Iraqi's Oregon jackpot raises questions on lottery sales

Dec 13, 2015, 3:34 pm (48 comments)

Insider Buzz

SEATTLE — The man from Baghdad showed up unannounced this month in a state office building in Salem, Ore., with a piece of paper in his hand that he said was worth $6.4 million. He politely asked that his name be kept quiet, then told state officials that he had set up a local bank account into which they should deposit money annually. And then he went away, richer and more mysterious than when he arrived.

It was not an ordinary day at the Oregon Lottery.

The story started with small details, lottery officials said, and became bigger from there: The man was 37, an Iraqi Kurd. He had recently arrived in the United States from his home in Baghdad, and he said in fine English that he had won the Oregon Megabucks lottery drawing in late August by possessing the six correct numbers — without ever having visited the state.

The ticket, lottery officials learned, had been bought through, a company based in the island nation of Malta in the Mediterranean Sea, but had been printed out in a little deli on the outskirts of Bend, Ore., called Binky's.

Lottery officials' jaws dropped. Then they picked up the phone, calling the Department of Justice and Interpol. Was the man who he said he was, a successful businessman who had bought his ticket online? Was he on any kind of watch list? And how on earth would a lottery ticket from Binky's, of all places, end up in the possession of a man from halfway around the world?

But there was more: Despite Oregon laws that make lottery winners' names public, the man wanted anonymity. His life, and the lives of members of his family, he said, could be put in danger back home if his new net worth became known.

He told lottery officials that he had set up a bank account in Oregon where he wanted the first of 20 annual payments of $158,720 to be deposited, and that he intended to give the money to his two sons. arranges lottery ticket sales from around the world to buyers from all corners. It boasts of having "official tickets for all the world's biggest lotteries" — including Powerball in the United States and EuroMillions in France — as well as "100 percent commission-free wins."

Sean J. Riddell, a lawyer for thelotter, said the Oregon Lottery winner was still in the United States, but declined a request for an interview. Nor, Mr. Riddell said, would the man comment on his work or other details of his life in Iraq, or how he had acquired his visa to come to the United States.

The Oregon Lottery's director, Jack Roberts, said that an investigation was continuing into whether international lottery ticket sales are entirely legal — he said he had his doubts — but that the winner had done nothing wrong as far as anyone could determine. Everything checked out, Mr. Robert said, most crucially the six winning numbers on the ticket.

So the check was cut. Mr. Roberts said "yes" to anonymity, as well, although he added that a court could overrule him if the decision was challenged.

"I didn't want to be responsible if one of his kids gets kidnapped," Mr. Roberts said. "It's my decision that the need for his safety outweighs the public's need to know."

Foreign residents have played and won American state lotteries before. A group of Australians won $27.6 million in the Virginia Lottery in 1992. But that was before Internet commerce or online gambling existed in any widespread form.

In 2012, two foreign residents won prizes through tickets in United States lotteries bought through thelotter, the company said, although those prizes were much smaller than the one claimed by the Iraqi man: $1.25 million between the two winners.

Lottery laws are in many cases decades old and less than clear, legal experts said. Although a few states have experimented with online lottery sales, federal law makes it illegal to sell lottery tickets across state lines unless allowed by both states. Gambling online, with the exception of bets on horse racing, is legal only in Nevada, New Jersey and Delaware.

But in cases like this, in which the lottery ticket was bought over the counter, not through the Internet, the uncertainty runs deeper still.

"I think thelotter is at best in a gray area of legality," said Keith C. Miller, who teaches gambling law at Drake University in Des Moines.

Another prominent gambling expert, I. Nelson Rose, a professor of law at Whittier Law School in Costa Mesa, Calif., went firmly the other way.

"I think it probably was 100 percent legal," he said, referring to the Oregon transaction.

Thelotter said in an email that it made no wagers itself, or transferred any lottery tickets by mail or Internet, but that it instead provided what it called "a messenger service," using people who walk into shops like Binky's and plunk money on the counter. On its website, the company says that it makes its money in transaction fees for the ticket purchases and that it collects no percentage of winnings.

"We physically purchase the official tickets through our reliable and secure local offices located in more than 25 countries and make a scanned copy available to the players' secure personal accounts, which confirms their ownership," the company said in an email. "When a player wins, he is entitled to claim the prize in person."

