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North Carolina: 4/1 - 4/30/2024
Finally won for the 1st time online, got $100 off the pick four last night. Congrats to all winners/posters.
Apr 27, 2024, 8:55 am - Kandy44 - Pick 4 Forum

Florida: 3/1 - 3/31/2024
I play all mine online only a few key strokes and its in my account...good luck tonight lets bang em
Mar 6, 2024, 7:02 pm - DB1OFF - Pick 4 Forum

Georgia Team Players Post Pic 4"S Here
Yo my lady. Where do you purchase your tickets from online?
Oct 7, 2023, 8:29 pm - Benjamins - Pick 4 Forum

Florida: 7/1 - 7/31/2023
I played 3333 for both draws tonight. Looked up an item online and it cost $33.33
Jul 31, 2023, 6:05 pm - Win$500Quick - Pick 4 Forum

Indiana: 5/1 - 5/31/2023
I just saw that I won online, too. Great surprise!
May 20, 2023, 4:21 pm - Wendy777 - Pick 4 Forum

North Carolina: 5/1 - 5/31/2023
O' GIRL, i JUST KNEW i did too, but, no, got it a short month and a 1/2 ago during March, but, not this time, i forgot to re-add it, odd, thought i did, but, i know one thing, sorry you're missing it, but, you're going to get yours sooner than later, either any/box again, or straight, hang in there , BEA! Going to put in a few more any and few straight or a combo, online real fast, and have a great evening, played some at the Store but, i am also online, good night.
May 15, 2023, 10:43 pm - Cassie8620 - Pick 4 Forum

North Carolina: 3/1 - 3/31/2023
Bella(good luck!) thanks again, also congrats to u girl, and i hope My winning streak for a new week continue, we will see. I did just play last minute 13 bucks worth of tickets, today, so we will see. I was able to Last Minute get a few several in, ONLINE.... happy we can play Online, and it feel good, IF we can't make it to a store or don't feel like it, ya kno w. Good luck girl. Back to work for this player, bye for now. G-luck, and GOOD LUCK TO ALL my FELLOW LP'ers today/tonight. Get myself
Mar 13, 2023, 2:49 pm - Cassie8620 - Pick 4 Forum

Florida: 2/1 - 2/28/2023
The Quad 9s are cut off online aswell...was able to get it 4x before they were cut...good luck
Feb 5, 2023, 12:34 pm - DB1OFF - Pick 4 Forum

New York: 1/1 - 1/31/2023
It's funny u mentioned v4442..I'm actually waiting on that in win4.....all 444xs and extra on 4442, 4440 4449.....was a bit gutted last night as I had 9296...$1 str online.....CH saw my tix online empathetized with me.....CH so nice...but I won quarter payback$$$ as I played the rd... ...its all good....I cant win4 straights all the time.....blessed to stay in the game! Good luck tonight to u all the other members....tonight we win!
Jan 29, 2023, 6:49 pm - Midnite0807 - Pick 4 Forum

Ohio: 1/1 - 1/31/2023
The double sixes are stubborn in this state. Playing them today online.
Jan 28, 2023, 10:15 am - gra8*2win - Pick 4 Forum