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Yes, wheels do work, but only in the sense that when you wish to play a pool of more numbers that will fit on one lottery ticket a wheel will distribute your numbers in a mathematical pattern that provides a guarantee about the total distribution. A wheel by itself is not a complete playing strategy. The different wheels available and different distributions produced will provide different guarantees that if the numbers drawn are within the pool of numbers that you have chosen to wheel you w
Feb 29, 2024, 7:52 pm - IAmABadOne - Jackpot Games Forum

Let's try and win some money here
I was never good at picking repeats, and most times I only try to figure the repeats when I know I dont see a lot of due numbers out. The low game numbers out, when they hit en masse(like repeats), help push UP the due number pool. Its kinda like that Bells curve theory, everything swings back and forth, high then low, up then down, etc
Dec 13, 2023, 12:20 pm - Bluegal1 - Jackpot Games Forum

FLORIDA FANTASY FIVE REPORT APRIL 4 WAS 1 2 27 28 30 SOLARIS LIST pairs 30/28 and blue 27 28 with zip 11 10 20 21 as harmonic pair of #1 #2 as all winners. This inclusion and harmonics as pair groups is necessary to play winners. SOLARIS WAS NEAR PERFECT FOR THE FLORIDA LOTTO DRAWN AT THIS TIME/DATE OF 11pm. APRIL 6 RESULT SOLARIS CHOICE LIST FOR POWERBALL was exact and RIGHT ON as to be nearly IMPOSSIBLE for FLORIDA LOTTO 4 18 48 20 24/53 (=23 harmonic) and 64/4 29 56 as 10 numbers to choo
Apr 7, 2024, 2:41 am - paneagle - Jackpot Games Forum

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