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BlogsResults 4131 - 4140 of 4224 for politics. (0.11 seconds)

America's First Third-World State Comprehensive Status Over view
America s First Third-World State By Victor Davis Hanson...
Nov 9, 2019, 8:08 pm - eddessaknight

Department of Peace
Democrat presidential candidate Marianne Williamson announces plan to create 'Department of Peace'...
Aug 20, 2019, 1:42 pm - mikeintexas

These are times to blog.
It looks like I don't get out here enough. A year ago was my last blog. Too long, I know. Yes so much going on in politics. You hear about Baltimore? Yes get out and yell at Trump. But don't forget to fix your own dad gum city first. Now where did I put that $1.8 billion? Must have stuck it in my shorts. Yes I am black and I work hard on taking care of my fellow black brothers. Not! I am thinking abou...
Jul 31, 2019, 2:20 pm - clifford1944

Deep rooted Deep State
I would not build up expectations if you want to see justice delivered to any member of the Deep State. It is not going to happen using the DOJ or FBI. _________________________________________________ The institutions of the DOJ and FBI ar...
Dec 30, 2018, 10:44 am - JAP69

Fired Engineer Damore Sues Google For Discrimination Against White Male Conservatives
S C R I B D copy of lawsuit at bottom of article. Fired Engineer Damore Sues Google For Discrimination Against White Male Conservatives It has been five months since James Damore was fired from his job as an engineer at Google after posting a memo to an internal message board that criticized the...
Jan 8, 2018, 5:32 pm - konane

Deep State Drained: Top DOJ Official "Demoted" After Working With Fusion GPS To Push Trump Disinform
Another episode in so much winning for the American people. Deep State Drained: Top DOJ Official Demoted After Working With Fusion GPS To Push Trump Disinformation-Dossier Another day, another startling revelation about operatives within the federal government who have specifically worked against the elected president, this one coming in the form of a top...
Dec 8, 2017, 3:19 pm - konane

President Ronald Reagan Voice Still Reverberates >>
Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't...
Oct 26, 2017, 6:15 pm - eddessaknight

Winning Weariness
Winning Weariness Trump warned us that there d be so much winning that we d get tired of all the winning. And while this week has been consumed, as usual, with the sideshow of another one of Trump s impetuous tweetstorms, the ledger is indeed showing a lot to celebrate. ..... ......Would this little cultural beacon have come to be if Jeb Bush had been the Republican nominee? Yeah, health care reform is stalled,...
Jul 2, 2017, 3:49 pm - konane

Majority of Canadians distrust government: poll suggests
Majority of Canadians distrust government: poll suggests Populist anger is moving politics in Canada. In a recent Edelman poll, only 43 per cent of Canadians say they trust their government down from 53 per cent a year earlier. And 80 per cent of Canadians feel the country's elites are out of touch.........
Feb 21, 2017, 5:45 pm - konane

"The Great Con: Political Correctness Has Marginalized The Working Class
The Great Con: Political Correctness Has Marginalized The Working Class ........The propaganda beauty of class-consciousness-destroying political correctness is its deceptive claim of progressive. If you set out to design the perfect tool to enforced neofeudalism (the political and economic dominance of the protected few at the expense of the exploited many), you'd choose an Orwellian fake-Progressive agenda of cultural fragmenta...
Nov 18, 2016, 11:27 am - konane