Rick G's Blog

Intrade: One heavy bettor on a McCain win


This is an interesting article about one investor on Intrade who is betting McCain will win the election.  His investments have affected the value of a McCain win to a 10 point discrepancy from similar markets and opinion polls including 538.com.  The trading pattern of this investor has been investigated by Intrade because the bets are sizeable and unusual in their timing.

One has to wonder why this investor is betting so heavily against the grain.  Bets are being made after a poor debate performance for example and sometimes in the middle of the night when trading is at its lowest.

Note that the bet on McCain specifically to win is not matched in the category of a Republican to win.

I wonder if this guy is a Diebold programmer?

Entry #166

Conspiracy Theories Often Become Reality

We all like to snicker at the "conspiracy theories" that the conspirators attempt to hide behind the curtain of ridicule.  Oddly though, it seems that what was once considered conspiracy theory oftentimes becomes a reality.

Let's consider the Council on Foreign Relations, the North American Union, the North American Highway and the "Amero" for example.  Briefly it goes like this: 

The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) is the real engine behind US foreign policy.  It is a council of corporate interests. They include powerful politicians in their group as lieutenants.  They could be controlled by the Bilderberg Group,...who knows, it doesn't matter.  Much like the Mafia, the hit men don't get orders from the Dom.  Let's just call it a "powerful cabal of corporate interests".  They must "approve" the political leaders of all countries.  If they do not approve of a leader, he is removed and replaced with a company man.

The North American Union (NAU) is a proposed single entity (much as the European Union) and includes the US, Canada and Mexico.  The borders between the US and Canada, the US and Mexico will be "eliminated".  The first step in the process was NAFTA.  The NAU's purpose is to consolidate natural and human resources, trade, agriculture, energy, water, defense and economies.

How can we facillitate trade among the three entities?  With a superhighway/railway running North-South through the US.  How do we consolidate our economies?  Eliminate the dollar and replace it with the new dollar, Amero (like EU's Euro)

1) Rule by hidden Corporate Council.  The vote on the economic bailout and THE WAY IT WENT DOWN (ignoring the People, bypassing the House of Representatives to initiate law benefitting monied interests) is a smoking gun that clearly shows who is calling the shots in America.  Their tool is campaign money to make sure the shots go their way.

2) North American Union.  Although they are still denying it, the NAU is very close to becoming a reality.  "Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s appearance at the New York City basedCouncil of Foreign Relations (CFR) on 25 September 2007, was anofficial endorsement and expression of solidarity on the North AmericanUnion agenda."  (For full story)  The US military's deployment of a brigade of troops in the US under the command of USNORTHCOM (US Northern Command) is the first American contingent of what will be a standing army in North America.  The US and Canada have already agreed to the use of it's military in each other's country if asked.  All of these troops will be under the control of USNORTHCOM.

3) North American Highway.  The problems with building the North-South superhighway is that much of the land they need to go through is privately owned.  How are they going to get all those people to agree to losing their land?  They will do this with the power of Eminent Domain.  The legal precedent has been set allowing government and corporate entities to displace property owners for the "public good".

4) America has gone bust.  The dollar will go the way of Zimbabwe's and will be worthless.  We can see the painful future from the economic truths that became known last week.  Adopting a new dollar will be the "only solution".  Watch what happens with the dollar as this depression takes hold.  If it tanks we'll see the Amero.


Here's how the superhighway will go down:  T. Boone Pickens is the point man here.  His plan includes a massive series of "wind farms."  Where will these wind farms be located?  IN A LINE FROM TEXAS TO NORTH DAKOTA.  The superhighway will be built as the wind farm progresses. 