Actual lottery tickets, the company added, are "never owned by us but only kept in a secured location on behalf of the customer until he claims his prize." The company said it had "handed over winning tickets" valued at more than $35 million.

In Oregon, it was up to Mr. Riddell to provide proof that the local chain of custody of the winning ticket was unbroken from its purchase in August until the winner's arrival, just in case any questions arose. He dispatched a private investigator to Bend to make sure. Finally, the ticket went into a bank safe deposit box.

Back at Binky's, Christmas came early with a $64,000 check that arrived out of the blue, a 1 percent bonus from the Oregon Lottery for having sold a winning ticket.

Judie Bell-Putas, 80, who owns the shop with her son — with a grandson behind the counter helping out with soup and sandwiches — said she had no idea who bought the ticket in August on behalf of the company in Malta, and that she did not much care.

"We're going to be using it to take care of the stuff we really need, and keep things going," Ms. Bell-Putas said.

NY Times, Lottery Post Staff


Tialuvslotto's avatarTialuvslotto

Interesting article.  Probably time to update the laws to account for internet sales internationally -- either to permit them or ban them.

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Maybe it should be legal or an American to set up a butler service for lottery tickets and charge 3X the regular price per ticket, at least the profits could be taxed.

sully16's avatarsully16

" A successful businessman" " With his new net worth" lol,

I caught that, thanks for the story Todd, clears up some of the mystery. Not all, just some.

mypiemaster's avatarmypiemaster

There is nothing questionable about it. A guy walks into the store and purchases some tickets, just like you and I. Before you know it, those nasty politicians with a little p, will try to screw it up for all of us again.


Quote: Originally posted by mypiemaster on Dec 13, 2015

There is nothing questionable about it. A guy walks into the store and purchases some tickets, just like you and I. Before you know it, those nasty politicians with a little p, will try to screw it up for all of us again.

I Agree!-...This guy won because the game was advertised where he was. He was convinced that he had as much of a chance of winning as people living in Oregon.End of Story.


"And how on earth would a lottery ticket from Binky's, of all places, end up in the possession of a man from halfway around the world?"

I could understand if it was the Wyoming or another relatively new state lottery, but someone at the Oregon Lottery should know about lottery butler services. The legality is interesting because the winning ticket never left the U.S. and the butler service charged their fee up front.

IMO, as for granting anonymity, any future Megabucks jackpot winner now has a claim. Opinions aside, there is no Oregon law preventing butler services from buying and selling tickets or paying foreign players.

music*'s avatarmusic*

Could <snip> have it correct and be leading us into international lottery play? With all the unknown variables becoming known in the future.

 The unintended consequences are mind blowing.What?

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I wish they (thelotter) bought the PB and MM tickets in Delaware, I might just pay their fee for anonymity.


I wonder if any questions would have been asked if the winner had arrived from London, Paris or Tel Aviv..!Our prejudices against Muslims show up even at the most unexpected places..Give the winner his money and let cry babies keep on crying..! Let us not change "goal posts" or rules whenever "others" who we'd prefer not to win - become winners..


I posted this to the previous article about the Oregon lotto, and yes I did check my source and chatted with someone in the Lotter.  And so US laws does not allow its citizen to purchase online why does that courtesy apply to other countries? 

The LOtter only allows customers to buy if they ARE NOT from the USA.  If you try to register from the states you will not able to get pass log in.   I don't know why Lottery Post even put their banner to support them if it's only for foreigners and not for disable citizens or someone who want the internet convenience - sounds very fishy to me.  If someone from Iraq could buy a ticket online, I feel I should have that right to purchase tickets online and have the same opportunity as a customers like all the customers from the foreign countries especially since I am from this country!  LOTTER --- SOME KIND OF FOREIGN MONEY LAUNDERING BUSINESS- VERY VERY VERY FISHY !!!  I'm not a hater but I think business both online or offline  should expand the same rights to all customers.  I hope someone will start a petition to ban them.  If other countries citizens can buy from the US, we should be able to buy from them as well  wouldn't you think?

And as for the person who stated about the bank transaction to register if its legal they would put it on their website now wouldn't they?

RJOh's avatarRJOh

Quote: Originally posted by lotpot711 on Dec 13, 2015

I posted this to the previous article about the Oregon lotto, and yes I did check my source and chatted with someone in the Lotter.  And so US laws does not allow its citizen to purchase online why does that courtesy apply to other countries? 

