
UsernameResults 931 - 940 of 1004 for Lantern. (0.02 seconds)

military winning the lottery
When you are in the military you pay state taxes if any at your home of record from your military paycheck, as to the lottery, if I went to another state and bought a ticket and won, I am not in the military, but whatever rules, would then apply to me they also would apply to you, military or not, if I have to pay taxes on that other state, then you do too, if I don't then you don't either.
Sep 26, 2004, 8:27 pm - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Crunch Profits
There are 120 single boxed combinations and 90 double boxed combinations, when you input the numbers from the WildWheel in to the Crunch you are already putting many or most of those combos in to it and the last 167 draws of your pick 3 game should also have most or all of those 120 single boxed combinations, so of course between the very many combos from the WildWheel and those from the last 167 draws the winning number will have to be there boxed or straight if you are lucky 1 or more times, i
Sep 23, 2004, 2:00 pm - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Well I am one of the few guilty ones, using it, but not doing well yet , but still trying, it's all a matter of proper use, same as with some other programs and systems and I haven't found the proper way to use it yet, it's not a MAGIC program and won't do anything by itself, it is a system of pick 3 filters and filters tend to fail or not work very often, proper and limited or restrained use is important, maybe (but not sure) it's best used together with other program(s) and or system(
Sep 23, 2004, 2:46 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Crunch Profits
Looks like maybe up to now only Paymenow was and maybe still is making a profit with it, as for me, NO , but I am still working on it and with it, I keep on trying new ways of using it, having some knowledge of how the game works helps, but my knowledge of the pick 3 is still limited.The Crunch can't give you winning numbers by itself, you must have a winning system that you use with it, in other words, you must make it give you the winning number by selecting the proper filters in the proper w
Sep 23, 2004, 2:22 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

If a person can't find a job doing what he-she was doing then maybe that person should look for some other kind of job (anything), either change or starve, no choice or only choice, unless that person would rather live on the street or in some kind of shelter if he-she can find one that will take he or she.Sorry, but un-asked and un-wanted free advice is all that I can give to you and to anybody else.And it might not be the right advice either.Somewhere there is somebody or somebodies that can
Sep 23, 2004, 1:56 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Sign the petition - eliminate computerized drawings!
I just signed. I also want
Sep 15, 2004, 11:49 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Please be careful...
Sandy, Who? Lucky Luciano? Just Kidding, I have no idea who Luciano deCresenzo is or was. Good Luck.
Aug 25, 2004, 10:31 pm - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Please be careful...
For a change I fully agree with Colin, I for one, have never been in any kind of lottery pool with anybody YET , also, not because she had problems with one, that does not mean, that anybody or everybody else will also have problems as she said that she did, also as it was said, maybe she just expected to win and didn't, if so, that is normal, most lottery pools don't win, at best, they come even or almost even, people do expect to win yes, but that does not mean that they will, also, that's on
Aug 25, 2004, 4:03 am - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Please be careful...
Yes we should know who it was, that way, we won't do what you did, or at least not with that person.If it is true, then that person can't say anything.And who else was on the pool, or just you and that person?
Aug 24, 2004, 1:55 pm - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum

Story from exCIA OP re Lottery Scam
While it is very much possible, it's not very likely that it's true.But again, same as always, you never know for sure and believe me, never will.Forget all about it, you are wasting your time.And start posting predictions here at the Lottery Post Forum, same as other people do.Welcome.
Aug 18, 2004, 10:30 pm - LANTERN - Lottery Discussion Forum