywhere you go.

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