The LOtter only allows customers to buy if they ARE NOT from the USA.  If you try to register from the states you will not able to get pass log in.   I don't know why Lottery Post even put their banner to support them if it's only for foreigners and not for disable citizens or someone who want the internet convenience - sounds very fishy to me.  If someone from Iraq could buy a ticket online, I feel I should have that right to purchase tickets online and have the same opportunity as a customers like all the customers from the foreign countries especially since I am from this country!  LOTTER --- SOME KIND OF FOREIGN MONEY LAUNDERING BUSINESS- VERY VERY VERY FISHY !!!  I'm not a hater but I think business both online or offline  should expand the same rights to all customers.  I hope someone will start a petition to ban them.  If other countries citizens can buy from the US, we should be able to buy from them as well  wouldn't you think?

And as for the person who stated about the bank transaction to register if its legal they would put it on their website now wouldn't they?

Your assumptions that only citizens of the U.S. visit LP website are wrong, haven't you noticed that many of the posts are from all over the world?


I was stating a fact about being a US citizen's right to purchase online same as all customers and the fact that this business is run frm a different country other than the US and yet selling US lotteries to everyone else but the US's citizen, funny isn't it?    No there was no assumption!  Maybe some of you here support and build that website and is benefiting from them too? Just saying it doesn't take much to build a website.


Quote: Originally posted by GARGANTULA on Dec 13, 2015

I wonder if any questions would have been asked if the winner had arrived from London, Paris or Tel Aviv..!Our prejudices against Muslims show up even at the most unexpected places..Give the winner his money and let cry babies keep on crying..! Let us not change "goal posts" or rules whenever "others" who we'd prefer not to win - become winners..

"Our prejudices against Muslims show up even at the most unexpected places."

To me, it looks more odd that a Baghdad, Iraq resident won an Oregon Lotto jackpot and obviously very logical people have questions. The article doesn't mention religion so any assumptions about prejudices is yours.

"I was stating a fact about being a US citizen's right to purchase online same as all customers and the fact that this business is run frm a different country other than the US and yet selling US lotteries to everyone else but the US's citizen, funny isn't it? "

Online lottery ticket purchases are not a Right and irrelevant because the winning ticket in this article was not purchased online. You're making an argument about something that never happened.


Quote: Originally posted by noise-gate on Dec 13, 2015

I Agree!-...This guy won because the game was advertised where he was. He was convinced that he had as much of a chance of winning as people living in Oregon.End of Story.

Maybe not because there is a possible conspiracy theory; the Oregon drawing is RNG, Tipton sold his "self destruct" program to someone in Oregon who rigged the drawing so the prize money would go to a terrorist organization (don't let the 20 year payments fool you). Wink

Hiding Behind Computer


Stack were you another group they pay to go to the next gas station to get that ticket? People with logical minds should know that the transaction was made online and then made by walking into a random deli to get the the measly amount of what the original ticket's worth because it was charged triple,  I would gladly pay for that if I was extended the same right and here is why I think US citizen should have that same right if they choose to do that transaction online, I could care less if the person who win regardless of color or race we all should be able to buy from a country we're from if it was offer to other people.


My only fear is that could our lotteries now support and help terrorist and their causes. I know that there is no way to tell but this really makes me wonder what the hell we are doing here.


"To me, it looks more odd that a Baghdad, Iraq resident won an Oregon Lotto jackpot and obviously very logical people have questions. The article doesn't mention religion so any assumptions about prejudices is yours."

C'mon Mister...Baghdad is not a place where you'd find Southern Christians...! You know and I know that we have overtly and covertly prejudices in our country..Puhleez, spare me from your "assumption theory"....


What an absurd statement...! Wow..! This NY Mr. You Are Fired has really brainwashed you and a small segment of our society with his venom. Now I believe how Jim Jones convinced thousands of people in Guyana to drink cyanide. Those were people like you who believe everything you see or hear from television..! We are doomed..!


Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others. Individuals with this traits may be hypersensitive, easily feel slighted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, potentially not appreciating other evidence.

The article was about online gambling with the ticket bought in person ( I presume lotter has offices or affiliates), so how do we end up with this twisted and convoluted ' conspiracy theories' of lottery funding terrorist?. The world is connecting, Lp epitomized this with members from every country, change is always hard for some folks.Everybody or most people are aware of online site where you can wage P3,P4 from any country, US included . The question that should be posed, is why the restriction for US citizens on lotter site? Why can't you wage pick 3 online even within the US?


