Rip Snorter's Blog

Addendum to Excel conversion entry


If any of you needed that instruction, but found it a puzzle, feel free to add a comment and tell me where it's ambiguous or confusing.  I've re-read it several times and fear it's not as clear as it might have been.

If you need a clearer description of any step along the way I'll do my best to expand on what I've said.

Good luck to you,


Entry #337

Converting Lottery Bible to Excel

I'm getting the impression I'm not the only one who can deal with numbers better when they're on a spreadsheet.

I'm also getting the impression there are probably still a lot of people who don't know the relatively simple, easy process for converting Word, text, and LP history files to Excel.  I hammered out this method, myself, out of hunger.  It might not be the easiest, nor the best, but I'm comp challenged, so I came up with this method by trial and error.

Frankly, I think it's a shame the numbers don't come down in a form that allows them to be cut and pasted directly, but they don't.

If you don't know how to do it and feel the same frustrations I've felt, here's my stumbling method:

Step 1)  Bring up Notepad, Word, and Excel.

Step 2)  Select all the numbers you want to get onto the spreadsheet from the source.  Click COPY.  Go to Notepad and click PASTE.  At that point you can kill the source screen. 

Step 3)  Click SELECT ALL on the text on notepad you want to convert, click to WORD, paste.

Step 4)  On Word, click edit, then REPLACE on the pulldown menu

Step 5)  You need TABs, not hyphens between the numbers to get them on EXCEL.  Type a hyphen into the space labelled FIND.  Then go to the bottom of the box labelled MORE and click.  You'll see a pulldown labelled, SPECIAL.  Go back up and click the space labelled REPLACE, then click SPECIAL.  The second item on the pulldown menu is TAB CHARACTER.  Click it.

Step 6)  Now you should see a hyphen in the FIND space, and an upside-down V followed by a T.  Click REPLACE ALL.

Step 7)  This will replace all the hyphens with Tabs.  Now, if that's all you need to replace, select all, copy, and paste it all back into the notepad.  Now select all again and copy it to EXCEL.

Done deal.  The same process works for all manner of things you find in the text that screw up putting it into EXCEL.  Replace the Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, etc text with a an empy replace box.  Replace 2005 with 2005^t. 

It's cumbersome, but at least it gets it onto Excel where you can work with it.


Entry #336

Prisons - My personal experience - Part 2

As the post-non-Y2K hard times hardened I did a lot of scrambling trying to make ends meet. One by-product of that squeeze was that I began doing some trading with the tribes for pottery, rock art, rugs and other products to resell.

This got me acquainted with a Navajo man who became a running buddy for a while. Curtis Cohoe.

A man about 50 years old. Pine Hill (Self-determination) Rez. Good family a generation earlier. His mom and aunt still raise sheep, shear, dye the wool with dye they make from crushed rock and plants, and weave good rugs the old way. The next generation was less successful in most matters.

Curtiss was much of a man in a lot of ways when he was sober, or mostly sober. Which sometimes happened. One day I drove up to a place he was doing some artwork painting on a table top in an alleyway next to the Railroad track in Grants. I was just in time to see three semi-drunk Din’e toughs in their mid-20s approach him, exchange a few words, and start swinging.

By the time I got out of the truck to help him he didn’t need any help. The two fully conscious ones got to their feet and left at a stumbling run.  The less-conscious one stuck around long enough for me to try to stop the bleeding by tying a bandana around his head while Curtiss intermittently kicked in his ribcage.

Early in his life, Curtiss started out pretty well. Worked for the US Forestry Service as a fire fighter, then as a Ranger in California until things went haywire. Back in New Mexico, a cop raped his younger sister and got by with it. Curtiss came back and beat the cop to death with his fists, which got him 10 years in prison.

Once that decade of bars was over, Curtiss never really got back onto the right track. He had a lot of anger in him, and he had some brothers who were in and out of prison a lot, who kept the pressure on from the law. (Curtiss was fairly frightened of one of the brothers, whom he described as a bad-ass. The other was an evangelical preacher who sold some drugs and stole in between-times).

Another time I’ll tell you how Curtiss came to be back in the pen for another five years, last I heard.




Entry #335

More Red Ball cross pollination

Last 3 each MM PB draws:

 Sep 30, 2005 1 3 14 30 52 10
28-Sep-05 7 22 27 48 50 17
9/27/2005 14 17 26 27 28 5
24-Sep-05 2 10 31 43 55 14
9/23/2005 6 7 20 41 51 38
9/21/2005 3 28 34 35 50 8

10 RB 2005 pick 4+1 & 5+1

 Sep 30, 2005  MS MM  1 3 14 30 52 10
 Sep 23, 2005  Kentucky CB  3 13 16 19 10 
 Sep 14, 2005  MS Hot  4 8 10 24 33 10
 Sep 13, 2005  Kentucky CB  1 18 19 28 10 
 Sep 10, 2005  CA SLP  5 11 12 19 39 10
 Sep 2, 2005  Kentucky CB  3 17  21 30 10 
 Aug 19, 2005  FL MM   4 16 18 23 10 
 Aug 13, 2005  MS Hot  8 24 30  34 35 10
 Aug 10, 2005  TX   18 24 37 41 43 10
 Aug 5, 2005  Kentucky CB  3 11 23 28 10 
 Jul 26, 2005  FL MM   1 29 30 39 10 
 Jul 23, 2005  UK TB  1 7 17 24 25 10
 Jul 9, 2005  Kentucky CB  12 18 21 26 10 
 Jun 16, 2005  TX Two Step  9 10 18 27 10 
 Jun 4, 2005  Kentucky CB  2 4 25 27 10 
 May 20, 2005  FL MM   20 24 27 42 10 
 Apr 26, 2005  FL MM   5 28 29 37 10 
 Jan 28, 2005  Kentucky CB  2 3 22 27 10 
 Jan 10, 2005  TX   6 10 25 29 10 

And so on.

Make of it what you will.





Entry #334

Lottery Bible (tenaj) Picks and MM last night

Good morning blogsters:

These numbers came directly off the Friday Lottery Bible picks Tenaj posted yesterday:

WB 1, 3,  4, 6, 7,  8, 16,  20, 22, 24, 30, 40, 42, 48

RB 16, 20, 22, 30, 48

I just split them out of the herd, transposed them or posted them as they appeared, minus the third number into the MD MM challenge thread.  No other workup.  Maybe 5 minutes work.  The result was 3-0. 

Make of it what you will.

Regular newspaper trivia:

Texas has more trouble.  Some hotshot Texan in Congress, guy named DeLay, has been indicted by a grand-jury for cconspiracy to violate political fund raising laws.  He says the DA, Ronnie Earle, is a political fanatic. 

I used to know a Ronnie Earle a long time ago who might well be DA now, and that part could certainly be true, if it's the same guy. 

