
ForumsResults 71 - 80 of 451 for politics. (0.04 seconds)

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
None of what you posted is going to sway voters', want to know why? Cause for one the emails were hacked and they could very possibly be altered, which is the reason the Clinton camp does not verify the authenticity of the hacked emails. Second: unless a Hitman comes forward saying he killed so and so at the direction of Bill or Hill, it's not going to do any good. Unrelated to this post is the point about Gloria Allred now the lawyer for another Trump accuser,* which l think stinks, l am not de
Oct 23, 2016, 6:46 pm - RL-RANDOMLOGIC - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
Karl is no idiot- he saw what happened to his political standing when he backed Romney and almost became a non topic, his covering his bets to stay relevant. It's no different from some of the other Republicana in Congress etc- if Trump was riding high in the polls and beating Hillary by double digits, you bet your sweet tooth that they would be sticking to him like shytt on a blanket, but they attempting to keep a distance from him out of fear of losing their seats back home. It's typical polit
Oct 23, 2016, 6:34 pm - noise-gate - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
DNC Doggie Style Politics back again form 2008 for 2016 Politics go to the dogs in Georgia as DNC feeds starving dogs this October of 2016.The FORWARD AMERICA DNC driver dumped hundreds of gallons of human waste from bus tanks on the Grayson Highway in the city ofLawrenceville, Georgia and telling the police tanks full and leaking on road so he did not want to mess up or contaminate the highway. Happily a DNC spokesperson reported there has been NO charges from any local or state of Georgi
Oct 23, 2016, 3:08 pm - psykomo - Lottery News

How NC lottery ticket swappers avoid taxes, scrutiny
Wow. You just cant control yourself and have to pollute every thread with your politics. Trump broke no laws therefore he did not steal anything. Enough with your lame class warfare.
Oct 5, 2016, 9:44 am - Redd55 - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
That's a good idea but it won't fly. This is a lottery website not the Drudge Report. But I might give it a try, tying politics with the lottery. LOL! What's the worst that can happen? Todd will delete it.
Sep 20, 2016, 7:04 pm - LiveInGreenBay - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
You don't think political discourse is fun? I enjoy arguing politics. Kind of a hobby, like playing the lottery. What do you and your friends like talking about? The Kardashian's or some other important topic?
Aug 21, 2016, 4:48 pm - LiveInGreenBay - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
I know my politics are quite on the far end of the spectrum but that doesn't mean we can't get along. I joined LP because i want to get better as a lottery player, and while i'm happy to express my political views, we should all remember that we're here to get rich or die trying.
Aug 7, 2016, 2:02 pm - Kingofearth - Lottery News

British Columbia Lottery taking bets on US election
Um, I spend most of my time in Upstste which went heavily for Bernie. If I only wanted to hear my biased viewpoints I would get a blog or a forum devoted to such but I don't. I want to hear all different viewpoints and ideas and give my viewpoints and ideas in an adult manner that includes giving sources and accepting when you're wrong, whether politics, lottery, history or any other topic.
Jul 29, 2016, 2:11 am - Kingofearth - Lottery News

It seems like many LP'ers don't recognize the income tax rate was that high at one period in time, and can easily return there. CASH option, if only because of the uncertainty of politics!
Jan 10, 2016, 5:14 pm - realtorjim - Lottery News

How does the tax liability apply to Canadians? I understand no taxes are taken out of lottery win there, then again your country is way ahead of the USA in many ways, i.e. metric system, healthcare. But not here to discuss politics, have a great trip across the border...where do you play? New Hampshire or Maine???
Jan 10, 2016, 10:15 am - Bleudog101 - Lottery News