j20aol's Blog


A footnote to my last post:


You three are probably the healthiest and the happiest human beings on the planet:





All are full of life.





I have to figure things out and it is something that I happen to be good at.

Still crying.           No lol

Entry #314

"I am crying too"

To JM, JM and RM…

…who will be running a LIFE SAVING office for the United States of America (Look at it…looks powerful doesn’t it?)


A link for your FB mysteriously showed up on my desktop a few days ago. (I hate FB)


I clicked on it and it takes me to the page and who do I recognize right from jump street?


Your Mother, who is still very beautiful like she has been in a time capsule or something. The last time I seen her is right around the same time I babysat for little JM…in the 1980’s.




I didn’t pick you guys. Christ did (Camille)




I can feel the bullets flying! Who cares? I should have been dead a long time ago! People who know me know that!

Come and get me! It is all TRUTH! EVERYTHING I WRITE! I can’t lie!

Christ is THE ONLY TRUTH! (Camille)


I have to say that. NO lol

Entry #313

"Some really try and that gives us hope"

Doesn’t get any better guys.

I have eaten these for years and it is one of the few things that I had my Mother pick up earlier on her shopping trip. (The shopping trip from Hell and that is the subject of the teaching moment coming later. This is NOT the teaching moment …to the “dumb downs”…butcould and should be a teachingmomenttoolsame thing. (For the “dumb downs”)


Kelloggs is one of the better ones. (They are trying) and I better shut up before I have a bullet in my head. (Very unlikely though)

Entry #312

"I have to make...

...some very important calls to some very important people regarding a very important issue...

...as well as clean my house.



The teaching tool that I almost have completed (Never enough time) will be delayed until later but WILL be up for sure, later.


I can't lie. It WILL be.

Entry #311

"Sometimes I feel like I am losing it"

This is NOT the teaching moment that I was referring to in my last post (To the “dumb downs”)


I like hanging in my lot and I will eat there with Muffin. (It is clean and it doesn’t smell like piss. AND it is getting HOT out…which WILL enhance the pissy smell… to the “dumb downs”) That will increase your appetite and make the food much more enjoyable…NO pissy smell to the “dumb downs”…is what I am talking about.


On my way back upstairs…as soon as I get to the cement pad (Past the junky vehicles, another one added… and the city don’t give a flying kcuf…as long as they get their paychecks.) Most are fat and sloppy, the politicians, NEVER elect a “Fat & Sloppy”, you are asking for kcufing trouble. (Then again, the bulk of Americans are self- punishers …………….and I am still trying to figure that one out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We should be anything but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it makes me want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Back to the story…I will start it off again for the “dumb downs” …On my way back upstairs …as soon as I get to the cement pad (Past the junky vehicles, another one added

…A “Fat & Sloppy” opens the junk store door (downstairs for the “dumb downs”)…

…and pisses right on the cement pad and he is so lucky that I have Christ. (That saved him and I hosed it down, with my water supply…………..the junk dealer has NO water supply…to the “dumb downs”


We may be in “end times”


Trash all over again…out back…but ZERO in my lot next door, for the “dumb downs” and NO fence…and a little windy…………………I know………….mind blowing…………………….NO PUN INTENDED.

Entry #310

"Sorry guys...I didn't mean it"

No….a pissed off Christian…………….didn’t get me!!


They wouldn’t dare……….unless they are suicidal……………..or crazy.


I got tied up with the “Car” thing. She needed some other things done to it and I had to run back for some more tools. (Only 5 houses away…NO biggie but my hands were all dirty and I don’t like touching my computer stuff when they are. It will gum everything up and it will screw stuff up…BIG TIME)


I have to be in a Twilight Zone episode…………….teaching tool from Camille… coming and soon. Hour maybe….gotta’ grab some Lunch….I haven’t eaten NOTHING except a little something while I was working on the car. A little something but I need some real food.


Sorry about the numbers. It’s only money and I hate money and with a kcufing passion.

Maybe tomorrow.



And it is VERY important….it is kcufing this Country up…the mode of thinking…that WILL be within the teaching tool. For the “dumb downs”, this iS NOT the teaching tool…IT WILL BE COMING

Entry #309

"The numbers...soon

I need to help a friend get her car started and then I will get the numbers up.

About an hour.

Entry #308

"A footnote to the Preacherman post!"

Problem solved.

That is what I do.

I am a problem kcufing solver………………..and a half!


All the Preacherguys & Fatcats can take turns telling each other how to live but with one exception,

you will have to use Monopoly loot to pay each other because the “Cash Cow” is cooked!



Everyone is tired of your hypocritical %#@& anyway and hearing your mouth.


I know…the truth hurts.

Here is a serious question for you:


Why on Earth should a bunch of good Christians get together and hand you money so you don’t have to break a kcufing sweat?

I know waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than you kcuf’s WILL EVER know in a million lifetimes.



But yet, I would never charge them a penny for cluing them in.



I am a true Christian and I WILL earn my own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



It was a long time coming and most came from Camille.

She is tired of the “racket”!


Come after me! I kcufing dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will bury you old pricks if you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is called progress and your show is so old it isn't funny.


There WILL be plenty of jobs because of me.

Get some work boots!

Entry #307

"Better than a drug"

Golden rule:



A true Christian has this (Below for the “dumb downs”) within them and you can feel it, it is almost alive.




After you do this “Paying it forward” life just starts bursting out of you like a star being born.







It gives you life.





I am not allowed to blow my own horn but I must in this case. Just recently, on one of my walks I seen someone with the look of hopelessness on their face. I knew that they didn’t have a pot to piss in and I handed him my last 30.00. (A Twenty and two fives)

The look on his face was worth MILLIONS to me. No feeling like it. Better than any drug!


