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BlogsResults 821 - 830 of 879 for russia. (0.03 seconds)

Socialisim Bernie... Who Went To Soviet Russia On His Honeymoon
Khrushchev's Message 60 years ago ... A sobering reminder; Do Read Plan Thoroughly: It's been almost sixty years since Russia s Nikita Khrushchev addressed the UN and delivered his shoe pounding&...
Feb 18, 2020, 8:01 pm - eddessaknight

Impeachment...or CIA Coup? Ron Paul
Impeachment or CIA Coup? written by ron paul monday september 30, 2019 You don t need to be a supporter of President Trump to be concerned about the efforts to remove him from office. Last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced impeachment proceedings against the President over a ph...
Sep 30, 2019, 9:17 pm - konane

Trump's Administration in a nutshell
1. Russia didn't interfere with election. 2. Okay they did but no one on the Trump team met with them. 3. Okay they did, but it was just about adoptions,(the Magnitsky act). 4. Okay it wasn't, it was about Hillary dirt, but it's not illegal. 5. Okay maybe it is, but collusion is not a crime,but but... what about the border wall? 1. I didn't have any relations with a pornstar. Okay I did, but no one on my side paid them....
Jan 18, 2019, 2:39 pm - amber124

"The Wall"!   Here Are Some Hidden Relevant Facts.
Jan 3, 2019, 9:10 pm - eddessaknight

Most Mortifying Media Moments of 2018
18 Most Mortifying Media Moments of 2018 This was the year when reporters ... began loosening the usual boundaries governing journalism Note: These are just the category titles; go to the link for further details on each. (also calling it journalism is a disservice to actual,...
Dec 22, 2018, 8:06 am - mikeintexas

I am now at 2 places and other things.
Here at L.P. and at a blog place, at my homepage, to get there look at my signature and or at my profile. Here so far I am not allowed to post links anywhere at L.P. I like L.P. best, but for one thing, I am not allowed here to post links anywhere and there are also other restrictions, including some restrictions on private messages. By the way: Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote, there is no question about that, in other words, more people...
Apr 9, 2018, 11:05 pm - FUJIMARU

Russian Through the Checkout Line
Another story from my blog. What with all the Russian hacking fake news, I thought I'd share my experience with a Russian...but it involved sacking, not hacking. (although hacking IS mentioned) I was out and about (that's oot and aboot to all my loyal readers from Canada) and decided I should pick up a few items at the grocery store. It was right at five o'clock, quittin' time, and I knew the store would be crowded. That was...
Oct 15, 2017, 6:33 am - mikeintexas

You wanted it, you got it, now deal with it!
WASHINGTON (AP) For Donald Trump, the reality of the world's problems may be starting to sink in. Standing in the sunny White House Rose Garden, the president said Wednesday that the gruesome chemical weapons attack in Syria had changed his views on the quagmire of a conflict that he'd previously indicated he wanted to ste...
Apr 6, 2017, 2:39 am - LiLSpeedy

This is as Serious as it Gets
This is as Serious as it Gets President Trump has been provided the evidence of a paper trail leading to a FISA court that substantiates his assertions that Obama, obtained authorization to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign under the pretense of a national security investigation..... ......Apparently undeterred, the Obama Justice Department submitted yet another application to the FISA court, this time omitting the name of Donald J....
Mar 6, 2017, 10:30 am - konane

This solidifies the Fact, that a DEMOCRAT can NOT be trusted.
WASHINGTON Fired by one American commander in chief for insubordination, Michael Flynn has now delivered his resignation to another. President Donald Trump had been weighing the fate of his national security adviser, a hard-charging, feather-ruffling retired lieutenant general who just three weeks into the new administration had put himself in the center of a controversy. Flynn resigned late Monday. At issue was Flynn's contact with Moscow's ambassador to the Unite...
Feb 14, 2017, 10:12 am - MADDOG10