Quote: Originally posted by Stack47 on Dec 13, 2015

Maybe not because there is a possible conspiracy theory; the Oregon drawing is RNG, Tipton sold his "self destruct" program to someone in Oregon who rigged the drawing so the prize money would go to a terrorist organization (don't let the 20 year payments fool you). Wink

Hiding Behind Computer

Ok l will go along with your " Conspiracy Theory" Stack- btw -These are Kurd women.

Image result for kurdsand a Kurd Man Image result for kurd men

Now picture either walking into the Oregon Lottery Office and telling the main guy " l have the winning ticket right here- could you please cut me my check....... please? "  Oh Yes, of course!!


Quote: Originally posted by lotpot711 on Dec 13, 2015

Stack were you another group they pay to go to the next gas station to get that ticket? People with logical minds should know that the transaction was made online and then made by walking into a random deli to get the the measly amount of what the original ticket's worth because it was charged triple,  I would gladly pay for that if I was extended the same right and here is why I think US citizen should have that same right if they choose to do that transaction online, I could care less if the person who win regardless of color or race we all should be able to buy from a country we're from if it was offer to other people.

We know someone purchased a large number of Oregon Lotto tickets for <snip>. at an Oregon Lottery retailer. And a guy from Baghdad, Iraq showed up at Oregon Lottery headquarters with a jackpot winning ticket. The Oregon Lottery didn't sell the ticket online, the ticket wasn't bought online, and from their perception there was nothing different than another lotto winner.

"I think US citizen should have that same right if they choose to do that transaction online, I could care less if the person who win regardless of color or race we all should be able to buy from a country we're from if it was offer to other people. "

I agree, but it might take years before we get National and the same International online gaming other countries now enjoy.

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Quote: Originally posted by noise-gate on Dec 14, 2015

Ok l will go along with your " Conspiracy Theory" Stack- btw -These are Kurd women.

Image result for kurdsand a Kurd Man Image result for kurd men

Now picture either walking into the Oregon Lottery Office and telling the main guy " l have the winning ticket right here- could you please cut me my check....... please? "  Oh Yes, of course!!


mypiemaster's avatarmypiemaster

Quote: Originally posted by lotpot711 on Dec 13, 2015

I posted this to the previous article about the Oregon lotto, and yes I did check my source and chatted with someone in the Lotter.  And so US laws does not allow its citizen to purchase online why does that courtesy apply to other countries? 

The LOtter only allows customers to buy if they ARE NOT from the USA.  If you try to register from the states you will not able to get pass log in.   I don't know why Lottery Post even put their banner to support them if it's only for foreigners and not for disable citizens or someone who want the internet convenience - sounds very fishy to me.  If someone from Iraq could buy a ticket online, I feel I should have that right to purchase tickets online and have the same opportunity as a customers like all the customers from the foreign countries especially since I am from this country!  LOTTER --- SOME KIND OF FOREIGN MONEY LAUNDERING BUSINESS- VERY VERY VERY FISHY !!!  I'm not a hater but I think business both online or offline  should expand the same rights to all customers.  I hope someone will start a petition to ban them.  If other countries citizens can buy from the US, we should be able to buy from them as well  wouldn't you think?

And as for the person who stated about the bank transaction to register if its legal they would put it on their website now wouldn't they?

Enough of this misinformation and hysteria already. Go and read my response to your post at "Man in Iraq wins $6.4 million Oregon Lottery jackpot". It is on their website. After you sign up, go to My Account's section and go from there. Some people in the USA are actually members. If you can't sign up, that does not mean that the rest of us can't. When you sign up, you see how you can make a deposit to your account.

mypiemaster's avatarmypiemaster

Quote: Originally posted by lotpot711 on Dec 13, 2015

Stack were you another group they pay to go to the next gas station to get that ticket? People with logical minds should know that the transaction was made online and then made by walking into a random deli to get the the measly amount of what the original ticket's worth because it was charged triple,  I would gladly pay for that if I was extended the same right and here is why I think US citizen should have that same right if they choose to do that transaction online, I could care less if the person who win regardless of color or race we all should be able to buy from a country we're from if it was offer to other people.