On the other hand, DAs don't indict people.  Grand juries indict people.  I know of a good many instances in Texas where DAs begged, pleaded, threatened and cajoled grand juries to indict, or no-bill, and where those grand juries did the opposite.

DAs take potential cases before grand juries, the grand juries examine witnesses and evidence and weigh the question of whether there's sufficient evidence to indict.  DAs have a certain amount of discretion in what they bring in.  If they want to protect a friend they can try to limit the evidence the grand jury sees, or if they want to railroad someone, they can try to only present evidence in favor of indictment.

But most grand juries catch on fairly quickly to a DA who's inclined to trying that sort of monkey-tricks, and when that happens, they become adept at digging out evidence they didn't see and witnesses they didn't question. 

A Texas jury's going to have to decide whether the hotshot's guilty, but the fact a grand jury indicted in the case of a powerful Texan in Congress of either party suggests the evidence for indictment was compelling, that this isn't a trumped-up case that could be suppressed, rather than one that needed trumping up.  Losing a powerful Texan in Congress will lose an enormous force for Texas pork barrel receipts.

On the other hand, this country's chock-full of partisan fanatics and character assassins these days, in both parties.  A charge that any randomly chosen person's a partisan fanatic stands a lot better chance of being true.  Both parties have done a bang-up job of trying to make it true of all citizens for the past half-century, with a not-too-surprising degree of success.

The media will try this guy in the headlines, the people will believe, or disbelieve it entirely based upon which party they're a fanatic for, never seeing more evidence than the media feeds them, or Joseph Goebbels trumpets at them from their radio speakers.


Hmmmmm.  Other newspaper trivia...

Those Minutemen guys I mentioned a while back are taking a new run toward being a thorn in the side of the US Border Patrol.  They're doing some patrol work themselves, with an ACLU worker following each of them around.  Lots of energy being expended on that one.

ABQ Mayor adopted a dog sometimeorother from the pound, got campaign posters showing the dog, using the fact he adopted it as an argument he's a fine feller.  Doesn't say whether the dog got kicked during those family violence calls the polizia use to answer at his home.

Front page center is a pic of two people going across a parking lot with bags over their heads to keep off the rain.  That's the big news here, though it doesn't require many words to tell it.


A not too well preserved '60s freak

with a barely disguised agenda



Entry #333

Crisp morning


Morning blogsters:

Beautiful morning here, though the humidity's a bit high for my tastes.  But the humor of fall's in the air running footraces with the green tomatoes and unripened peppers to see which gets there first, maturity, or premature ejaculation.  But the pecan trees out back believe there's a bit of innocence left to be lost yet before the truly cold weather sets in.

It's hard to fool a pecan tree, mostly.

Plodding along here, exploring the histories of red ball hits every way I can think of, but it's slow going.  The human mind's an arrogant place for the soul to reside.  There's a lot of physical baggage to be hauled along, including the sometimes misplaced confidence that any puzzle, once a pattern can be observed, can be solved.

Sometimes the arrogance pays dividends, sometimes not, but there doesn't appear to be any way to know in advance whether it will or not, until the energy of exploration's been expended.

Which is to say, it's slow going, trying to make sense of what those red balls are up to.

But I'd say those of you who are premium members, who also have a good knowledge of how to do database systems ought to be able to figure all this out.  It's just too obvious, if you can get into the mindset that these lotteries are not behaving independently, that there's a fixed system at work.

But, of course, that's crazy talk.  No such thing happening.

Just happens to be what I'm spending my energies sorting through at the moment.  What seems obvious to me is frequently chaos to people who know more about everything.




Entry #332

Prisons - My personal experience



During the hard, hungry times after my return to civilization following the Y2K non-event I discovered I had a lot left to learn about survival. I’ve told a bit about the Y2K experience elsewhere on this blog, but I’ve never discussed the aftermath here.

The nearest decent sized town to my cabin and everything I held dear was Grants, NM, about 60 miles north. After I settled my mind that I had to move back to town, I picked Grants, mostly because I expected to get a job there, but hoped I could still make frequent enough trips to the cabin to keep the chickens healthy, fed and watered.

But that’s another story.

I was as nearly dead-broke as I’d been since my youth. But I was operating on a number of faulty assumptions. Never had any trouble finding a job in my life, older now with a good job history and an education to be envied by a young person, one of my faulty assumptions was that I’d have no trouble finding work.

Grants is a town about 60 miles west of ABQ, once a uranium mining center, surrounded by Rez of various kinds on all sides. After uranium went away, Grants became a town that re-emerged as a prison center, thanks to the war on drugs. Touristas and prisons.

(Humor.  This sign WASN'T at Grants, though it should have been)

There’s a NM State prison for men, a State prison for women, and a private prison for spillover from the State, plus a couple of thousand federal prisoners.

I’d never thought much about working in a prison facility, but it seemed a reasonable choice. One of my degrees is in English, and though I’d never taught in a formal setting, I’d spent several years during the ‘80s teaching adult literacy as a volunteer, one on one. In my innocence I believed I could be an asset teaching prisoners.

I applied for a teaching position at the private facility because it happened that 60 of the workers there’d been fired the previous week because they’d failed drug tests, or for various other causes. I was new in town and didn’t realize this was a regular pattern, happening every month or so.

However, going there for interviews, going through gates, chain-link tunnels, layers of attitude and ribbon wire just to interview, I experienced a sinking of the spirit with each visit and ebullience each time I exited. As it turned out, the prison system didn’t want a 57 year old with my qualifications, but by the time they made that decision, it was clear to me the feeling was mutual.

I discovered there was nobody much in that town who did want a 57 year old with my qualifications. Eventually I lied about the education, claiming never to have been to an institution of higher learning, so’s to snag a minimum-wage graveyard shift job at a local motel, where I worked a couple of years.

A person can’t reside in Grants, NM, half-a-decade without learning a lot about prisons. Everyone seems to work in one, have a relative in one, sell drugs to people who work in them, or be a prisoner on work release. During those years I became the acquaintance of people involved in all those capacities.

In some later blog entries I’ll be relating some of the experiences involving that pleasant phase of my life, why I believe the prison and criminal justice system in this country is a disaster, why the War on Drugs, I believe, is destroying the institutions of the nation, and why I’ve come to believe Americans are helping to bankrupt themselves for the empty satisfaction of keeping a segment of the population in cages for victimless crimes,

but accomplishing nothing. Zero. Zip, in doing so.



Entry #331

Red Ball cross-pollination - mildly interesting

The last four red balls on PB and MM are 17, 5, 14 and 38.

A search of those numbers for red-ball hits across the spectrum of lotteries shows them to have more popularity at particular times,  than a Hollywood starlet pontificating about global warming or Rush Wossnam, pontificating that it ain't so.  With about the same amount of puzzlement each of those worthies ought to feel, but don't.  I do.  Over these redball groupings, global warming, and the human ability to know an awfully lot about what it doesn't understand.