One premise we all agree on is that we need new sources of energy.  We are a captive audience to any suggestions.  Recently a kid invented a way to improve a solar panel design to be 250 times more efficient than current design.  Another group from MIT recently invented a way to store solar energy for longer periods of time.  Put those two inventions together and you have a sensible, renewable and cheap form of energy that could be placed on the roofs of 100 million homes supplying all of their energy.  Wind energy is not as efficient as solar energy.  But the government will smile on this wind farm plan because it accomplishes several things:  it creates the highway, it steals land from homeowners and the underground aquifiers on their property, it provides jobs in a depression era, it is a contollable form of energy - supply can be turned on and off centrally - this can't be done with individual solar, and it effectively cuts the US in half (this would be beneficial from a military control aspect...a border crossing if needed in the future).  The underground aquifiers will be extremely important in times to come when fresh water becomes scarce.  The government (corporate council) will steal this resource from underneath the feet of land owners.  The council wouldn't get any of these extra benefits if they went to a solar energy approach.

Let's look at the T. Boone Pickens commercials more closely. 

- He's not spending this kind of money on commercials for something that won't happen.  It will happen and no money is at risk.

- The subliminal messages:  The background music evokes fear, anxiety, action.  Listen to it.  Pickens is grave.  Several seconds into the commercial they quickly flash OIL in large letters as part of the background and go to a very quick fade.  He addresses the leaders of the two parties to do something.

In short this commercial is a propaganda piece paving the way for public acceptance.  Something urgently needs to be done...we are almost out of oil...can't rely on foreign oil...government must do something to help...windmills are the answer...we must all get behind it. 


Some will continue to think the NAU (and accompanying superhighway, currency, etc.) is a conspiracy theory while others see the future being laid out for them in the present.  It's all a matter of whether your eyes and mind are open or closed.

Entry #165

Economic Bailout Law is Null and Void


A Bill that is Not Passed Cannot be Amended

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I propose to demonstrate that in accordance with Constitutional Law the Senate of the United States of America did tonight perpetrate an unlawful and illegal act to abrogate the right of citizens of the United States to vote as guaranteed in Article 15 Clause I of the Constitution. The Congress has revealed itself, our Constitution cannot be interpreted, as it  took over ten years to pass and is written in the plain language which can be amended but not abridged. Currently, the United States Senators who voted yes to an amendment of House Resolution 1424 defeated in the house, never sent to the Senate, and overwhelmingly not approved by the constituency is an act of authority made "Under Color of Law", a crime against the country “Under Color of Representative Authorityâ€� not condoned in title 42 and publishable as a treasonous offense and any such law is null and of no effect.

In accordance with Article I Section no money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Consequence of Appropriations made by law under Article I Section 9 of the Constitution. Unless they have the appropriation in hand an identified they cannot draw from the Treasury.

Additionally, each member of the Senate voting yes on this alleged Bill did in fact, with full knowledge execute an illegal act under "Color of Law"� to pass as piece of revenue legislation by amendment with full knowledge that the Bill had been defeated in the House of Representatives just two days earlier. They have complete legal understanding that only a Bill that has been properly submitted by first receiving a majority of votes in the House of Representatives could be amended and passed by the Senate. This unbelievable act of the Senate even attempts to circumvent Article I Section 7 of the Constitution, the "Origination Clause."

Further, the yeah votes "Under Color of Representation" denied and deprived the American citizen of constitutional rights under the 14th Amendment Section 1 and the 19th Amendment Clause I which collectively protect all right reserved to the citizens and rights not to be denied or abridged which are guaranteed under Article 9 of the Constitution. These in the Congress of the United States are bound by oath under Article 6 to support the Constitution and any act not supported in the constitution is a felony lawfully considered void and of no effect.

However, we can see the silver lining in this egregious act of lawlessness. These criminals in the Senate who signed to pass this bill have a responsibility to understand the procedural requirements necessary to pass such an amendment. House Resolution 1424 is an Amendment. Clearly it is labeled as an amendment. Constitutional procedure dictates that you can Amend a Bill that has been passed. You cannot Amend a Bill which failed to pass and was therefore not properly submitted. These people have declared themselves as traitors before God and the Citizens of this country. They have attempted to sell out this country to the public corporations by assuming their private debt without the consent of the Citizens of this country. Article 15 Section 1 of the Constitution states: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."  The rights of the!

citizens of this country to vote on this issue has clearly been abridged by this egregious act of the Senate.

