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BlogsResults 351 - 360 of 483 for colorado. (0.05 seconds)

Prediction Results for Thursday 07/18/2019
mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 Evening 6-Way Box 4-2-1 2-4-1 $40 mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 Midday 6-Way Box 4-3-5 3-4-5 $40...
Jul 19, 2019, 8:47 am - mjwinsmith

Prediction Results for Thursday 09/27/2018
mjwinsmith Atlantic Canada Lotto 4 12-Way Box 6-4-1-6...
Sep 28, 2018, 12:53 pm - mjwinsmith

Prediction Results for Saturday 11/11/2017
mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 Evening 6-Way Box 5-2-3 3-2-5 $40 mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 Evening 6-Way Box 5-3-2 3-2-5 $40...
Nov 12, 2017, 8:44 am - mjwinsmith

One Angry American Rages: "Obama Lied, My 4th Health Plan Just Died
One Angry American Rages: Obama Lied, My 4th Health Plan Just Died I don't have enough four-letter words for these propagandists. There are an estimated 450,000 consumers like us in Colorado and 17 million of us nationwide -- small-business owners, independent contractors and others who don't get their plans through group coverage, big companies or government employers. T...
Oct 11, 2017, 11:46 pm - konane

Win at home cut your loses on the road
I have been targeting certain states in an atempt to bring the states overall prize ratio over 100%. I realize this may be an impossible task. After all, if this was so easy, lotteryplayers wouldn't need jobs. I am trying to answer the age old question. Are some players better at certain games/states than others? or is thier winning just a simple application of statistics? I know that there is a certain expected win ratio....
Sep 11, 2016, 10:06 am - LottoAce

Prediction Results for Friday 10/16/2015
mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 6-Way Box 0-8-9 8-0-9 $40 mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 6-Way Box 0-8-9 8-0-9 $40...
Oct 17, 2015, 8:50 am - mjwinsmith

Prediction Winners for Tuesday 12/30/2014
mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3 6-Way Box 7-9-5 9-5-7 $40 mjwinsmith Colorado Pick 3...
Dec 31, 2014, 6:53 am - mjwinsmith

We've got sick kids.
Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, Ohio Over 900 in Denver alone, a disease called Enterovirus D68 is making the rounds, Children under 12 seem to be at the greatest risk. I just have to wonder how many sick border children were sent to these 4 states and if the disease will pop up all over. Our Government put sick people on bu...
Sep 7, 2014, 12:39 pm - sully16

Connecticut beach goers dissed by barry.
Obama Fundraisers to Deny Thousands a Day at the Beach by Keith Koffler on August 4, 2012, 11:20 am A popular Connecticut park and its 234 acres of wetlands, woodlands and beach on Long Island Sound will be shut down all day Monday so that President Obama can use the location as a base for fundraising nearby. The Sherwood Island State Park in Westport, Connecticut will have to turn away thousands of bathers so that Obama can get to and from his events,...
Aug 4, 2012, 7:24 pm - jarasan

A Song For My Friend Liz ...
~~~~~~~~~~~~ **************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I play this song in remembrance of my dear friend Liz. I had never really listened to Native American music prior to meeting her years ago.......
Sep 10, 2011, 9:32 pm - CashWinner$