
UsernameResults 101 - 110 of 464 for quinto. (0.00 seconds)

Pennsylvania: 10/1 - 10/31/2014
Ok now we know. Anyways.,,,,,,,,, I am on 237 234 579 079 tonight same in Quinto as NNNxx
Oct 6, 2014, 2:47 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 10/1 - 10/31/2014
I just want to put snip you and see if it changes to snip or not lol. I said snip all three times.
Oct 6, 2014, 2:45 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 10/1 - 10/31/2014
Morning! I like your 237 as well as 212 234, 3002 6320 1020. :-))) Wins for all!
Oct 5, 2014, 10:05 am - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
You aren't the only one. I played it night time for a week a few days ago again a few times ss and some 50/50, but was playing day each morning at work but I am off on Mondays and I did not have it in! I like 420 still and 212 for a few more draws. GL
Sep 30, 2014, 1:47 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
420 alert 420 alert
Sep 29, 2014, 4:22 am - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
Play-------- 274 -------Play Just visited someone who sees it coming soon. Don't hold me to it but worth a shot.
Sep 22, 2014, 4:39 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
While we are on Quinto discussion, I have been on 01020 forever, straight once and boxed 3 times and I box 12345 five times each play.
Sep 22, 2014, 3:35 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
SMH today at these numbers!! Quinto payout $2100 total to 6 people lol how did these 6 people play that number? Pairs or back/front 3.. I see 12345 next in Q and PA gonna go down.
Sep 22, 2014, 1:57 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
Daily has not been too hot for me, been soaking too much into trips.. Would play Quinto trips front and back 3, but if it comes mixed then it's no good! My Big4 nearly hit tonight, playing big on 3002 and 1020. Missed boxed on 1020 and missed my straight on 3002, was 9002. It's coming though!! I have also been seeing 1212, 2121 everywhere everywhere everywhere! Anyone else on 1212? I know it looks good, but where or what game exactly hmmm Daily still on 912, 212, 611.
Sep 22, 2014, 12:43 am - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum

Pennsylvania: 9/1 - 9/30/2014
Thx Chris$ Keystone dr65 DEE88 jojo I was feeling it and I am feeling 911 now! Still on 212.
Sep 19, 2014, 7:54 pm - Quinto - Pick 3 Forum