A premium membership will help you get a better handle on what the numbers do and maybe eventually help you understand why.  But I doubt there's anything at all that will help you understand the bigotry and unfounded opinionation potential of the human mind.

Wed, Sep 28, 2005 California Super Lotto PLUS 02-17-28-37-45, Mega Ball: 05
Wed, Sep 28, 2005 Multi-State Powerball 07-22-27-48-50, Powerball: 17
Wed, Sep 28, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 01-10-12-18-31, Bonus: 05
Tue, Sep 27, 2005 Multi-State Mega Millions 14-17-26-27-28, Mega Ball: 05
Tue, Sep 27, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 06-12-15-20, Cash Ball: 05
Sat, Sep 24, 2005 Multi-State Powerball 02-10-31-43-55, Powerball: 14
Sat, Sep 24, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 06-08-20-26-34, Bonus: 05
Fri, Sep 23, 2005 Multi-State Mega Millions 06-07-20-41-51, Mega Ball: 38
Thu, Sep 22, 2005 Texas Texas Two Step 15-16-30-35, Bonus: 05
Mon, Sep 19, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 14-27-31-33, Cash Ball: 05
Thu, Sep 15, 2005 Texas Texas Two Step 02-08-12-22, Bonus: 05
Wed, Sep 7, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 07-17-18-27, Cash Ball: 05
Wed, Sep 7, 2005 California Super Lotto PLUS 11-24-25-26-41, Mega Ball: 17
Thu, Sep 1, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 03-16-20-29, Cash Ball: 17
Wed, Aug 31, 2005 Texas Lotto Texas 02-24-26-27-42, Bonus: 17
Tue, Aug 30, 2005 Florida Mega Money 02-23-29-36, Mega Ball: 17
Mon, Aug 29, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 15-24-26-27, Cash Ball: 17
Sat, Aug 20, 2005 California Super Lotto PLUS 03-08-16-22-35, Mega Ball: 17
Wed, Aug 17, 2005 Kansas Super Cash Lotto 05-09-20-21-32, Cash Ball: 17
Wed, Aug 10, 2005 Kansas Super Cash Lotto 05-15-28-29-31, Cash Ball: 05
Tue, Aug 9, 2005 Multi-State Mega Millions 13-35-36-43-52, Mega Ball: 05
Wed, Aug 3, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 02-21-27-31-35, Hot Ball: 14
Wed, Aug 3, 2005 Texas Lotto Texas 18-19-36-38-39, Bonus: 05
Wed, Aug 3, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 14-15-24-30-34, Bonus: 14
Wed, Jul 27, 2005 Kansas Super Cash Lotto 04-05-07-17-32, Cash Ball: 17
Wed, Jul 27, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 20-23-24-32-33, Bonus: 05
Sat, Jul 23, 2005 California Super Lotto PLUS 14-15-22-29-36, Mega Ball: 05
Sat, Jul 23, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 06-17-19-21-33, Hot Ball: 14
Wed, Jul 20, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 01-02-12-18, Cash Ball: 17
Tue, Jul 12, 2005 Florida Mega Money 12-13-23-42, Mega Ball: 05
Thu, Jun 30, 2005 Texas Texas Two Step 12-17-30-32, Bonus: 05
Mon, Jun 13, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 02-11-18-27, Cash Ball: 17
Thu, Jun 9, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 07-19-31-32, Cash Ball: 05
Sat, Jul 9, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 07-20-26-28-30, Bonus: 14
Wed, Jul 6, 2005 Multi-State Powerball 02-12-25-30-48, Powerball: 38
Sat, Jun 25, 2005 Multi-State Powerball 07-28-31-32-40, Powerball: 14
Sat, Jun 25, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 04-10-19-21-34, Bonus: 14
Wed, Jun 22, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 09-10-12-15-17, Bonus: 05
Sat, Jun 18, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 03-17-33-35-37, Hot Ball: 14
Sat, Jun 18, 2005 Multi-State Powerball 05-08-10-16-24, Powerball: 05
Wed, Jun 15, 2005 Multi-State Powerball 14-20-22-39-44, Powerball: 14
Sat, Jun 11, 2005 California Super Lotto PLUS 02-07-20-39-42, Mega Ball: 05
Sat, Jun 11, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 10-13-16-24-28, Hot Ball: 14
Wed, Jun 8, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 01-05-06-09-26, Hot Ball: 17
Sat, Jun 4, 2005 Kansas Super Cash Lotto 06-21-25-28-29, Cash Ball: 17
Sat, Jun 4, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 08-12-22-31-36, Hot Ball: 17
Wed, Jun 1, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 08-19-22-25, Cash Ball: 05
Sat, May 28, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 07-10-22-27-29, Bonus: 05
Thu, May 26, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 04-07-08-13, Cash Ball: 05
Sat, May 21, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 03-19-20-24, Cash Ball: 17
Sat, May 21, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 09-20-23-29-37, Hot Ball: 05
Wed, May 18, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 09-16-26-31-36, Hot Ball: 14
Wed, May 18, 2005 United Kingdom Thunderball 10-20-24-26-31, Bonus: 14
Tue, May 17, 2005 Multi-State Mega Millions 07-09-10-29-44, Mega Ball: 17
Sat, May 14, 2005 Multi-State Hot Lotto 10-20-23-29-33, Hot Ball: 17
Sat, May 14, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 03-04-09-30, Cash Ball: 17
Wed, May 11, 2005 Kansas Super Cash Lotto 09-11-26-27-32, Cash Ball: 14
Mon, May 2, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 03-06-20-24, Cash Ball: 17
Sat, Apr 30, 2005 Kentucky Cashball 04-05-06-30, Cash Ball: 05
Fri, Apr 1, 2005 Florida Mega Money 19-33-35-36, Mega Ball: 17

Make of it what you will.






Entry #330

An entire night of rain

Morning blogsters. 

Good, fine, lovely whoopteedoo freaking morning.


It's difficult to imagine a better night of sleep than one that happens with the sound of rain pattering on the roof, sploshing into the yard.  It just doesn't happen. 

New Mexico style rain is a fast-moving thunderstorm that passes quickly, fills the arroyos and roars into the Rio Grande. 

Those are a joy, but a long soaking rain is such a rarity as to lift the soul, the spirits into an entirely different order of magnitude.


Hmmmmm.  So having said that, pondering where do I go from here... hitting the post blog entry button and head for the front porch to watch the lightning, or try to write some of the near- bursting whoopteedoo I'm feeling.

Ahhh.  Here's something.  Someone saw a thing on the Internet, says you can boost your gasoline mileage by 20-30 percent by adding two oz per 10 gallons of acetone to your gasoline. 

If it works I'd look for the next discovery that prices are too low to be on the acetone shelf down at the hardware store.  I'm going to pick up a gallon and give it a shot.