To further state my interpretation of this act of the Senate, I refer to Amendment 14 Section 4 of the Constitution: "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void."

I ask each of you to send this information to your representatives so that they can understand that their constituents will not tolerate this unlawful act and will seek to unseat every single Senator who voted to pass this fraudulent bill.

Back to top Copyright 2008, Fourwinds10.com

Entry #164

$100K Reward for Election Rigging Proof

"WASHINGTON, Oct 03, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Today, Velvet Revolution (VR), a non-profit dedicated to clean and accountable government, offered a $100,000 reward to whistleblowers for information tying Karl Rove and Michael Connell to illegal election manipulations. Other Republican whistleblowers, most notably world renowned computer expert Stephen Spoonamore, have stated recently that the Republican Party has been rigging elections for years through electronic computer manipulations. Mr. Spoonamore, a colleague of Mike Connell, gave a recent interview in which he stated that the upcoming election will be stolen and rigged by the GOP unless otherwise exposed. That interview is posted in full at www.rovecybergate.com."


Vote tampering is illegal.  In the case of a Presidential election, it should be considered treasonous as well.  They are innocent until proven guilty, but if found guilty, should be harshly punished.

Entry #163

Kick FL out of the electoral college!

This is the third presidential election that FL cannot seem to conduct a fair election.  8 years to work on it and they STILL cannot offer their citizens a fair election.  I propose a constitutional amendment:  Any state that fails to guarantee a fair election in a presidential election should lose their right to cast electoral votes in the next presidential election. 

This is absolutely outrageous to the voters of FL and the nation as a whole.


Entry #161

Bailout Update

Two new developments on the bailout:

1) According to Tony Fratto, WH Spokesman, this plan was in the works for months.  Lawmakers have only days to study it.  (Red flag)

"Fratto insisted that the plan was not slapped together and had been drawn up as a contingency over previous months and weeks by administration officials. He acknowledged lawmakers were getting only days to peruse it, but he said this should be enough." 


Note:  The plan is three pages long.  It took months to craft it. (another red flag)

2) The FBI is starting an investigation into fraud by CEO's of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Bros. and AIG.  (huge red flag)


Entry #160

Paulson: Foreign Banks can use US rescue plan

If you weren't mad already that you and your children just got stuck with $3,700 each of bad debt from bad businesses, now we're told that foreign banks can line up at the US taxpayer trough as well.

Just as the Iraq invasion and the Patriot Act were rushed through without debate on the basis of FEAR and LIES, so may be this economic solution.  I know nothing about the economy but I have enough street smarts to know when I'm getting screwed.  Since 9/11, I don't believe one word that comes from the mouths of this administration, its cabinet members, its Justice Dept., its spokesmen, its military, its intelligence services, its cohorts in congress, or its news channel.  Lying to the people has grown to be the norm.  Scaring the people is their not-so-secret weapon and is so overused that it is destroying the fabric of society.   

Don't even think about grabbing your pitchforks and taking to the streets burning our leaders in effigy as the original Revolutionaries did.  They have those annoying tactics taken care of already with the Patriot (???) Act and the Military Commissions Act.  Martial law can now be declared for an "economic crisis".  Voting can be canceled and congress can be dissolved.  Anyone dissenting can be arrested without charges and held indefinitely.  The US military can be called in to preserve order.  Folks, we're not taking baby steps towards tyranny any more, we are taking giant leaps. 

I think we're watching the biggest swindle in history unfold.  When the people realize they've ALL been ripped off big time, then we'll understand why these draconian laws were put in place...to quash the rebellion that is sure to follow.


