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Welcome to the new Mystical forum!
Quote: Originally posted by JAP69 on August 12, 2004V- Dude,I have read your above post. I do not disagree with it.I realize that the lottery is gambling. The answer to the next draw is unknown until it is drawn. When I first came onto this forum and started posting numbers and systems I knew the answer to the next draw is unknown. Therefore when I write my text on predictions or systems I do not guarantee the results . I only show that it works for me.I have 2,266 post here read them and anyone
Aug 12, 2004, 7:48 pm - visiondude - Mystical Forum

dreaming of butterflies
Quote: Originally posted by BobP on August 22, 2004dragon:Not this forum, the only reason I know this is because I ordered a package of used lottery books on ebay and this came with it. If people can win with fortune cookie numbers anything is possible. So much is a matter of luck and right place right time one has to wonder what it's all about. BobPI wonder what it's all about all the time. There are too many people working too hard on cracking this -- when common sense tells you it's just l
Aug 22, 2004, 2:07 am - dragon - Mystical Forum

Strange dream/help
Hi marcie, My niece called me this evening as she had a problem getting on the forum and she ask me to check out her post. When I did there you were on it addressing her as me. Anyway I need to say a few things. We both (my niece and I ) play lottery and we have been doing pretty good with it (and other family members right here in Mich.) When I introduced her to this webb sight my message to her was we could do even better teaming up and releaving the Michigan state lottery of some of there ove
Feb 18, 2010, 12:09 am - quietstorm2 - Mystical Forum

Lakerben single digit program it works!!
Laker ben has a lot of systems that are ok some just dont work in my state, BUT this one is a Winner! you must check it out!!! The only problem i have is when there are too many zeros in the mix but im trying to figure a way around that..for now im avoiding numbers with too many zeros. you will have to look at the program to see what i mean...when i see a three number in there two or more times its a very good play, same for pairs. Ive tested a lot and its of the best i
Mar 31, 2016, 10:02 am - Wentworth - Mystical Forum

Dipping your toe into the 'other' side
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience, Deb. You also, Konane.I can't claim I've ever doubted that there's a strong metaphysical element to the numbers and their behavior, once I began looking closely at them. Judging from the number of anecdotes on the Mystic Forum I'm also inclined to lean to a view that people who are already into metaphysics and mystical matters seem to have a somewhat 'special' sensitivity to whatever drives those behaviors, making them a bit more predictable for
Jul 6, 2005, 6:48 pm - Rip Snorter - Mystical Forum

Mystical Investigators: Deus ex machina = LOTTERY ??
For your consideration, I put before you Deus ex machina = LOTTERY (translation: god from the machine) Bottom Line Brief: An improbale solution, artifically introduced to resolve a difficulty or untangle a dramtic plot such as predicting the next upcoming lottery numbers. Dosier:In many classical Greek dramas a god showed up out of nowhere to cause a miraculous twist @ a crucial point in the play. This devine intrusion was referred to as 'theos OK mechanes' literally god from the machine,
Oct 1, 2011, 5:35 pm - eddessaknight - Mystical Forum

Lucid Dreaming to pick numbers... ?
Hi all... I came across this article and was wondering if lucid dreaming actually works in helping you pick winning numbers by asking your subconsious mind the 'right' questions. Here was the article by the way... I need your help. I saw your website on the internet and decided to take a chance. I have never contacted a psychic before, other than as a curiosity thing a couple of times with friends. I feel that my problem is serious enough to look for professional help. I will describe
Oct 5, 2007, 9:58 am - Omniscient - Mystical Forum

Planetary alignment numbers for today
U2, my fav vet song is, veterans of psychic wars by BOC. Magic has been an indispensable weapon in warfare for centuries. Here's an interesting article about the real veterans of psychic wars. Aleister Crowley, AKA, the wickest man alive not only help defeat the black magicians of the Third Reich, but he personally forced deputy Fuhrer Rudoph Hess to fly to England in Operation Missile Toe by magical means. Hess crashed landed in Scotland and was captured by a farmer wielding a pitch fork.
Nov 11, 2016, 9:39 am - Deo-nonfortuna - Mystical Forum

Ken Ring on the Moon
A Case for the MoonWe all know the Sun radiates heat to the ground and causes evaporation, from the puddles on the footpath to the oceans and rain forests, yet there is no way the Sun can cause the evaporation to fall back to the Earth. Moreover, it can rain at night, when there is no Sun in the sky. The Sun cannot make it rain or snow, something else must be responsible. There is only one other thing in the sky capable of exerting the necessary huge forces that would be required. The Moon has
Sep 17, 2005, 4:59 am - Blackapple - Mystical Forum

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