I see where there's some unusual sunspot activity.  Maybe that's contributed in some unsuspected way to me sitting here listening to the rain, or maybe it's just the inevitability of the "It's an ill wind that blows no good" piece of reality. 

Maybe this is rain people didn't want down in Texas or Louisiana, rain that was scorned and vilified as a curse down in the lowlands where they tend to selfishly hog all the rain, then complain of it when it comes.


If so, thankee Texans, for nudging it over this way.  We appreciates it.


A not-too-well-preserved '60s freak

with a barely-disguised agenda



Entry #329

The Snowdens of yesteryear

Evening blogsters.

It's a blustering night out in mountain New Mexico.  Lightning out to the west, heavy cloud cover and gusting wet winds.  The windows are closed for the first time in several months, cats are outdoors, but hugging the porch.

When I went into Bernalillo to get the tickets for the PB draw tonight I found myself in something of a time warp for a brief while.  Driving along in the twilight I went a couple of blocks when this was sometime else, sometime a long time ago in my life, a time when warp and woof of long-time-ago friends were present.  A couple of blocks of forgotten warmth for almost forgotten people, and back to the now.

Driving back up the mountain I got to thinking, maybe because of the time-warp thing, about a time in late winter when I was consumed with the Zuni Mountains as part of the Adams Diggings mystery.  I'd been prospecting, before winter, an area on the west face where Oso Ridge is one with the Continental Divide, where the range drops off and is bounded by two paleo coral reefs parallel to the ancient shoreline forming two walls several hundred feet high with long canyons between the outer and inner one, between the inner one and the west face of the Zunis.

It had seemed a long winter.  I had a serious case of cabin fever and I needed to get out there to look things over.  But there was a good snowpack that year, so it was going to be difficult.

In those days I was driving a '86 Mitzu Montero... best off road vehicle I've ever owned.  I had a lot more confidence in that truck than my passengers had in it.  I'd sworn with chains on all four wheels that truck would go anywhere a mule could go.

Pavement ends near McGaffey, and the road was okay.  I could tell it was deep snow on the forest road headed west, but after a certain amount of argument from a lady friend of the time and a friend, I put the speed into it and let those chains carry me out on that crusty snow until my momentum ran out.  When the truck stopped I was a quarter-mile further than I needed to be.  Hopped out the driver-side and went up to the hips in crusty snow, though the truck, to all appearances was only up to the flat belly.

We threw out a tarp and picknicked there on that snow crust, then worked until evening digging a path back to a place where a couple of the wheels could touch the ground.

A pair of chains on the front wheels of a 4x4 and the poor old truck can use some judgement as to what it will get you into.  But you put them all around, that truck will get you into places where it's likely to be until snowmelt in the spring.

Occasionally you'll run into one of those early in the spring, a truck some guy no smarter than me took somewhere it needed to be chained and beaten to go, sitting there stripped by anyone who wanted to pack anything out, use the hood for a sled to carry the valuables.

Ah well.  There's a story you really didn't need to hear.  Just drifting here, listening to the wind, the rain on the tin can over the roof vent, the sound of winter tuning up.







Entry #328

That 26/27/28 MM combo last night



It's been singing the same song in honkytonks all over the country longer than Mick Wossname's been strutting and pointing.  Even wears the same costumery  a lot of the time.

 Jun 15, 2005  Louisiana  3 8 25 26 27 28 
 Jun 8, 2005  South 6 7 8 26 27 28 
 May 12, 2005  Wisconsin Super  11 23 26 27 28 31 
 Apr 27, 2005  Quebec Quebec 49 17 26 27 28 31 45 7
 Mar 21, 2005  Wisconsin Super  13 18 24 26 27 28 
 Mar 19, 2005  Ontario Ontario 49  23 26 27 28 46 49 12
 Dec 15, 2004  Illinois  26 27 28 31 41 50 
 Dec 4, 2004  Wisconsin Super  12 23 26 27 28 31 
 Aug 14, 2004  TriState Megabucks 6 26 27 28 34 40 20
 Aug 1, 2004  Wisconsin Super  11 18 23 26 27 28 
 Nov 30, 2003  Wisconsin Super  22 26 27 28 30 33 
 Aug 9, 2003  Washington, D.C. Quick  13 14 23 26 27 28
 Aug 8, 2003  Washington, D.C. Quick  13 14 23 26 27 28
 Jun 10, 2003  Wisconsin Super  11 14 26 27 28 31
 Feb 21, 2003  Wisconsin Super  11 17 26 27 28 36
 Jan 25, 2003  Massachusetts Megabucks 23 26 27 28 38 40
 Jan 13, 2003  Wisconsin Super  26 27 28 29 31 34
 Nov 6, 2002  Illinois  26 27 28 41 47 50
 Oct 25, 2002  Washington, D.C. Quick  13 26 27 28 31 32
 Sep 1, 2002  Wisconsin Super  6 9 26 27 28 36
 Jul 24, 2002  Indiana  10 16 26 27 28 36
 Jul 14, 2002  Washington, D.C. Quick  8 14 26 27 28 37
 Jul 3, 2002  Wisconsin Megabucks  13 26 27 28 36 45
 Dec 22, 2001  Arizona The Pick 20 26 27 28 31 37 19
 Jul 7, 2001  Washington, D.C. Quick  17 18 26 27 28 32
 Nov 1, 2000  Louisiana  1 14 26 27 28 30
 Aug 19, 2000  Maryland  8 26 27 28 40 45
 Jul 1, 2000  TriState Megabucks 2 21 26 27 28 31 37
 Apr 26, 2000  MassMegabucks 21 26 27 28 39 42 
 Aug 13, 1999  Washington, D.C. Quick  21 22 26 27 28 32 
 Jun 17, 1999  Wisconsin Super  3 4 14 26 27 28 
 May 10, 1999   Washington, D.C. Quick 15 16 22 26 27 28 
 Jan 15, 1999   Wisconsin Super 4 25 26 27 28 33 
 Sep 19, 1998  UK  6/49 24 26 27 28 34 40 9
 Aug 22, 1998  Maryland  10 20 26 27 28 35 
 Feb 11, 1998  Missouri  12 26 27 28 33 39 
 Oct 26, 1996  Washington  4 5 26 27 28 31 
 Oct 19, 1996  Mass Megabucks 1 26 27 28 31 38 
 May 1, 1996   Colorado 4 22 26 27 28 32 
 Mar 30, 1996  UK  12 26 27 28 37 49 43
 Nov 5, 1994  MassMegabucks 8 20 26 27 28 40 
 Jan 23, 1993  Wisconsin Megabucks 26 27 28 29 35 37 
 Apr 20, 1991  Colorado  9 17 26 27 28 40 

Make of it what you will.





Entry #327

Wednesday morning


Good morning blogsters:

Nice rain falling the morning.  At least for about ten minutes it was a nice rain, parenthesized on both ends by a sweet mist.

