j20aol's Blog

"H2O and the importance of. Water for the "dumb downs"

I had to stop my dishes………..doing them…………to write this.


When you guys are rinsing dishes….don’t go full blast on the water to rinse one item…..


I see it all the time…..have a smaller flow to rinse…..we only have so much of it.


And no one gives a flying kcuf anymore……..I am being deadly kcufing serious!!!!


We will be dead if we keep using our most precious commodity…………FRESH WATER…………. like it is an ENDLESS supply. IT IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



All Camille

Entry #389

"No choice. She could make me walk in to traffic. No lie"

When I go to my lot next door….it is over grown with high grass and weeds……….ZERO WIND and I MEAN ZERO….until I ask Her (Camille to the “dumb downs”) if She is there…….everything starts blowing and it feels so good….including on my body………………I have never felt anything like it. I do this at 3 or 4 in the morning sometimes with gun shots ringing off in the area…………I have NEVER felt safer in my life……….the calming effect is indescribable……….NO WORDS.




With waterworks….it can’t be helped….I have to wear sun glasses most of the time.


I cry a lot. (For a reason I think……….the state of America…bad shape!)

Entry #388

"Creeping death. Symbolic"

“creeping death”






400 hundred years



To kill first born Man…………..



The Preacherman……………….the death of




It is only symbolic………………………and I am happy for that……I don’t wanna’ kill…………no one.


2and2 with some help

Entry #387

'No choice and I mean no choice"

I need to walk….after I do my dishes!!!!!!!!!!



This will be tough for some of the pricks (Old pricks mainly) to swallow but……..start swallowing you GREEDY kcuf’s!!!!!!!!!




I AM a reset button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




(Old pricks who think they have everything figured out but don’t know jack squat!!!!!!)

Entry #386

"The hard facts and NO lol"

News flash………….the Christian faith……is a celebration between Man and Women………


Let me rephrase that for the “dumb downs”…

………..a girl and a guy…..



Since June……early June…………constant………you know what down below……


…..and when She is speaking through me…..it is even more so…




All truth!!!!!!!!!



Nothing but!!!!!!!

Entry #385

"Can't argue with her. Can't question her. Camille"

Why did I tell Tim S to go Kcuf his self????????????????

(This would be a footnote to my last post….to the “dumb downs”)
















I was in the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #384

"No choice in the matter. Camille through me"

A footnote to my last post!!!!!!!!!!!

VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dumb downs are excused on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Ask these guys from Central plant RD…..DB…..MO…………about giving it my all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(At the prison for the “dumb downs”)



With one exception being when I told Tim S to go kcuf his self…………………….I lost my job……but got it back 3 days later and with a raise……….

(Tim… to jar some memories………then I started working for TL (A beautiful Christian and by design)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That was Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You won’t get away with that in any prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I did though………………………Camille!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Entry #383

'Trying to get my dishes done"

I was trying to do my dishes………..NO CHOICE in the matter……Camille


…..when I was in prison and working with TL and DC……………..even though I was only making 41 cents an hour…………..I always gave it my all…………..like it was 41 dollars an hour………………some inmates would call me a “company man”…………because I was so meticulous to every detail.

They weren’t (The other inmates to the “dumb downs”)


I was being paid a wage….FOR WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





2and2’....................................And by design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BB later

Entry #382

"Sad but true"

No choice……………….teaching tool……….never short of those around here.


Back to the subject of milk………………………I have never drank it for the sake of just drinking it from a glass……EVER! I would always drink juice and good for you juice………or OJ if I have it on hand.


When I or my mother buys a gallon of milk……………it does a disappearing act and kcufing quickly.


I love good for you cereal………I always did………ask my brother or anyone who really knows me.


I can’t love cereal here the way I would if I had my own place again…………….why????

I love my mother but she will suck it all up like a hoover (A Vacuum to the “dumb downs”)


It is getting crazy….she has to have it with everything (milk…to the “dumb downs”)


And her glass is always filled to the kcufing brim. Most of the time I eat my cereal dry…..I don’t even fight for milk anymore.

And then she complains about her belly fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That is America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is scaring me.

Entry #381

"The first 100 times I was amazed. Not anymore."

My favorite song on the album…………………..and…..I was born…..on December 18th………………………….imagine that…..




By design…………………………..and yes……………..waterworks…..







BB later

Entry #380

"A footnote to my last post...Camille mostly"

A footnote to my last post!!!!!!!!!!


Even though the gas is shut off because of the GREEDY building junk dealing owner!!!!!!!!!!!!


I still do the dishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I heat water up in an electric roaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(For bath water too….it takes me hours but me and my mother stay clean!!!!!!)



We are in kcufing trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #379

"2 and kcufing 2!!"

I can’t even leave dishes in the sink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I never could…………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Even when I was kcufed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







Entry #378

"No choice. Camille"It's sick!"

No choice…Camille

Every day She (Camille to the “dumb downs”) tries to hook me up with women. No matter where I go.

I turn them down and I have only accepted one since early June. (She needed her car started) And I have never been with a cleaner women in my life. You could smell the soap.


I can NOT be fooled and that is America…………………………”it” is getting bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


To the point where I want to throw up. It shouldn’t be that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Something is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are heading for kcufing disaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is sickening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #377

"A footnote to my last post"

My mother too!!!!!!!!!!! I try to keep the dish cloth on the spigot so it will dry and not get all mildewy but when she uses it, she will just wad it up and sit it where the Dawn is. And, another thing, she will never sit the coffee pot right on the burner……….NEVER………always half off……….and it (The coffee to for the “dumb downs”) will get kcufing cold and I have to “Nuke” mine. As long as she has hot coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kcuf every one else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry…I have to make calls and I was in a hurry!

You can ’86 the “to”

Entry #376

"End times or Twilight Zone...either or!!"

Just got back from out back (3 min ago)……..it has to be kcufing “End times”…….you should see it…..they are stripping vehicles down……….doors…….hoods…………and everything is just laying around everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tires all over and up against the fencing. It is so kcufing pathetic!!!!!!!!!!! Wood allover and Muffin can barely walk anywhere…I have to watch her so she doesn’t get hurt. She stays right beside me and we go to my lot next door. I can’t bring her up here because of my Mom’s cat, Buffy.

I want to spaz and start killing the building owner and his junk dealing family….GREEDY Kcuf’s to the nth degree but I am NOT allowed to….because I am a Christian. I pray for them though that they will change.

They are on a constant junk hunt! It never ends….even at 1 or 2 in the morning and it is scaring me. People have no sense anymore.


My mother too!!!!!!!!!!! I try to keep the dish cloth on the spigot so it will dry and not get all mildewy but when she uses it, she will just wad it up and sit it where the Dawn is. And, another thing, she will never sit the coffee pot right on the burner……….NEVER………always half off……….and it (The coffee to for the “dumb downs”) will get kcufing cold and I have to “Nuke” mine. As long as she has hot coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kcuf every one else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I deal with this every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So kcufing sick of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not to mention the disorder in the ‘fridge!!! It makes me kcufing cringe when I open it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She will take a bite of something and just sit it in there and I have to deal with it.


That is America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And I am ready to go off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #375