Massachusetts woman spent lottery winnings to help homeless man

Feb 16, 2016, 5:33 pm (37 comments)

Massachusetts Lottery

A Massachusetts woman won the lottery, and quickly spent all the reward money to help a homeless man on Saturday.

After her selfless act, Sofia Lorena also set up a GoFundMe for Glenn Williams, the homeless man she met just seconds after winning $200 on a scratch ticket, she said.

The crowdfunded charity has already raised more than $1,900 in less than 24 hours for Williams, who encountered Lorena on Saturday night while standing in the frigid cold in Wareham.

Lorena, a single mother of three, said she saw him after she won $200 from a scratch-off ticket and looked up from her car and noticed Williams, shivering in -8 degrees weather with a sign that read, "Anything Would Help."

She bought him a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts and asked where he was going to sleep that night, she said on her Facebook post.

When she learned he was going to be left to the streets that freezing night, Lorena decided to use her luck for good.

From Sofia Lorena on Saturday, February 13, 2016:

Tonight i won $200 on a scratch ticket..i was so excited until i looked up and met Glenn. He was holding a homeless sign his hands shook and he was crying as the negetive degree wind whipped his face. I rolled down my window and offered to buy him coffee which he was hestistant but greatful to accept. As we drove to Dunkins i asked him where he was going to sleep he said he didnt know so on the way i called the local and other homeless shelters within a 10 mile spots. It was then i knew why i won the $200, God placed Glenn in my path for a reason, so i drove him to the Rosewood Inn in Wareham and paid for a 2 night stay.
Ive never seen a grown man cry he began praying and telling me i was angel. If anyone was an extra warm outfit or warm leftovers and want to donate to him hes in room 16. I know how greatful he would be. As you lay down snuggled up in warmth just remember how lucky you are bc with the wind chill its in the negatives. So tonight i know my new friend Glenn is warm...

"It was then I knew why I won the $200," she said. "So I drove him to the Rosewood Inn in Wareham and paid for a two-night stay."

Since Saturday, she's helped raise even more money to get Williams another week's stay at a hotel, buying him time while she looks for more stable housing options, she said.

She said her friends have also been helping by sending food and clothes for Williams.

"I have honestly been so overwhelmed with the generosity of people coming together to help a man who has touched my heart in so many ways," Lorena said.

Williams had been homeless for three years and getting rest in sleeping bags and tents until their lucky encounter, she said.

News story photo(Click to display full-size in gallery)

Daily News


dallascowboyfan's avatardallascowboyfan

Such a lovely act of kindness by Sofia Blue Angel may God bless the both of you.

geerod2001's avatargeerod2001

Yes,truly an angel.


They say charity begins at home and she is a perfect example of what we are all capable of.


When the needs of others come first she responded in true Christian fashion.


Bless her for her generosity toward another fellow human being.


What a nice thing to do. 

Last week I was filling up at the gas station and saw a guy who was a 20 something asking people for something and they all said no and turned him away. When i came out of the store to fill up on fuel, he came up to me and told me that he got kicked out of his efficiency because he didn't have the 250 bucks. He was wearing a Wendy's uniform with a name tag.

His friends were supposed to pick him up and take him to a friend's house about 8 miles north of where I lived. The gas station I was filling up was literally a few blocks away from where I live, so I told him that it was too far. So he went back to the front of the store waiting for someone else to drive in. The night was cold and he was shivering because he only had a shirt on. I felt so bad seeing him shiver that I gave him a ride to his friend's house.

Normally I wouldn't give a ride because of the dangers of giving rides, but deep down I knew he was ok. He thanked me all the way there. I told him that all I asked in return was for him to help someone in the future when they needed it. He was happy and my conscience was happy.

eddessaknight's avatareddessaknight

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy....

The Corporal Works of Mercy
1 Feed the Hungry
2 Give drink to the thirsty
3 Clothe the naked Blue Angel
4 Shelter the homeless
5 Comfort the imprisoned
6 Visit the sick
7 Bury the dead


God Bless Sofia, et al

Eddessa_Knight with Light Sun Smiley

dallascowboyfan's avatardallascowboyfan

Quote: Originally posted by amber123 on Feb 16, 2016

What a nice thing to do. 