I managed to not get to town recently enough to re-stock my Rez-cheapo smoke supply, so ended up rolling a Bugler to harmonize with the java while I sat on the front porch savoring that moisture gift.  But the growing season's coming to an end.  This bit of rain won't do much for the handful of jalapeno, habeneros and tomatoes still on the plants. 

It was a  tough year to be a growing thing in these parts (unless you happened to be a growing coyote).  I'd pruned back the apricot trees last winter, along with the apples and plums, so none of them bore much.  A few scraggly 75 year old grape vines I'd been nursing back gave off a few purples, but I have high hopes for all of them for next year, provided this long drought's really at an end.

We rarely see vultures in this part of the country, but yesterday I saw a large bird land in the pecan trees out back.  At first I took it to be an eagle, which we see more of than we'd like, but as it rustled around in the branches a raven attacked it and harried it out so I got a better look.  Turkey vulture.

The raven chased it off as ravens will do, which is why we don't get many.  But half-an-hour later I heard the limbs rustling again.  This time that pecan tree was full of them.  I counted a dozen when they flew off a while later.

Got me thinking there's a large animal dead somewhere nearby.  I haven't begun the coyote reduction program, or it would have had me out checking my snares.

Maybe some of the local patriots caught a war protestor.  I dunno. 

There's been a lot of throwing around of the word 'traitors' during the recent whizbang threatening peace rally.  Maybe the citizenry is beginning to believe its own BS, decided to take matters into their own hands.


That's one of the problems with throwing around words like 'traitor', and Communist.  They carry a lot of baggage.

Half a century of warfare waged without due process has made a casualty of the concept of a loyal opposition.  For you younger readers, loyal opposition used to be the term that acknowledged most issues have two sides, and that it's possible for someone to disagree with a particular direction the nation's taking while still being as pristine in his patriotism as the other side.

Civil discourse went away with a lot of other things we used to take for granted.

Each side demonizes and assigns sinister motives to the other on a more-or-less daily basis.  Doesn't stretch the imagination too far to imagine the uncivil discourse reaching out of the mind and into real-world activity and touching someone where it hurts.

Poor America.



Entry #326

Who sponsored the ABQ anti-war rally?

Who sponsored the ABQ anti-war rally:

There’s been a suggestion, a hint, that the fledgling, ineffective gathering of citizens in opposition to the (undeclared) War in Iraq are just a lot of Communists with a hidden agenda in opposition to the ideals this country (once) held sacred. Maybe it would be helpful to know who those citizens are. What groups of citizens braved the scorn of the haters of the US Constitution to sponsor an anti-war rally?

Action Coalition of Taos (maybe a collection of Communists. No way of knowing.)


Alliancefor Academic Freedom (possible Communists hiding behind trees)

Another side (likely Communists, since we don’t know)

Arab-Jewish Peace Alliance (Now there’s a new twist. Arabs and Jews willing to consider some alternative other than war to settle differences? Obvious Communists)

BernalliloCityGreen Party (Greens are all Commies… I read it right here on LP, so I know it’s true)

Code Pink Albuquerque (Pinkoes? A barely disguised agenda? Baby girl supplier? Dunno. Seems sinister and suspicious)

ColumbiaSolidarity Committee of NM (Likely drug cartel folks)

Committee for a Non-Nuclear Future ( No idea who these are, but I don’t agree with them on at least one issue I consider important)

Democracy for New Mexico (a novel idea)

Doctors and Nurses Against the War

1st Nations North and South

Grassroots Press

Grey Panthers of Albuquerque

Homeless Advocacy Coalition


La Raza Unida

Los Alamos Study Group

National Lawyers GuildNM

Network Productions

Nukes Out of DukeCity

Pax Christi NM

Peace and Justice Center of Las Cruces

People for Peace in Santa Fe

Social Action Committee of the 1st UnitarianChurch

Stop the War Machine

Tribal Environmental Watch Alliance (Native American)

Trinity House Catholic Worker

Veterans for Peace Albuquerque

What If You Knew

Wild Watershed

World Voices Independent Newspaper

Scary, huh?

Even the spiritual descendants of the guys who invented the atomic bomb, the Los Alamos Study Group, are opposed to this particular war. Those guys have security clearances a mile deep to make sure they aren’t subversive.

What’s wrong with this picture?





Entry #325

She never met a war she didn't like


Ah, America.  Her founders, the framers of her Constitution deliberately tried to make it difficult for her to go to war.  They recognized that sometime there'd be the need, but they also recognized that the wishes of the President might sometimes differ from the wishes of the citizenry, as regards to war.

So they created a Constitution to allow for the need for war, but gave the responsibility for defining and solidifying that need to the directly elected representatives of the people. 

Those framers knew.  About kings.

What they didn't know was that the day would come when Americans no longer venerated the US Constitution they'd created. 

They couldn't predict a population so warlike they'd allow a president to usurp their work, a population who'd cheer a king for his wars, instead  of fighting his scorn for the Constitutional process.

America.  Cheering her kings, sending her young men off to war for half a century into more wars than any other nation in the world.  No war too small to justify another hocker onto the graves of those framers of the US Constitution.  No gunfire anywhere too small to burn a little more of the document Americans used to venerate.

Poor America.  The nation without a Constitution.  The democracy without a representative government.

And for half a century she never met a war she didn't like.


Entry #324

Wrap-up on 5+1 doubles

This appears to be nothing more than an enteresting, but useless exercise.  Almost academic in the sense that it demonstrates a lot about number behaviors across the spectrum of lotteries under certain specified conditions without any obvious by-product in prediction.

Maybe I just haven't looked at it from the right direction, or long enough.  I believe this is a complete set back to the beginning of 2004.  I haven't finished incorporating all the doubles chronology further back than that.  I'm not certain it's worth the effort.

