
ForumsResults 101 - 110 of 137 for pick 4. (0.62 seconds)

What do you play
Need an all of the above Normally not a regular player of anything but the PA Match 6, but this year I decided to go in on the dailies (pick 2, 3, 4 and 5). I will occasionally pick up a PB or Mega when the jackpot is high.
Feb 5, 2024, 8:40 am - hypersoniq - Lottery Discussion Forum

Big Prize Winners on LP
If you notice a lot of what you find here on LP is for pick 3 and 4. These pick games are easier to win vs the big lotteries. Also in many states if you play pick 3 you can cash it at the store tax free. However be aware if your state offers online play where you can play via the states lottery web site instead of going to an outlet to buy a physical ticket.. You will pay taxes on any of your winnings. The big plus of online play is you don't half to think about what you are doing if you have an
Nov 7, 2023, 10:57 am - lottologix - Lottery Discussion Forum

Pick 3 number
If you are remotely interested there is a way to do a single number set pick, in pick 3. Do a frequency count of all the games in your states history boxed. Play the longest out from the highest ranked group. When to play this number? Take the left most number from the current draw count up 4 digits using lottery math. If one or two of those digits match in the longest out in the highest frequency count group, that's when you play it. Hopes this helps or sparks an even better idea with someone e
Jun 27, 2023, 11:23 pm - lottologix - Lottery Discussion Forum

how to use world statistics in lotteries?
OK thanks for clarifying. I dont know where to find Brazil Pick 3 results so I'm just going to use Texas as an example because they have 4 draws a day, and your first post said world statistics. Yesterday's results were 177 -- median 7 122 -- median 2 599 -- median 9 514 -- median 4 The median of the medians {2, 4, 7, 9} is 5.5 using 5th grade math. How would that help anyone predict the next Pick 3 draw in Texas? Don't know. Maybe you can cross them. Good luck.
Sep 10, 2023, 11:07 am - db101 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Ohio lottery
Ohio based draw games are not computer generated , they use mechanical ball machines. You can watch the Pick 3, 4, and 5 drawings live at 7:29 PM on channel 5 (WEWS). You can also see the recorded drawings here . So I repeat, what computerized crap are you referring to?
Jan 5, 2024, 9:00 pm - Mr-B 216 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Instead of predicting the entire lottery, wouldn't it be better to predict just a fraction of the lo
I don't know if there is a weak point or weak pattern. But focusing in on two numbers or angles and playing that every time. Then fill in the rest with many other different filters. You could track low and high. Say you want the difference from first to last number be 20. So play several different tickets 4-24...5-25...6-26 etc. Then fill in between only. You have to pick something and stick with it for awhile. That's the hard part.
Dec 28, 2023, 11:22 pm - Cmoore50 - Lottery Discussion Forum

thoughts on lottery syndicates
For powerball it would be 1M with no powerplay and each winners gets 100K, but with power play each would get 200K. The pick 3, 4, and 5 games unfortunately are not in all states. But that would be a better option I believe.
Aug 24, 2023, 8:48 am - JustMaybe - Lottery Discussion Forum

Post Your Winning Tickets Here
I've been so busy running our pool I haven't had much time to play pick 3 or 4 So, it was nice to dust off the old spreadsheet and score coming off the bench
Jun 4, 2023, 10:55 pm - ScoobyDue - Lottery Discussion Forum

Have your Lottery-Playing Habits Changed?
Nm has a bunch of repeat pairs in pick 3 and 4. The prize pool has been modified for the front pair back park at $50 a piece. I spent $3 today on the 678 straight box with the front pair back pair option. I hit $390. That's $290 for the straight box and a extra hundred for the back and front pair bet. The new payout are nice. $600 on a straight pick 3 with the front pair back pair option. I hit that recently with the 777 draw.
Jun 10, 2023, 12:15 am - lakerben - Lottery Discussion Forum

how to use ant colonies to guide themselves by pheromones.
Hi Gary, I use V-tracs in the Pick 3 too, except that I collapse the game even more by grouping the 0,4,5 and 9 together. Though there are significant nuances, they are more or less equal. I find that this strategy is more effective: 0 0,4,5,9 1 1,6 2 2,7 3 3,8 I've yet to feel ready to play the Jackpot Games. From fiddling with it now and then though, I see a clear path of research and play if I were to use the same grouping as indicated above for the Pick 5 and Jackpot Games.
Feb 26, 2024, 3:25 pm - Kola - Lottery Discussion Forum

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