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"Give Us Shari'a, UK Muslim Leaders Tell Gov't
Seems the mafia uses a similar tactic paying for protection but this one is saying the violence will stop if moderates can be in control of everything. Smacks of racketeering, extortion IMHO. Anyone believing that BS offer might want to apply for this job opening ...........
Aug 16, 2006, 12:10 pm - konane

More SuperSlab news
Hutchison Whampoa is closely linked with, or an arm of the People's Liberation Army ('s_Liberation_Army ) which is the communist party in China. After Jimmayh Carter gave Panama the Canal back to Panama, they sold it to Hutchis...
Aug 8, 2006, 8:48 am - konane

power of the president
Debate on Hill over power of the president Concern rises over record number of 'signing statements' Bush has issued as president. WASHINGTON - What should Congress do if the president refuses to enforce a law - or some part of it he deems unconstitutional? It's a question that has simmered in the GOP-controlled Congress over issues ranging from post-9/11 national security to the use of torture in the war on terror. 'Would...
Jun 29, 2006, 3:14 am - LOTTOMIKE

u.s. population to hit 300 million in 2006
· U.S. Population to Hit 300 Million in 2006 WASHINGTON (June 25) - The U.S. population is on target to hit 300 million this fall and it's a good bet the milestone baby - or immigrant - will be Hispanic. Latinos Drive Population Growth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Jun 26, 2006, 8:01 am - LOTTOMIKE

seven charged in alleged plot to blow up sears tower
Seven Charged in Alleged Plot to Blow Up Sears Tower Indictment Says Men Sought to Work With al-Qaida WASHINGTON (June 23) -- Seven young men arrested in an alleged plot against the Sears Tower were part of a group of "homegrown terrorists" who sought to work with al-Qaida but ended up conspiring with an informant, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales sai...
Jun 23, 2006, 12:48 pm - LOTTOMIKE

"Bush Sneaking North American Super-State Without Oversight?
This has to be the reason for the open borders guest worker program....
Jun 14, 2006, 10:33 am - konane

the fight against the penny
The Fight Against the Penny Rep. Kolbe Wants to Do Away With the Coin NEW YORK (June 2) - As the soaring price of zinc going into pennies pushes the cost of production above the coin's value, one congressman is rekindling plans to eliminate it. Representative Jim Kolbe, R-Arizona, told he plans to reintroduce legis...
Jun 3, 2006, 2:39 am - LOTTOMIKE

"North American Union to Replace USA?
Why am I NOT happy about this???????? Members in the Council of Foreign Relations at bottom. North American Union to Replace USA? By Jerome R. Corsi Source Human Events Online President Bush is pursuing a globalist agenda to create a North American Union, effectively erasing our borders with both Mexico and Canada. This was the hidden agen...
May 20, 2006, 5:07 pm - konane

American jobs and global economy
Dobbs's Disciples By Donald Boudreaux Source Tech Central Station Daily Economist Paul Craig Roberts has joined recently with the likes of Lou Dobbs and Sen. Charles Schumer to denounce so-called outsourcing -- that is, the importation of services. Roberts is aware that, throughout history, free trade has raised the living standards of ordinary people. But, he says, t...
Apr 19, 2006, 9:04 am - konane

Illegal Alien Voter Recruitment
A friend sent this in email. All senators dissenting on the immigration bill are listed after this article and guess what they're all Democrat....
Apr 10, 2006, 7:34 pm - konane