
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 63 for religion. (0.01 seconds)

The Lottery Code E-Book (Free)
Ok I may need to take another look at this but just this code supposed to work for all lotteries? Just a little too much religion for me in her messages. Oh and thanks for explaining this.
Aug 14, 2011, 1:15 am - ca-dreamin* - Lottery Systems Forum

What is the Richard Lustig secret?
I don't make the rules, and more importantly, religions don't make the rules either. But what free thinkers have is an edge because they have open minds to the fluid universe, whereas you people are fixed for eternity. Nothing changes except for the same old tired blabber from books that were written by men who didn't know diddly squat about the universe around them. Quote... The moon hangeth upon nothing ...Scribblings from the Bible from a man who knew nothing about how the universe works,
Nov 16, 2010, 8:56 am - joker17 - Lottery Systems Forum

LS-V1.8 Another Year Another No Show
PaulThey are smart to only have the very hard to win games.Can't you play the daily games online just as other people do here? The pay there is said to be much higher. The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion. There would be fewer problems if that was taken up by more people.
Dec 27, 2005, 5:27 pm - LANTERN - Lottery Systems Forum

Lottery software development ideas
I read the strange experience thread but I dont do the god/religion thing, so it didnt mean a lot to me,That's a tough gig. I sympathize with you.Jack
Apr 2, 2005, 3:24 pm - Rip Snorter - Lottery Systems Forum

Lottery software development ideas
I read the strange experience thread but I dont do the god/religion thing, so it didnt mean a lot to me, I am still not convinced it will hit 6 - 9 times out of 10, but like I said, good luck to the guy if he can. it does makes me think what was the point in posting if he didnt plan on sharing his idea though ? first thing I did when I thought I had found something big with GH software was post what I had found, it turned out wrong in the end, but I still posted it.
Apr 2, 2005, 3:18 pm - paul762 - Lottery Systems Forum

Psychic predictions (I am getting results
Quote: Originally posted by four4me on July 31, 2004I would like to participate in this forum's topic but don't want to bring religion into any aspect of it. References to god the devil or any other supernatural being.then don't. but you (and whoever agree's with you), don't get to make the can play on your side of this thread and i will play on mine.but God ............he stays.20/20
Aug 1, 2004, 12:35 am - visiondude - Lottery Systems Forum

Psychic predictions (I am getting results
Visiondude,(First, I apologize if I offend you in any way. It's just my nature to get sucked into religious debates.)Are you saying that over 4 Billion people currently living on earth are practicing the wrong religion? And of those christians, are they all right? Should we be born again? Should we be baptized as babies or as adults? Should we practice speaking in tongues?This reminds me of the South Park episode where a group of people end up in hell:New Hellion #1: WHERE ARE WE?!New Hellion #2
Jul 19, 2004, 1:52 am - ChaosTheory - Lottery Systems Forum

Does God really hate gambling?
Your okay in my book VisionDude we sometimes see and interpret things differently regarding the Almighty and Religion but that's why he made us as individuals who don't think alike,diversity is healthy and enlightening.
Jul 7, 2004, 11:43 pm - Pick-4_Master - Lottery Systems Forum

Green Candle System
Money Spells do work but only for those that are TRUE BELIEVERS and MAGIC PRACTITIONERS there are many rituals used to attract money some involve religion others do not.Personally I prefer to use what the Good Lord gave me MY BRAIN
May 22, 2004, 10:38 pm - Pick-4_Master - Lottery Systems Forum

Mindsight could explain sixth sense
Yes that's true I investigated awhile back whether spells and stuff actually existed or worked and from what I found out there are some people that REALLY know how to use this stuff and practice it as a religion.But there's nothing good about like you said EXCALIBUR it can lead you in the wrong direction if you don't know what your doing and how to deal with it.
Feb 8, 2004, 6:24 pm - Pick-4_Master - Lottery Systems Forum

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