14-Sep-05  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 11 15 21 27 29 15
14-Sep-05  Hot Lotto 4 8 10 24 33 10
 Sep 3, 2005  California Super  11 15 18 35 46 18
 8/31/2005  Powerball 13 17 19 41 50 13
 Aug 24, 2005  Hot Lotto 1 4 6 11 14 11
24-Aug-05  UK Thunderball 4 8 13 27 34 13
8/19/2005  Mega Millions 2 13 18 36 46 36
8/13/2005  Powerball 1 2 18 37 43 37
 Aug 3, 2005  UK Thunderball 14 15 24 30 34 14 
 Aug 3, 2005  Kansas Super  3 7 17 19 22 19 
8/3/2005  Powerball 5 19 24 28 39 24 
10-Aug-05  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 5 15 28 29 31 5 
 Jul 27, 2005  Kansas Super  4 5 7 17 32 17 
 Jul 27, 2005  California Super  5 8 17 21 35 21 
20-Jul-05  Hot Lotto 9 10 18 19 35 9 
 Jul 16, 2005  UK Thunderball 7 9 10 27 31 7 
29-Jun-05  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 3 9 10 20 10 
 Jun 27, 2005  Kansas Super  6 16 19 23 39 23 
 Jun 20, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 9 21 26 27 30 9 
 Jun 18, 2005  Powerball 5 8 10 16 24 5 
15-Jun-05  Powerball 14 20 22 39 44 14 
15-Jun-05  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 8 14 22 30 8 
 Jun 8, 2005  Powerball 10 36 40 42 43 42 
 Jun 6, 2005  Kansas Super  8 15 19 21 27 21 
 Jun 4, 2005  UK Thunderball 4 7 13 24 26 4 
 Jun 1, 2005  California Super  2 8 22 29 47 22 
 Jun 1, 2005  Hot  2 16 22 31 39 16 
 Jun 1, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 4 15 20 25 2 
 May 25, 2005  California Super  4 15 23 26 47 23 
 May 25, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 6 11 24 28 2 
 May 18, 2005  Powerball 7 13 17 20 35 35 
 May 14, 2005  California Super  15 16 40 42 43 16 
 May 14, 2005  Kansas Super  11 16 18 27 31 18 
 May 10, 2005  Mega Millions 11 25 38 40 42 40 
 May 7, 2005  Hot Lotto 2 3 12 13 20 12 
 May 7, 2005  Texas  17 24 25 26 33 33 
 May 7, 2005  California Super  12 14 19 43 47 19 
 May 4, 2005  Kansas Super  1 5 10 15 25 25 
4-May-05  UK Thunderball 5 9 16 27 32 5 
 Apr 30, 2005  California Super Lotto 11 15 28 36 37 15 
 Apr 25, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 9 12 15 21 32 15 
 Apr 23, 2005  Kansas Super  16 19 23 26 28 16 
 Apr 23, 2005  Texas  4 22 36 37 44 37 
 Apr 23, 2005  UK Thunderball 12 22 31 32 33 22 
 Apr 23, 2005  Powerball 8 9 13 15 50 9 
 Apr 16, 2005  California Super Lotto 2 19 21 23 43 2 
13-Apr-05  UK Thunderball 2 5 9 14 32 14 
 Apr 9, 2005  Kansas Super  4 6 18 26 30 18 
 Apr 8, 2005  Mega Millions 5 13 17 33 35 35 
 Apr 6, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 4 6 9 28 9 
 Apr 2, 2005  Kansas Super  3 13 17 19 25 17 
 Apr 2, 2005  UK Thunderball 3 12 14 27 33 3 
 Mar 19, 2005  UK Thunderball 4 14 22 26 27 14 
 Mar 19, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 5 9 24 27 32 9 
 Mar 16, 2005  Texas 5 15 20 31 37 5 
 Mar 15, 2005  Mega Millions 14 26 27 34 44 27 
 Mar 12, 2005  UK Thunderball 7 10 12 23 26 12
 Mar 12, 2005  Hot Lotto 13 15 22 26 35 13
 Mar 1, 2005  Mega Millions 1 8 18 39 48 1
23-Feb-05  UK Thunderball 5 16 24 25 26 5
 Feb 19, 2005  Texas  7 16 19 21 42 19
 Feb 19, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 3 6 7 15 7
 Feb 16, 2005  Powerball 21 25 27 41 48 25
 Feb 9, 2005  California Super  5 6 7 17 23 23
9-Feb-05  Powerball 9 10 15 18 29 9
19-Jan-05  Texas 13 21 36 40 44 13
 Jan 17, 2005  Kansas Super  2 3 20 21 27 21
12-Jan-05  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 7 17 19 32 7
 Jan 8, 2005  UK Thunderball 5 7 11 16 22 11
 Jan 5, 2005  Powerball  4 7 10 30 37 37
 Jan 1, 2005  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 3 4 12 22 4
 Dec 29, 2004  Texas  11 23 27 28 29 28
29-Dec-04  California Super Lotto 1 5 6 17 43 5 
 Dec 25, 2004  California Super  6 10 26 30 34 26 
 Dec 22, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 5 9 16 27 9 
 Dec 18, 2004  California Super  19 21 24 35 41 21 
 Dec 18, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 3 4 5 13 22 4 
 Dec 18, 2004  UK Thunderball 3 4 5 8 14 3 
15-Dec-04  Powerball 1 6 11 38 53 11 
15-Dec-04  UK Thunderball 11 14 16 31 34 11 
 Dec 13, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 6 9 12 25 29 9 
 Dec 4, 2004  Kansas Super  9 11 25 28 30 25 
 Nov 20, 2004  UK Thunderball 2 4 5 9 10 4 
10-Nov-04  Hot Lotto 1 10 18 26 39 1 
 Nov 6, 2004  Kansas Super  6 7 22 29 30,  22 
 Nov 3, 2004  Texas   Texas 10 16 24 25 44 25 
 Oct 23, 2004  California Super Lotto 15 17 23 33 45 15 
 Oct 23, 2004  Texas 7 8 14 27 30 14 
 Oct 20, 2004  Texas  2 4 6 8 18 18 
20-Oct-04  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 4 6 13 17 1 
 Oct 16, 2004  Texas  8 18 21 25 28 21 
 Oct 16, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 7 10 15 30 31 15 
 Oct 13, 2004  Kansas Super  4 11 21 27 32,  21 
13-Oct-04  UK Thunderball 5 7 18 19 23 5 
 Oct 9, 2004  Hot Lotto 13 14 18 27 30 13 
 Sep 25, 2004  UK Thunderball 7 12 22 24 33 7 
 Sep 18, 2004  California Super  11 22 24 31 39 22 
 Sep 1, 2004  Powerball 31 33 44 45 51 31 
27-Aug-04 Euro Millions  1 11 22 28 44 1 
 Aug 21, 2004  Powerball 3 16 27 39 40 3 9
 Aug 20, 2004  Mega Millions 12 17 34 37 39 34 
 Aug 18, 2004  Powerball  31 33 35 40 42 40 
18-Aug-04  Hot Lotto 7 14 18 28 33 14 
 Aug 14, 2004  Hot Lotto 2 9 20 26 32 9 
11-Aug-04  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 6 11 24 25 11
 Aug 7, 2004  Texas 6 11 15 16 44 15
 Aug 7, 2004  Powerball 8 9 16 34 48 8
 Aug 7, 2004  California Super  8 11 16 22 46 16
 Aug 7, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 7 8 14 17 29 8
 Jul 31, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 9 12 20 32 12
 Jul 31, 2004  Powerball  14 31 35 45 47 35
 Jul 28, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 14 28 29 30 14
28-Jul-04  California Super Lotto 5 12 17 34 39 5
 Jun 25, 2004  Mega Millions 18 19 29 32 42 32
 Jul 24, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 12 17 19 20 27 12
 Jul 23, 2004  Mega Millions 5 12 25 35 37 12
 Jul 21, 2004  California Super Lotto 12 14 40 41 43 12
21-Jul-04  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 8 12 13 28 31 13
 Jul 17, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 5 11 14 21 28 5
 Jul 7, 2004  Texas   Texas 16 24 36 37 39 24
 Jun 28, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 11 14 18 23 28 14
 Jun 26, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 6 13 17 22 6
 Jun 23, 2004  California Super  8 12 13 14 18 18
16-Jun-04  Texas 8 9 19 22 26 8
 Jun 11, 2004  Mega Millions 12 28 36 39 52 36
 Jun 5, 2004  UK Thunderball 5 11 13 15 18 11
 Jun 5, 2004  Powerball 5 26 39 41 42 39
 Jun 2, 2004  Texas  3 6 11 30 38 30
2-Jun-04  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 13 25 29 32 13
2-Jun-04  UK Thunderball 2 3 7 16 26 7
 May 26, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 6 9 10 32 6
 May 19, 2004  Powerball  14 15 31 37 41 31
 May 15, 2004  UK Thunderball 1 5 7 14 24 14
 May 12, 2004  Powerball  11 31 35 42 45 35
12-May-04  California Super Lotto 3 11 13 16 33 11
 May 11, 2004  Mega Millions 9 25 30 34 37 30
 May 10, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 7 8 12 18 29 8
 May 8, 2004  Kansas Super  11 16 17 20 28,  20
 May 8, 2004  California Super Lotto 1 5 11 28 38 5
28-Apr-04  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 10 14 26 27 28 14
 Apr 24, 2004  UK Thunderball 1 7 16 20 28 7
 Apr 21, 2004  UK Thunderball 3 6 10 22 32 6
 Apr 17, 2004  UK Thunderball 5 6 18 19 23 5
 Apr 14, 2004  Powerball 1 6 20 22 38 22
31-Mar-04  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 10 21 30 31 32 10
 Mar 20, 2004  Kansas Super  8 16 23 27 29,  23
 Mar 6, 2004  UK Thunderball 7 12 22 23 33 12
 Mar 6, 2004  Texas  14 18 27 37 44 37
 Mar 6, 2004  Powerball 9 17 46 49 51 9
 Mar 1, 2004  Kansas Super  3 10 11 20 30,  20
 Feb 28, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 6 7 10 11 30 7
 Feb 21, 2004  Texas  1 21 25 32 43 25
 Feb 21, 2004  California Super Lotto 9 13 19 20 21 9
 Feb 21, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 9 19 25 32 9
 Feb 13, 2004  Mega Millions 14 30 42 43 45 30
 Feb 11, 2004  Kansas Super  4 14 24 25 28,  25
 Feb 7, 2004  California Super Lotto 7 9 12 24 35 12
 Jan 31, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 2 4 8 15 16 8
 Jan 28, 2004  California Super  11 14 20 26 47 26
 Jan 21, 2004  Powerball  13 17 34 41 45 17
 Jan 21, 2004  Hot  16 19 28 30 37 16