Last week I was filling up at the gas station and saw a guy who was a 20 something asking people for something and they all said no and turned him away. When i came out of the store to fill up on fuel, he came up to me and told me that he got kicked out of his efficiency because he didn't have the 250 bucks. He was wearing a Wendy's uniform with a name tag.

His friends were supposed to pick him up and take him to a friend's house about 8 miles north of where I lived. The gas station I was filling up was literally a few blocks away from where I live, so I told him that it was too far. So he went back to the front of the store waiting for someone else to drive in. The night was cold and he was shivering because he only had a shirt on. I felt so bad seeing him shiver that I gave him a ride to his friend's house.

Normally I wouldn't give a ride because of the dangers of giving rides, but deep down I knew he was ok. He thanked me all the way there. I told him that all I asked in return was for him to help someone in the future when they needed it. He was happy and my conscience was happy.

Aww... nice story Amber you are a good person Blue Angel

Dd2160's avatarDd2160

There are truly Angels among us!!!

music*'s avatarmusic*

 Good Samaritans spreading love and kindness.


mypiemaster's avatarmypiemaster

Thumbs UpThe universe will pay her back. One day she will be as rich and popular as the world famous Sophia Loren. Beautiful inside and out.


What a nice woman, I hope she receives many blessings for her kindness. Thumbs Up

TheGameGrl's avatarTheGameGrl

Her blessing was the ability to give where others would not. It is in giving that we ultimately receive. I think she received something money cannot buy, a kind heart. May it remain open .

Groppo's avatarGroppo

What else would anyone in -8 temperatures do?
What was that man doing in such a cold place, in the first place?
Why was the woman in a situation, where she had no other duty but to be moved with pity?

Who in their right minds, knowing what they know about Massach. would actually be caught dead there?
The first obligation anyone has, in that situation is to get out.  Remove yourself from that situation.

The freezing cold can't feel good to anyone. Not to the old dude, not to the woman who went out of her way to help him. 


That Massachusetts and the whole northeast NONSENSE is for pilgrims and the revolutionary war, and for anyone who lived back then, and for tighter than anything roads that don't fit tractor trailer vehicles, because they were never developed back then for such large trucks, where it is illegal to keep your truck running (and how are overnight truckers supposed to keep their heaters running?), when Paul Revere rode his horse around there.

There was no decent winter climate back then, and no knowledge of any such place in this "new" USA country.
No, the climate hasn't improved, which is my point. GET OUT OF THERE. THE NORTHEAST SUCKS.
You're going to freeze if you're there. Yeah,  imagine that. duh!

myturn's avatarmyturn

I love the Massachusetts lottery, I have played Megabucks Doubler, by subscription, for years. I haven't won any big prizes yet, but I have won many small prizes. I like how the revenue raised is distributed to local governments.


Quote: Originally posted by Groppo on Feb 16, 2016

What else would anyone in -8 temperatures do?
What was that man doing in such a cold place, in the first place?
Why was the woman in a situation, where she had no other duty but to be moved with pity?

Who in their right minds, knowing what they know about Massach. would actually be caught dead there?
The first obligation anyone has, in that situation is to get out.  Remove yourself from that situation.

The freezing cold can't feel good to anyone. Not to the old dude, not to the woman who went out of her way to help him. 


That Massachusetts and the whole northeast NONSENSE is for pilgrims and the revolutionary war, and for anyone who lived back then, and for tighter than anything roads that don't fit tractor trailer vehicles, because they were never developed back then for such large trucks, where it is illegal to keep your truck running (and how are overnight truckers supposed to keep their heaters running?), when Paul Revere rode his horse around there.

There was no decent winter climate back then, and no knowledge of any such place in this "new" USA country.
No, the climate hasn't improved, which is my point. GET OUT OF THERE. THE NORTHEAST SUCKS.
You're going to freeze if you're there. Yeah,  imagine that. duh!

Don't be a hater, that's my home state and love New England.


Your rant has nothing to do with the positive aspects of this article, just negative views from you.

Abdi's avatarAbdi

Very moving and heart touching!I couldn't stop tear's rolling down my check's.The Photo of Sofia and Williams really touched my heart.

It's really emotional story,very few people can today stop in the street to help a needy old man.The World need's more people like Sofia.

Everytime we hea stories of the rich alway's working hard to grow richer.I am calling on everyone to start helping needy people.

I am starting with you the reader.On way home this evening stop for a minute in the street and help a needy person.

