time*treat's Blog

Voyager spacecraft, 1977

No gas stations or mechanics in space & too far from the sun to use solar power. Running on nuclear.

Designed to last ~12 years, still functioning after 30+ years.

Controlled by three CPUs, running as 6.4 MHZ (mega-, not giga-): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCA_1802

Considering the advances we've made since 1977...

... Detroit should be building cars that are better than anything else available, instead of getting their lunch eaten by foreign car makers. Angry

... These things are still running on their original fuel source and we're still importing (oil) energy ... why? Mad

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Entry #233

steroids and tink tink

Katt Williams on haters; so true.


Entry #231


There's always one in the class. Clown

Entry #230

Gutting the 4th Amendment

Like a kudzu vine, this intrusiveness will spread into areas of life far beyond what anyone besides the "tinfoil hat" crowd and those pushing it, are considering today. You were warned.

Oh, I get it now; "Change" was short for "Change from bad to worse". Less than 100 days in.

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Entry #229

Colbert Report: 10-31 Project

http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/223279/march-31-2009/the-10-31-project Clown

Entry #228

smile :)

much more amusing than it was expected to be.

Entry #226

Adding zeros doesn't add wealth


Short article with lots of pictures, showing what happens when you create money backed by nothing (faster than every other criminal gov't is printing money backed by nothing, at least)

When I see a thread about "Would you play a lottery with a billion dollar prize?", I notice no one asks about the buying power of the theoretical prize. I do notice the usual suspects who chime in about how much is "too much for one person", and "What could you possibly buy with that much money?"

Oh, it may be just enough to buy yourself a plane ticket out of that hellhole.Ponder

When I read about wealthy people who died long ago, the story invariably will state their nominal worth at the time of their death and then state the amount in something called "today's dollars". This number attached to "today's dollars" is always larger than the nominal amount.

You read Abraham Lincoln was 6ft 4in tall. You never read "Well, that would be 10ft tall, today." Crazy

That should tell you something about your dollar.Skeptical

Oh, but don't you worry, Tiny Tim Geithner is gonna fix it all. Just like he did at the New York Fed. Just like the vet 'fixed' your dog.Leaving

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Entry #225

woodland homes

This is what happens if your boys don't get a treehouse or fort when they're little. Smile


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Entry #223

Cashing out symbols

(... in my travels...)

Can the average person be wealthier than the average person?

Can 50 million Boomer investors compound their paper wealth at a rate far in excess of the growth in the real wealth of the national economy - and then successfully cash out that paper wealth into real goods and services?

What happens to the price of symbols when too many people start cashing out symbols and there aren't enough real resources to go around?

Mathematics says any fixed number of people cannot each put $X into the pot and EACH get more than $X out. For each person receiving more than they "invested", at least one other participant must receive less than what they put in.

Human nature (greed and stupidity) and history says that if the project is dressed up and given a fancy name (usually with the word "market" in it - stock market, real estate market, or "gifting" when there is even less pretense of offering something of value) and the vague notion of defying simple arithmetic, there will be plenty of people lining up to lose a portion a their $X to the creators of the scheme.

Entry #222

Voted 3rd party? You're a terr'izt

Earlier in the week a supposed police report was posted on infowars dot com put out by Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) titled "Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists". www.infowars.com/secret-state-police-report-ron-paul-bob-barr-chuck-baldwin-libertarians-are-terrorists (read page 4 or 7, the one with all the flags)

Given the occasional bit of hyperbole over there, I wanted to see if there was any other source for this story. There is.

"Look Out! He's Got a Bob Barr Button!" www.reason.com/blog/show/132250.html has confirmed the story and linked to a follow-up AP article

"Missouri report on militias, terrorists draws criticism" www.kansascity.com/news/breaking_news/story/1086524.html

Essentially, what this paper does is take every group not happy to roll over and say "Yah Sir, Boss!" and no matter what their particular "issue" is, lumps them into some scary-dangerous-collective-racist "militia". Nevermind that plenty of video exists of lots of "diversity" at the political rallies, and most of the groups named don't have race-based ideologies.

Reminds me alot of the 1990s - Ruby Ridge (Entrapment), Waco (Hey, how come the number of non-whites killed wasn't mentioned?), Oklahoma City (How did multiple "devices" get inside the buildings?). Those events were presented very differently than later evidence showed them to be. This looks like a setup for something far worse than anything these groups could do, even if they were all working togerher; which they aren't.

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Entry #221

Rachel Corrie

April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003

Entry #220