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Lottery Pools
At work, we have a lottery pool of about 20 to 30 people depending on the jackpot size. Our lottery pool manager has a signup sheet. We pay her the buck or two which goes into an envelope and sign our name on a sheet. She then makes copies of the tickets and hands them out. Whenever we win a few bucks, the winnings are rolled over into the next drawing.
Mar 2, 2014, 11:16 am - maresca - Lottery Discussion Forum

Opting out of the lottery pool
I read a story on how this last powerball drawing had a million dollar winner in FL. but it was a pool and one worker opted out of it but...get this her co-workers cut her in anyways since she usually played...I thought that was pretty cool......
Mar 27, 2013, 2:27 pm - billionaire2bee - Lottery Discussion Forum

Are YOU in a Lottery Pool?
I'm not in a lottery pool. Last year there were a few of us who talked about possibly starting a lottery pool but it never got off the ground. Even though I'm leary about pools (due to the fact that lately have been reading about some people not sharing with others in the pool and bringing lawsuits) it seems that many people seem to win with lottery pools (maybe because they buy many tickets at a time as opposed to myself who only buys one).
May 19, 2012, 9:07 am - shyguitar - Lottery Discussion Forum

Is Mirlande Wilson an Attention Seeking Fraud, or Have the Winning Ticket?
hopefully they learned something...leason for all who are thinking about joining a lottery pool, do it the right way or don't do it at all. I run a lottery pool at my job trust me it is well documented...
Apr 10, 2012, 3:52 am - dallascowboyfan - Lottery Discussion Forum

Have you ever heard of a Free lottery pool?
Free lottery pool ??? (scratchin head) Is that the new lottery pool started by the Obama administration ?? or maybe its a way to solve unemployment ?? ....I am there, give me free money,food and pay my way(eyeroll)
Feb 13, 2012, 10:19 am - CDanaT - Lottery Discussion Forum

Workplace Lottery Pool Contract...
Workplace lottery pool don't have trouble from players who sign a contract and pay their money but from those who don't. If the pool wins big, some of those co-workers who didn't play may think since it was a workplace lottery pool some one should have asked them to play, covered them or in some case not be so greedy as not to share the winnings with everyone.
Feb 10, 2012, 2:22 pm - RJOh - Jackpot Games Forum

Would you join online lottery group?
Jack-C, I'm not talking about selling lottery tickets online. I'm talking about creating online lottery pool similar to office lottery pool. Someone will still have to go to store to buy the tickets.
Jan 20, 2012, 1:29 pm - jackpotbuddy - Lottery Discussion Forum

Louisiana Lottery Pool?
Is there one I can join in on? I would love to do that. It always seems like big groups win the most.
Dec 1, 2011, 10:23 pm - RobynG - Jackpot Games Forum

Ohio man sues for share of $99M lottery jackpot
Everyone in that lottery pool should feel very blessed to win this amount of money and it is obvious lottery karma played on part because the minute you don't play for whatever reason, is the very day you win big. In my opinion, he should be able to share in the jackpot and receive the $2 million. I hope the courts will give it to him because I don't understand why they contributed for one of the other lottery players who missed playing and not for him. It doesn't sound very fair, if this was on
Sep 6, 2011, 3:57 pm - Dollar419 - Lottery News

We should form a Lottery Pool
For example I live in San Jose, CA and would love to play with someone who is around my area for CA Lottery and Mega Million. I would like to do this with someone I can trust and befriend with.
Jun 20, 2010, 12:06 am - victorl3ichiban - Lottery Discussion Forum

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