It could have been great if Todd could have shared with us the link to GofundMe page for williams so that we can also help.

sully16's avatarsully16

Great STORY! Blessings to both of them.

dr65's avatardr65

He has nothing most people have, he looks like most people don't, his begging is what

most people will never have to do. He is disheaveled, dirty and probably has an odor.

People do not help because of fear, ridicule, disgust or indifference. Look at his eyes.

He and others like him are just like us...we are human. I remember being taught growing

up that Jesus can appear in the most helpless of forms, what a person does when faced

with those who are less fortunate than ourselves determines what our rewards will be.

Rewards aren't just money, they can be good health, happy family, drive, desire and capa-

bility to continue doing good, strength to do right, to do great things and to be a good person.

This is a fantastic story and I would hope that what she did will encourage some to do the same

or something similar. It might teach others hearing about it that it is normal to help and abnormal

to ignore those less fortunate than us. She is a shining star, thank God for people like her.

ekem6078's avatarekem6078

Quote: Originally posted by Groppo on Feb 16, 2016

What else would anyone in -8 temperatures do?
What was that man doing in such a cold place, in the first place?
Why was the woman in a situation, where she had no other duty but to be moved with pity?

Who in their right minds, knowing what they know about Massach. would actually be caught dead there?
The first obligation anyone has, in that situation is to get out.  Remove yourself from that situation.

The freezing cold can't feel good to anyone. Not to the old dude, not to the woman who went out of her way to help him. 


That Massachusetts and the whole northeast NONSENSE is for pilgrims and the revolutionary war, and for anyone who lived back then, and for tighter than anything roads that don't fit tractor trailer vehicles, because they were never developed back then for such large trucks, where it is illegal to keep your truck running (and how are overnight truckers supposed to keep their heaters running?), when Paul Revere rode his horse around there.

There was no decent winter climate back then, and no knowledge of any such place in this "new" USA country.
No, the climate hasn't improved, which is my point. GET OUT OF THERE. THE NORTHEAST SUCKS.
You're going to freeze if you're there. Yeah,  imagine that. duh!

KARMA is a mother dude.   Hope this comment don't come back and bite you in the ass.   This old man may be you one day.   God don't like ugly.

ekem6078's avatarekem6078

One of Gods true Angels.  Way to go Sofia.  It's good to know their is still some good people in this world.  May God pour out you with many many blessings for your act of kindness.   What is the 'GO FUND ME' page listed under.  I wont to contriube too.

ekem6078's avatarekem6078

Quote: Originally posted by Abdi on Feb 17, 2016

Very moving and heart touching!I couldn't stop tear's rolling down my check's.The Photo of Sofia and Williams really touched my heart.

It's really emotional story,very few people can today stop in the street to help a needy old man.The World need's more people like Sofia.

Everytime we hea stories of the rich alway's working hard to grow richer.I am calling on everyone to start helping needy people.

I am starting with you the reader.On way home this evening stop for a minute in the street and help a needy person.

It could have been great if Todd could have shared with us the link to GofundMe page for williams so that we can also help.

I Agree!  I'll like to give, to it too.  Hope Todd share the link.

Abdi's avatarAbdi

Just set up a twitter page!



That is awesome!! Giving to someone who is less fortunate than u is always great to see. People are always caught uo in their own greed , money , material things. 

It's great to see that we have people in this world who thinks of someone else , besides themselves. We all can take a lesson from that!! In the end we all could of been him or her homeless or worse!!

OneTrickpony's avatarOneTrickpony

What a great story!  I am very glad that the stars aligned and Sofia met Glenn, and felt compassion for her fellow man.  Too many times "Man's inhumanity to Man" is all the media likes to report.

Groppo's avatarGroppo

Quote: Originally posted by Bleudog101 on Feb 17, 2016

Don't be a hater, that's my home state and love New England.


Your rant has nothing to do with the positive aspects of this article, just negative views from you.

Mr. BlueDog,

Those comments about Massachussets were from my personal experience as a truck driver.
I feel strongly about what I've stated. I'm sorry if you are personally offended.

Mr. Groppo

Groppo's avatarGroppo

Quote: Originally posted by ekem6078 on Feb 17, 2016

KARMA is a mother dude.   Hope this comment don't come back and bite you in the ass.   This old man may be you one day.   God don't like ugly.

