
ForumsResults 31 - 40 of 58 for Mirrors. (0.11 seconds)

A Better Method for Pick3
Hi truecritic,what you mean, the opoosite of what i thought ?I've setup the database in a relational design. Pretty basic and to the point. States, and states have draws, pure and simple.I have lots of other tables setup in it (which i will not discuss here)Don't worry, i'm not some lunatic that will go crazy when someone points me towards an error in my code or so. It was just data that was requested, that's all, and i happened to have that data, nothing more than that.Here's a view of the mir
Jan 14, 2006, 6:17 am - paurths - Mathematics Forum

Some new results on some old techniques.
Cool. I try to explain it to where everyone can see what my brain does, but I can't always do that. For the most part there yes. The 2 combines with the 6 and makes 8. Then you have the 6 being the difference between 7 and 1. You have the 6+1 making 7. The 1 being like a bridge. The 1 from the 8 making 7. And finally 8 being 1+7. Just good ole' simple arithmetic. As far as the number mirrors go. I look at them with this as numeric mirrors that make sense to me. They may not be correct math
Mar 14, 2013, 11:20 pm - Greenfox - Mathematics Forum

Can Arcs and Circles tell us anything to improve our Predictions?
Kola describes the overlap between two draws as the vesica piscis, the shared area of two (or more)circles in a Venn diagram. This overlapped area would contain repeat digits or, possibly, mirrors. You might want to use overlays to understand how the circle for the second draw relates to the circle for the first draw when a repeated digit or mirror is used as a pivot point. For example, draws 2796 and 2797 share the digits 7,2,8. If you use an overlay and line up those data points, you can se
Jan 27, 2016, 8:12 am - Tialuvslotto - Mathematics Forum

Some basic math formulas applied to pick3/pick4
In a way I agree but in a way I also disagree. The problem I see is that you are using individual numbers. I have noticed that I tend to get more accurate numbers if I use boxed. Whole numbers. Picking digits tends to be allover the place. I am just. Not sure how I would make boxed mirrors to test it. I am just not that familiar with using mirror numbers because until this post I have seen no value in it. Ya lear n something new every day:)
Jul 11, 2013, 10:11 am - lottologix - Mathematics Forum

Cashman87 the key to winning the lottery (2007)
Actually you just saw an example in NY of what cashman was talking about. You had a midday draw of 873 the 83 are what he called mirrors. The next draw with either an 8 or a 3 in it was the evening draw 806 so in the next draw which would have been midday the first digit was High as predicted 730. I dont normally do this but just comparing notes after looking over the last 3 draws I would look for 786 782 762 862 boxed to come out in the next 2 maybe 3 draws. Not sure how those line up with y
Apr 10, 2012, 4:10 pm - nickbrownsfan - Mathematics Forum

Math and Lotteries
Thoth I think RJ is mostly about Jackpot games. Don't know if he is interested in Pick 3/4 (my apologies if I am wrong, RJ). I also think you can add mirrors to the pick 3/4 myths. (adding or subtracting 5 from a digit). Like the mirror of 3 would be 8 and it is recommended that you play both. I think any random number should come up just as often as a mirror.
Sep 5, 2006, 8:44 pm - truecritic - Mathematics Forum

A Better Method for Pick3
Vtrac does not work for everybody, just like other systems don't work for everybody. I've heard people say it over and over, Vtracs did not work for me. But I congratulate those who have been successful with it.We are all individuals and have the right to find our own niche without someone campaigning one system. Swearing that it is the best and you will lose if you use other systems. So quit shoving it down everybody's throats. What is this a forum or a campaign to convert everybody to Vtra
Jan 12, 2006, 8:29 pm - Tenaj - Mathematics Forum

mirrors from a number
Single (24-way): v2345 (16): 1234 1239 1284 1289 1734 1739 1784 1789 6234 6239 6284 6289 6734 6739 6784 6789 Double (12-way): v2234 (16): 1123 1128 1173 1178 1623 1628 1673 1678 6123 6128 6173 6178 6623 6628 6673 6678
Feb 17, 2022, 10:36 am - Raven62 - Mathematics Forum

Pick-3 Box or Straight ??
Relax, take a deep breath and think. That's all it takes. I anticipate the trend. I use lotto laughs 747,90 degree and right pair. My smoke and mirrors does well ,along with my series,Noah's pairs etc. Bamm! I then use my charts from zero to ten. Highlight the hits and watch the patterns fall. I start on the left 012 and watch those trends, then I go to the middle digits 3456,then I look and average the widths. Hmm I say hmm. Genius! Lastly I look for the trend to complete the 789 area
Apr 15, 2017, 9:17 pm - lakerben - Mathematics Forum

What do you use for statistical analysis?
I also use Excel because I know exactly what I setup and how it works. I have taken most of the processes that I have read about here on LP and incorporated them into workbooks. I have workbooks for Pick3, Pick4, and Pick 5/39. I have been focusing lately on Pick4 using Strings, Formulas, Hot, Cold, Odd, Even, Sums, Pairs, Mirrors, Position Changes. My processes are scattered around my computer desktop like papers piled high enough to hid my real desk. Eventually I will get them all combined int
Dec 22, 2015, 9:57 pm - AllenB - Mathematics Forum

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