 Jan 17, 2004  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 4 9 16 24 28 4
 Jan 14, 2004  Powerball 12 33 40 44 50  40,
 Jan 13, 2004  Mega Millions 3 17 18 21 45 21
 Dec 29, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 4 17 24 29 32 4
 Dec 27, 2003  Hot Lotto 3 15 31 33 34 3
Dec 26, 2003 Texas Two Step  2 10 12 32 10 
 Dec 20, 2003  Hot Lotto 6 7 10 14 35 10
 Dec 13, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 5 9 11 28 31 9
 Dec 13, 2003  Powerball  17 19 25 26 44 19
3-Dec-03  Hot Lotto 3 13 26 29 36 3
 Nov 28, 2003  Mega Millions 19 26 31 44 50 19
26-Nov-03  Texas 2 3 9 10 30 10
 Nov 22, 2003  Hot Lotto 7 19 20 26 31 7
 Nov 19, 2003  Texas  7 8 19 21 25 21
 Nov 15, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 7 9 26 28 31 9
12-Nov-03  UK Thunderball 3 6 8 9 32 8
 Nov 10, 2003  Kansas Super  16 17 20 23 27,  23
 Nov 8, 2003  California Super Lotto 5 13 21 35 46 5
 Nov 3, 2003  Kansas Super  8 12 17 19 21,  19
 Nov 1, 2003  Hot Lotto 1 20 21 33 34 1
 Oct 25, 2003  UK Thunderball 7 9 20 22 23 7
 Oct 25, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 9 10 16 18 25 9
 Oct 18, 2003  California Super Lotto 2 5 18 25 41 2 
15-Oct-03  California Super Lotto 8 14 16 24 33 8 
 Oct 11, 2003  Powerball 11 14 21 32 45 21 
11-Oct-03 Kentucky Cashball  1 3 4 22 3 
 Oct 11, 2003  UK Thunderball 6 18 19 28 33 6 
7-Oct-03 Kentucky Cashball  10 18 19 32 10 
3-Oct-03 Texas Two Step  1 11 16 34 16 
 Sep 27, 2003  Kansas Super  3 10 11 19 25,  25 
 Sep 27, 2003  California Super  4 13 26 31 46 26 
 Sep 26, 2003  Mega Millions 5 29 32 45 52 29 
 Sep 19, 2003  Mega Millions 13 14 24 34 47 13 
17-Sep-03  Powerball 2 19 24 32 34 2 
16-Sep-03 TexasTwo Step  6 9 10 32 9 
 Sep 13, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 5 9 12 15 22 15 
10-Sep-03 Kentucky Cashball  1 10 19 30 19 
 Sep 9, 2003  Mega Millions 14 15 30 39 46 30 
9-Sep-03 Kentucky Cashball  6 8 9 29 9 
 Sep 8, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 3 9 10 16 10
6-Sep-03 Kentucky Cashball  1 3 14 23 3 
 Aug 27, 2003  Kansas Super  3 25 27 28 32,  25
 Aug 23, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 6 8 16 27 31 6
 Aug 22, 2003  Mega Millions 4 19 31 32 51 31
20-Aug-03  UK Thunderball 8 10 26 31 33 8
 Aug 16, 2003  UK Thunderball 3 11 12 22 23 3
 Aug 13, 2003  California Super  2 19 24 31 33 19
 Aug 2, 2003  California Super  6 20 30 35 46 20
29-Jul-03 Texas Two Step  7 10 17 28 10 
22-Jul-03 Texas Two Step  6 12 15 23 15 
16-Jul-03 Kentucky Cashball  4 18 30 33 4 
14-Jul-03 Kentucky Cashball  7 19 26 27 7 
 Jul 12, 2003  California Super  18 23 25 37 44 25
 Jul 11, 2003  Mega Millions 1 4 10 16 18 10
9-Jul-03  UK Thunderball 1 7 8 25 26 8
 Jul 2, 2003  California Super 4 9 13 38 44 13
25-Jun-03  Texas 2 6 13 21 42 6
24-Jun-03 Texas Two Step  14 18 23 24 18 
 Jun 18, 2003  Powerball 19 20 21 45 46 20
18-Jun-03  Hot Lotto 2 4 23 24 39 4
11-Jun-03  Hot Lotto 12 13 18 27 35 13
 Jun 6, 2003  Kentucky Cashball  4 20 25 29 4 
 Jun 3, 2003  Mega Millions 4 20 25 29 32 20
3-Jun-03 Texas Two Step  2 6 17 20 2 
 May 28, 2003  Powerball 6 16 17 19 38 16
 Apr 23, 2003  Hot  3 9 11 16 36 16
 Apr 16, 2003  Kansas Super  8 10 16 23 28,  16
 Mar 22, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 4 8 12 20 29 4
 Mar 19, 2003  Powerball  19 37 40 47 51 40
 Mar 18, 2003  Mega Millions 13 14 16 29 49 29
 Mar 15, 2003  UK Thunderball 7 13 14 17 23 13
 Mar 15, 2003  Hot Lotto 4 12 17 30 32 4
 Mar 11, 2003  Mega Millions 10 15 26 28 39 10
 Mar 10, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 5 6 20 24 30 6
 Mar 8, 2003  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 7 8 15 25 8
 Mar 1, 2003  Kansas Super  10 16 17 21 24,  21
 Feb 17, 2003  Kansas Super  6 13 15 16 26,  16
 Feb 8, 2003  Kansas Super  5 13 14 19 21,  19
5-Feb-03  California Super Lotto 5 14 26 30 33 5
 Jan 22, 2003  Kansas Super  19 20 22 25 26,  25
 Jan 15, 2003  UK Thunderball 2 5 10 16 28 5
 Jan 10, 2003  Mega Millions 7 17 18 34 50 18
8-Jan-03  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 6 9 12 22 26 9
 Dec 21, 2002  UK Thunderball 3 9 16 21 27 3
18-Dec-02  Hot Lotto 2 5 13 20 34 5
 Dec 7, 2002  California Super Lotto 8 19 32 39 45 8
 Nov 16, 2002  UK Thunderball 2 7 12 15 23 7 
13-Nov-02  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 12 20 22 31 1 
6-Nov-02  Hot Lotto 5 10 17 20 26 10 
 Nov 2, 2002  UK Thunderball 5 6 27 30 32 5 
 Oct 12, 2002  UK Thunderball 1 7 19 23 27 7 
 Oct 5, 2002  UK Thunderball 4 10 21 22 26 4 
 Aug 17, 2002  California Super Lotto 1 3 4 11 19 1 
 Jul 27, 2002  California Super Lotto 3 11 20 42 45 3 
 Jul 13, 2002  UK Thunderball 5 6 15 24 26 5 
 Jun 29, 2002  UK Thunderball 10 22 23 30 32 10 
19-Jun-02  California Super Lotto 8 10 14 17 46 8 
 Jun 10, 2002  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 4 12 21 27 1 
 Jun 8, 2002  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 3 4 20 21 24 3 
 May 22, 2002  Hot Lotto 5 6 16 32 36 6 
22-May-02  California Super Lotto 7 9 17 35 47 9 
 Apr 24, 2002  Powerball 1 13 16 33 43 1 
 Apr 13, 2002  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 6 11 21 28 30 6 
10-Apr-02  Hot Lotto 3 5 6 16 33 5 
 Apr 8, 2002  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 22 24 30 31 1 
 Mar 23, 2002  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 6 7 9 24 29 6 
27-Mar-02  California Super Lotto 8 12 13 30 44 8 
20-Mar-02  Kansas Super Cash Lotto 1 14 15 24 26 1 
 Mar 16, 2002  California Super Lotto 2 8 25 42 46 8 
13-Mar-02  California Super Lotto 1 10 28 30 34 10 
13-Feb-02  California Super Lotto  4 19 28 46 4 
 Feb 9, 2002  UK Thunderball 5 7 8 10 25 7 
 Jan 19, 2002  UK Thunderball 2 5 17 20 25 5 
2-Jan-02  California Super Lotto 3 4 12 17 39 3 
 Dec 22, 2001  California Super Lotto 3 9 18 26 33 9 
 Dec 8, 2001  Powerball  17 26 31 35 48 35 
 Dec 1, 2001  UK Thunderball 1 9 24 30 31 1 
 Nov 17, 2001  UK Thunderball 4 7 16 19 29 4
 Nov 10, 2001  Powerball 7 13 16 33 38 13
 Oct 20, 2001  Powerball  7 16 33 40 47 33
 Oct 13, 2001  UK Thunderball 3 13 23 27 29 3
 Sep 22, 2001  UK Thunderball 4 7 9 10 33 4
 Sep 1, 2001  UK Thunderball 4 6 20 26 28 4