You are beating a dead horse. This ONLINE thing is stuck in your head. If your friend/family abroad wants you to buy them tickets{PBALL/MM} and are willing to pay you for your troubles, are you going to say NO?. Like I said before, when you get to My Account, click on Banking and you can see a crapload of ways to pay. I tried to post some stuff but was zapped by ADMIN computer. Stop the hysteria.

sully16's avatarsully16

Quote: Originally posted by Stack47 on Dec 13, 2015

"And how on earth would a lottery ticket from Binky's, of all places, end up in the possession of a man from halfway around the world?"

I could understand if it was the Wyoming or another relatively new state lottery, but someone at the Oregon Lottery should know about lottery butler services. The legality is interesting because the winning ticket never left the U.S. and the butler service charged their fee up front.

IMO, as for granting anonymity, any future Megabucks jackpot winner now has a claim. Opinions aside, there is no Oregon law preventing butler services from buying and selling tickets or paying foreign players.

Stack knows these things, he's a big lottery winner, ask him his secret. PartyParty


Quote: Originally posted by mypiemaster on Dec 14, 2015

You are beating a dead horse. This ONLINE thing is stuck in your head. If your friend/family abroad wants you to buy them tickets{PBALL/MM} and are willing to pay you for your troubles, are you going to say NO?. Like I said before, when you get to My Account, click on Banking and you can see a crapload of ways to pay. I tried to post some stuff but was zapped by ADMIN computer. Stop the hysteria.

Agree 100%, if one of my English relatives whom I've never met wanted a PB/MM ticket it would be done.  I wish the Dept of Justice would turn a blind eye to the 1961 law forbidding sales of lottery tickets over the phone and now I suppose Internet.  You know it takes the government years for any progress.  Frankly I'm surprised they had to give in and put forms, etc on-line.  They had no choice.

As an ACLU member years ago I e-mailed them about this saying I perceive this as a violation of my First Amendment rights...their response...None!  I figured what the heck, seems like everyone and their Mother's Son is on the bandwagon stating this is wrong, that is wrong and it was my turn to rant.


Back the subject, it was not purchased on-line, a physical person walked in and bought the winning ticket.  I don't give a rat's behind where the owner of the ticket came from, his/her religion/nationality what have you.  Does it affect anyone here:  NO.


Remember to get your Mega Millions/Powerball tickets....tomorrow is the big 60 for me and $74 million would be a nice way so say good riddance to the decade of being in the 50's.

Todd's avatarTodd

Quote: Originally posted by GARGANTULA on Dec 13, 2015

I wonder if any questions would have been asked if the winner had arrived from London, Paris or Tel Aviv..!Our prejudices against Muslims show up even at the most unexpected places..Give the winner his money and let cry babies keep on crying..! Let us not change "goal posts" or rules whenever "others" who we'd prefer not to win - become winners..

Why, yes, actually, when people from foreign countries have won in the past they have been questioned like this.  In fact, this Iraqi was provided special dispensation by the Oregon Lottery, allowing him to claim the jackpot anonymously, whereas any US citizen -- or likely anyone from London, Paris, or Tel Aviv -- would not have been afforded the same benefit.

So the "goal posts" were in fact changed for this guy -- to his benefit.

Progressives are always so quick to point their wagging fingers at people to condemn them.  Probably to mask the fact that their own ideology by definition tries to shut down the free exchange of ideas, especially the ideas that are different from their own, all in an attempt to impose their doe-eyed view of the world on everyone.  That is bigotry and tyranny.


Quote: Originally posted by GARGANTULA on Dec 13, 2015

"To me, it looks more odd that a Baghdad, Iraq resident won an Oregon Lotto jackpot and obviously very logical people have questions. The article doesn't mention religion so any assumptions about prejudices is yours."

C'mon Mister...Baghdad is not a place where you'd find Southern Christians...! You know and I know that we have overtly and covertly prejudices in our country..Puhleez, spare me from your "assumption theory"....

I read a statistic that over 97% of Iraqis are Muslims so it's not really a leap to assume the Oregon lotto jackpot winner from Iraq probably followed Islam. I also read there are 828 million Hindus in India so it's very likely a similar jackpot winner from some regions in India would be a Hindu.

You can call it religious prejudices, but it's just the same old jackpot envy we see when an average American wins a jackpot.

savagegoose's avatarsavagegoose

I am glad for the guy that thelotter seems legit. if i lived in sopme place that doesnt allow me to buy lottery tickets , who knows, i might be forced to pay their  fees.  good for him i hope. its all of us with a dollar and a dream can hope for, or in his case, $4 and a dream.

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