The guy had to do a double take at the bills. He thought he was seeing things.


Good feeling.


And, to top it off, you are not losing anything. It comes back to you.

The Powers that be make sure of it.


Try to surprise someone today if you can afford to. If you have some extra.

It WILL change your life. "Giving is living"

Entry #306

"Just some thoughts. Derived from thinking"

I don’t give a kcuf about a dollar. I have some change to my name! (I can’t lie)






But yet I have everything. (True)













Except the Country that I love………………………………………….it is MIA






…for now…









but not for long.

Entry #305

"Gotta' be the Twilight Zone"



Oral health………………………very important.


A boatload of Americans don’t even brush anymore, let alone floss or rinse.


It is getting bad and when I go for walks, it is actually difficult to have a conversation with some people, close up. Smells like some of them just ate a “crap sandwich” (A lot of them)

We are losing our pride as a NATION.

It has to be the kcufing “Dumbphones” in our kcufing faces 24/7. I can see if you were actually

conducting some kind of productive business.

Most are NOT. For most it is a very serious ADDICTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You NEED to get rid of those kcufing things and just get a phone with maybe text messaging.

You don’t NEED GOOGLE 24/7 or Myfacebook or Twitty in your FACE



Google WILL NOT:

Brush your teeth

Cook a decent meal (More than a Hot Pocket or some Chicken (Mystery meat) nuggets (You should see how they make those nasty kcufer’s. You wouldn’t eat them then. TRUST ME!

Fill out a Job application

Plant some Roses

Write something with an actual Pen or Pencil (Scary…won’t be long until WE can’t)

Read an actual book (Impossible for most anymore…NO ATTENTION span anymore….RUINED!!!!!!!!)

The list goes on…

We are NOT that far away from the movie, “Mad Max beyond the Thunderdome”



Life WILL imitate the art.


Those who READ (No “dumb downs”) the Blog or threads know what I am talking about.


I do know that the so called “smartphones are doing some serious “dumbing down” of our NATION.


But, who am I. (That wasn’t a ? to the “dumb downs”)


I am just a numbers guy who is good at putting 2and2 together.


We NEED to get it together


We are running out of opportunities to rebound.

It is scaring me… and some very smart people in the “know”.


AMERICA is becoming a MONSTER!

Entry #304

"A serious footnote for a possible loose cannon"

I leave my back door unlocked.

You wanna’ know why?

NO ONE can ever get close to me. EVER… to hurt me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Believe that!


She won’t even allow trash to go in to my lot that me and Muffin hang out in.

Trash all around it…but NOT IN THE LOT…………NO FENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If a loose cannon did have bad intentions towards me and lets say they were creeping around out back…

…She will have them walk into traffic……………………………………………NO LOL

Among other things

Entry #303

"The cash Cow WILL soon be COOKED... LOL"


…to start pulling kcufing punches!


“The Church thing”………………..involving…………..my…………….LIFE BLOOD……..Christianity






















DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AND SEE WHO KCUFING WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SHE IS THAT POWERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






BECAUSE I SAY SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It really isn’t just the ones screaming “Praise Jesus”…

…it is the slick (Think they are slick, until they met me) kcufer’s in the back ground who get a percentage of every kcufing dollar.


I cannot be fooled pricks and I am really good with numbers, I can see through them, I should make you pay back every penny.

That would be a wise move on your part!!!!

This business is NOW CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!! (DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!)




Besides, you GREEDY KCUF’S got it ALL TWISTED.

People are tired of hearing your STALE MOUTH!

And tired of paying you………………….most likely!

Just a matter of time before you are preaching…


Give yourself a buck…………………….lol

Entry #302

"I have to be in a Twilight Zone episode. I gotta' be. WTF!"

No choice…Camille….and you guessed it….a teaching tool. (Never short of those! around here)



I was just in the kitchen getting some things done (Chores…I am a jack of all trades. If I don’t do things, things WILL NOT get done)


My Mother comes in to the kitchen and says to me, “there is a store you know” (It has been a few days since I did a store run…kinda busy if I do say so my self…the last kcufing thing on my mind is food!)

I say to her. “we have plenty of food” (Healthy food that you have to actually prepare. It is called “cooking”.

She replies, “I just wanted something quick” She lives on Microwavable POISON. Pizza rolls, Hot pockets, Beef stew (The more fat in it the better. You can see it in her eyes. She loves gristle and who the kcuf knows what that is! Could be what’s left of Jimmy Hoffa. I wouldn’t doubt it!)


That is America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And it is kcufing KILLING (the) US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of A...........with the quickness!


P.S. NO MILK AGAIN, and I am too busy with work to kcuf with it. I ate my Cereal……………………………dry……….with two pieces of whole wheat dry toast and a Peach. And I was okay with it! The world didn’t quit kcufing spinning. (For the “dumb downs”….it spins…hate to break it to you)

Entry #301

"From the Powers that be"

Sweet and to the point. (Mostly Camille with my help)


You guys WILL be playing a major role in the HEALTH of this NATION. It doesn’t matter who WINS

(WE SHOULD. I WILL KEEL over if we don’t) YOU WILL STILL RUNTHE Office of Fitness and

Wellness for the United States of America


I know you guys have jobs, but you are still on the clock, if you decide to be, on the clock.


Record your hours put in on YOUR MASTER PLANS for the HEALTH of our NATION.


You know what WE need. No one knows better! (From Camille)


Trust in me guys. I am NOT allowed to lie!



@JM the guy. In the family photo of all of you, there is a women with you, and I am pretty sure that she is your girlfriend or fiancé. She is so beautiful! If she puts make up on that face, I am gonna’ be really pissed! NOT needed, trust me on that!

So is JM & KM……………………beautiful!


I have work to do. Be back on later.

Entry #300