 Aug 18, 2001  UK Thunderball 8 11 18 19 34 11
 Aug 8, 2001  Powerball 2 10 25 37 41 2
 Jul 7, 2001  UK Thunderball 7 22 23 25 29 7
 Jun 9, 2001  UK Thunderball 4 6 9 22 23 4
 Apr 25, 2001  Powerball  14 26 28 29 39 39
 Apr 7, 2001  California Super Lotto 2 4 25 39 42 4
 Feb 10, 2001  UK Thunderball 4 9 12 14 24 12
 Feb 3, 2001  UK Thunderball 4 11 19 20 31 4
 Jan 13, 2001  UK Thunderball 13 20 25 31 32 13

 Nov 18, 2000  UK Thunderball 3 8 9 13 23 9 
15-Nov-00  California Super Lotto 6 9 15 24 32 9 
4-Oct-00  California Super Lotto 4 6 7 15 36 7 
 Sep 30, 2000  California Super Lotto 2 5 14 15 34 2 
 Sep 9, 2000  California Super 4 6 11 29 32 11 
 Aug 5, 2000  UK Thunderball 1 6 10 15 19 1 
 Jul 15, 2000  UK Thunderball 4 11 12 18 27 11 
 Jun 3, 2000  UK Thunderball 7 10 18 29 34 10 
 Jan 22, 2000  UK Thunderball 1 7 8 18 25 7 
 Jan 8, 2000  UK Thunderball 4 8 9 16 17 4 
 Aug 7, 1999  UK Thunderball 4 13 18 25 27 13 

As you can see the doubles and the accompanying number sets appear to cycle through, without regard to which lottery is involved.  The same numbers appear during a given time period, apparently without regard for which double they're related to.

If you incorporate the 4+1s, and to the extent I've been able to check, the pick six lotteries, they dovetail into the mix precisely as you see for 5+1s here.

Make of it what you will.

Good luck






Entry #323