Entry #159

20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress

I ran across this site I'd like to share with you.  It's a report by CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.  13 of the top 20 corrupt congressmen are currently under investigation.  Click on their name to see why they are rated corrupt by CREW.  It's very informative.

Note:  it's a bi-partisan list, both parties are well represented.


Entry #158

Liberals vs. Conservatives

   The deep seated political divide between the political parties and the American people in general is tearing our country apart.  The serious problems we face today will never be solved by a divided people relying on "party manuals" to provide the proper solutions.  Our problems are not liberal or conservative problems...they are basic survival problems that are affecting us right now universally, regardless of political party or ideology, and will affect our children and grandchildren.  This is your life and your families lives at stake.  Watch Survival Man closely for tips while you still have a TV.  That's how serious it is.  Liberals and conservatives may need to depend on each other, sharing vegetables from their gardens for sustenance in a dark future.  Before we are driven to sharing vegetables maybe we can opt to cooperate and cohabitate now.

   It may ring hollow to some, but we are facing uncertain times and it's time for us to unite and drop the petty garbage....our future is at stake.  We can do that by dropping the liberal, conservative, democrat, republican terms from our lexicon and our thinking and replace them with the simple concepts of right and wrong.  Most of us can agree upon those concepts.  A jury can come to a conclusion based on the facts they are presented.  Party names or social ideologies do not come into play for the jury to decide. We must BE the jury.  We must demand and embrace the truth regardless of what side of what line we are standing.  Truth, justice and liberty do not have party affiliations.

   Before we try to solve issues like global warming we must solve the threat of "nuclear winter".  And we can't solve a nuclear threat by BEING a nuclear threat.  The best way to stop proliferation is to lead the way in non-proliferation.  The best way to stop violence is to stop being violent.  This is a basic moral concept that cannot and should not be ignored.  It is a human social concept that's been passed down for ages.  It starts deep within each of us and we have to perpetuate it in our daily lives.  We are constantly bombarded by "party think".  Don't listen to it.  Shun it.  Just as the jury is not allowed to read newspapers or watch TV news to come to a just decision, so should we avoid outside influences on our decision-making.   

   Here is a personal example of the conservative/liberal divide being foisted on us.  I joined the Libertarian Party because I believe in its platform of non-intervention, personal liberty, respect for the Constitution and free markets.  Yesterday I received an email from the party that invited me to attend the Conservative Leadership Council.  In that email, the following sentence appeared:

    “Should conservatives and libertarians vote for the presidential candidate most ideologically similar to themselves…or for the candidate polling says is most likely to defeat Barack Obama?”

   This sentence pissed me off.  It told me that the party is not its self-proclaimed party of principle but rather, a party of conservatives vs. liberals, us against them mentality... that the election is about conservatives vs. liberals.  I responded as follows:

  "This isn't some kind of liberal vs. conservative ideology debate.  It's a fight for the survival of the Republic.  You guys just don't get it do you?  We're sick and tired of liberals and conservatives...we are looking for PATRIOTS. 

Now that I know where you are REALLY coming from, you can count me out pal...the checkbook just closed, the Libertarian Party sticker is coming off my car, and Bob Barr just lost my vote."

   Who to vote for now? I'll just write my vote in the space on the back of the ballot this year.  The choice isn't really very hard.  There are only TWO congressmen who are honoring their oaths to defend the Constitution.  Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.  One happens to be a Republican, the other a Democrat.  They aren't "liberals" or "conservatives" or "kooks"; there is no issue of party affiliation, they are patriots first and foremost and the only leaders in our government who are truly putting their country first and offering us a view of true change.  What did their co-workers and the media do to these men?  They marginalized them, called their ideas kooky or radical, wouldn't let them be a part of the political debate or process.  They had the gall to trivialize the same Constitution they swear on the Bible to defend and protect.  Why ?  Because the powers in government are afraid of such men!  They are afraid that the populace will  wake up and exert its forgotten right to change the government when it no longer represents the people.  To combat their own fears they put fear in our minds.  We are being programmed (via fear) to be obedient mindless robots. We are fed garbage by a propagandist government and complicit media. The internet is our last bastion and strongest weapon for truth.  That will be taken away because it is too powerful a tool in the hands of a discerning public.  Without a free press exposing the wizard behind the curtain, we would have emporers running around naked with nary a peep from their sheepish subjects.  Time to politely ask them to get dressed...the sight is offensive. 