Mr. Eke6078,

I tell you what. Where I plan to go, though it is mostly warm and better suited for human life, I will find
someone down on their luck. I may not give them money, right off hand, but I will offer them something
to eat, at the nearest fast food place or something like that. I too am capable of charity. I will just not be
caught dead where I know I can't live, and encourage others to leave.

Mr. Groppo

kennedygrandma's avatarkennedygrandma

I was in tears as I read this story. God Bless her and him. I would do the same thing. I won pick3 for 500 a few years ago and there was a homeless couple with  thier small child with them. I told my daughter to turn the car around and I gave them money to get food. you never know what people are going through. It coud happen to any of us.


Such lovely spirit!  I hope she get invited into Ellen and gets a nice reward LOL!

RedStang's avatarRedStang

This lady has no clue she helped nick nolte out.

plumsage's avatarplumsage

Blessings will come Sofia's way.  Makes my heart feel good.

zephbe's avatarzephbe

She is an angel.  God bless her and him.

bobby623's avatarbobby623

Lottery gamblers who believe they may one day win a significant prize need to know the rules in the state where they play.
If you win a Florida lottery the rules are clear - your name will be released to the media, as required by law.
Folks who think the major winners should enjoy special protection need to step back and consider the situation.
First, no news outlet worth it's charter is going to not cover the event.
The editors and reporters may realize that printing pictures may be harmful but they don't have a choice.
They are taking advantage of the law and giving their readers and viewers the information they expect.
If Florida residents object to the law, they need to elect folks who will change it.
Good luck with that!
A billion dollar lottery prize is news, folks.
One thing a winner could do to reduce the pressure is to contact a local media outlet and consent to a private interview, without pictures.
This alone will cause some news hounds to go elsewhere, but not likely.
The Florida laws requires a winner to be present, it doesn't require a give-and-take with the media.
Bottom line, if you win a big jackpot, be prepared for the news circus when you claim your winnings.
It's a fact of life.
Every reporter present will be looking for an exclusive, if someone hasn't already scored a win in that regard.
I live in Texas. I know the rules. My name will become public the day I collect the check.
I have a plan, which includes a private interview with a local reporter.
After that, I'll take my winnings and, well, that for me to know!!

Cher46's avatarCher46

Wow!! I just went to the Go Fund Me Page and this lady has raised over $17,000 for this gentleman. What a great, great story! God Bless both of them!

Abdi's avatarAbdi

Quote: Originally posted by Cher46 on Feb 19, 2016

Wow!! I just went to the Go Fund Me Page and this lady has raised over $17,000 for this gentleman. What a great, great story! God Bless both of them!

Please share with us the Gofund me page.


Quote: Originally posted by Groppo on Feb 17, 2016

Mr. BlueDog,

Those comments about Massachussets were from my personal experience as a truck driver.
I feel strongly about what I've stated. I'm sorry if you are personally offended.

Mr. Groppo

No offense taken, I never drive in Boston nor fly to Logan.  Don't blame you in the least.  I fly to TF Greene airport in RI to avoid driving in Boston and take the T if I have to go in there.

Cher46's avatarCher46

I don't think I am allowed to post a link on this site, but if  you google Sofia Lorena give Glen a second chance, it will come up.


Just read in a Boston newspaper website he is being charged because he didn't register an address--registered sex offender it said.  Be careful to judge him however, sometimes sex offender does not mean what many people imply it means.  He could have had this on his record from his teenage years (yes, it does happen) or a minor offense.  On the hand he could be the type we most fear.  I refused to read the article, to me he is just a down on his luck homeless person hence no address to report.

pantherestates's avatarpantherestates

I love people like miss Sophia....she realized that this guy was just down on his luck...he didn't ask to be homeless...she did a beautiful selfless act and helped another human being in need who could benefit with a roof over his head at least for a little while...what a beautiful gift.To me that act alone is priceless and makes Miss Sophia A Winner In My Book! Dance

pantherestates's avatarpantherestates

Thank god for living in cali....I know a couple of folks who won the lottery...wont see their names listed on any lottery sites or you tube...they were smart enough to set up a blind trust and collect their winnings months later after talking to the right people who could put put it all together.....they only told a few close being one of them..I'll go to my grave never revealing who they are...they didn't want that madness that comes with being a known lottery winner..they just want to enjoy is nobodies business where they got that income...people will always want a part of it...keep it cool...shut up and get a blind trust to protect yourself or possible save your life.

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