
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 30603 for money. (1.09 seconds)

Should Homeless Buy Lotto Scratchies?
Well Bob there are only 3 other choices: He claims the money and gets nothing at all or the parents claim the money for themselves and do whatever they want to do with it, or he gives the ticket to a friend or somebody else to claim the money and then share the money between them, he has to take a chance and trust somebody and maybe get some money or not, or claim the money for himself and get no money for sure.There are not too many choices, maybe give the ticket to an older brother or sister a
Jul 8, 2004, 1:48 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Can money buy happiness? Apparently yes.
if money buys happiness, why is it that most wealthy people seem unhappy or unfulfilled? especially the ones that pursued wealth on the precept that money equaled happiness/security? seen way too many people to give validity to that claim. money buys things and experiences . having money can put one in a position that one who does not have money can experience. like someone else pointed out in an earlier debate about this. better health care, better nutritional opportunities, etc. b
Dec 22, 2003, 5:38 am - visiondude - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lottery Taxation
we went to war over the tax issue because we were being over taxed without representation. And now we are being overtaxed again with representation by the people we vote into office. Reality bites big time doesn't it. Practically every person who runs for office says no more taxes. Then within a few months or more give or take a few. They go on record having said we need to adjust the tax rates because we need money for this or money for that.Just about every thing imaginable is taxed now includ
Aug 14, 2005, 12:20 pm - four4me - Lottery Discussion Forum

£2bn Lotto scandal
They should just give it away to any one who wants it. Then, when they run out of money, figure out if they gave it to the right people. Americans do that all the time. We call it Disaster Relief money. We even made special credit cards so we can increase the giveaway ratio. Cry, get money. Be a minority, get money. Pregnant, get money. Not pregnant, get pregnant, then get money. Drop out of school, fail test, get money to take test again. Not getting enough money, start riot, get money to stop
Oct 18, 2005, 3:18 pm - Chewie - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why gamble at Online Lottery Sites?
If you want the schools to get money, don't play the lottery at all, just send your money to your school of choice.On the other hand, if you want to make money, play online at where-ever you can win the most money or as Jack says, give the number's racket back to the gangsters, so we can make some money, because the official crooks are a lot worse and you really don't want to give your money to them, you want to know who you are dealing with straight forward without any lies and or cloaks of h
Aug 15, 2005, 11:42 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

where's the pb winner
Lets see if I can explain this in simple terms, so it can be understood. Income is income no matter what (right?), of course it is! Lets say, you won some money in what ever tax year and you have up to 365 days from the date of winning said money to go claim/collect your winnings. What is the IRS going to go by for said income ? Is the IRS going to go by when you claimed your money (365 days after you won)? or is the IRS going to go by the original date you won the money? This is a no braini
Nov 4, 2005, 11:55 am - BaristaExpress - Lottery Discussion Forum

Would you loan money to someone to gamble
Would you loan money to someone to gamble with if they had a good sob story. I loaned money to someone with a good sob story and when I quit loaning them money they quit talking to me. Do I have the right to ask for that money back? They said several times that when they got on their feet it will make them feel good to give it back and I told them it would make me feel good to accept it. The first two times were gifts but it became a habit around the 16th of every month and they were broke
Sep 23, 2006, 8:39 pm - Tenaj - Lottery Discussion Forum

After You Win The Lottery Big Time
This would be a private trust whereby I lend money to an organization that will invest the money in blue chip stocks. Once the money has doubled, they give back the difference(money I loaned plus interest) back to the trust. The rest of the money is theirs to keep. If at all possible never do a cash donation as it will be considered a gift tax. Loaning the money avoids the gift tax because they must pay it back.
Jul 13, 2021, 1:26 pm - darthfury78 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lottery winners accepted by high society?
patriciate old money trumps nouveau riche new money
Feb 6, 2021, 2:02 pm - four4me - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lottery winners accepted by high society?
Agreed. Wealthy people stick to themselves and their friends are mostly other multi-millionaires. There is one thing about having big money though. How acceptable a wealthy person is to someone else with lots of money is based upon whether you fall into one of two categories. And they are: Are you Old Money or are you New Money ? Old Money doesn't care too much for New Money. Old Money has had wealth in the family for a very long time. For instance double Great Grandpa made a huge fortune
Feb 5, 2021, 8:50 am - GiveFive - Lottery Discussion Forum