   The Ron Paul movement is not going away.   Its main demographic is the informed youth, but it resonates with people of all ages and social standing.  It's across the spectrum.  The message is simple (liberty) and the movement is nonpartisan.  The guy behind it is a Republican, but it's not a Republican movement.  It's a Republic movement.  The "Revolution" will not be fought by liberals or conservatives.  It will be fought and won by patriots who have the gonads to stand up and say "No!  This is bull<snip> and we're not gonna take it anymore!"

Rick G.  

Entry #157

Major Energy Discovery Gets Little Notice

It was reported three weeks ago in Science Daily that MIT researchers have found an efficient and cheap way to harness solar energy.  In essence the method mimics photosynthesis used by plants for storing energy.  Within ten years all homes could be powered by the sun and we could do away with the electric grid.  (In comparison it will take ten years to derive any benefit from new offshore drilling and that solution is finite.)

You would think this would make headline news but instead we were force fed news about John Edward's adultery and John McCain's seven homes...things that are totally irrelevant to us.

Since this would put a big dent in Big Oil profits, the discovery will probably go the way of previous similar discoveries...put on the shelf.  They do this by buying the patents and then sitting on them.

In a time when we're clamoring for energy independence there is no excuse to thwart good old American ingenuity.  As far as "global warming" goes, this is a first step towards reducing CO2 and makes a lot more sense than trying to artificially alter the planet's weather or imposing ridiculous "carbon taxes".

Let's divert some of that Pentagon budget to new energy technologies.  A concerted effort at solving our energy needs is a lot more important than building bigger, badder bombs.  As Nike says, "Just do it!"

Here's the scoop:


Entry #154

Who is Randy Scheunemann?

He's a neo-con super hawk and PNAC alumnus.  There is no war he doesn't want to start.  Now he's willing to go to war with Russia because he's in Georgia's back pocket ($$$).  So is John McCain.  Scheunemann is John McCain's principle foreign policy advisor.  This explains McCain's immediate overwhelming bluster to punish Russia, despite the fact that Georgia initiated the hostilities and killed over 1400 South Ossetian men, women and children.

Patrick Buchanan explains it in a piece published today, And None Dare Call It Treason.


for more background:



I'm not picking on McCain.  Obama is surrounding himself with equally poor advisors...note the drop in the polls after backtracking on every issue that got him (not yet) the nomination in the first place. 

Entry #153

McCain Contradicts 2000 Campaign Pledge

McCain in 2000:

"never consider, ever consider, allowing a supporter of [his] to challenge [his opponent]'s right to be on the ballot in all 50 states.''

Political third parties have a very difficult time getting on states' ballots.  The rules are much tougher and they need a lot more signatures than the Reps. or Dems.  It's an unfair system that promotes our current two party debacle. 

Apparently John McCain and the Pennsylvania Republican Party have filed lawsuit to keep the Libertarian candidate for president, Bob Barr, off the ballot in that state. 


The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties.  They should be on all state ballots without having to jump through hoops and pay costly legal fees out of the party's campaign contributions.

Here's a little tip about third party voting...a vote for them is NOT a wasted vote.  Their eligibility to be on your state ballot in the next election cycle is dependent on how high a percent of the vote they receive in this election.   The higher the percentage, the more likely your party will be on the ballot next time.

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.

Entry #152