Rick G's Blog

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Just cut a foot of hair off hippie son's head

Does any one know where or how to donate this hair to some cancer kid?  It's a lot of hair and would cover a couple scalps with some to spare.  I live in the Chicago area and would drive there if necessary but my agoraphobia and other psychoses makes that difficult.  Can I mail it somewhere?  It's good hair, and if an adult doesn't mind the highlights it would be good for them too. 

Your suggestions would be appreciated.

Entry #16

Can't think - bombarded

I have a 21 year old son who plays all types of guitars (7 of them not including a violin)  with amplifiers  and "wa-wa" pedals three feet from where I'm trying to think and use a computer and make lottery picks.  I get so shaky I can hardly even think straight or use the keyboard.  I like quiet; don't like dissonance, volume or discord. 

So please forgive all wrong picks and bad posts I've made on Sat. 1/29 especially those made between 1:30 and 3:30 pm. Central time.

Now that I'm done on LP,  he's  decided to stop.  They don't make medications strong enough to deal with this.

You should see it when he gets a few of his buddies together.  The living room is a constant sound studio and the cacophony  sends me to my bedroom with the door closed,  me in a fetal position curled up in the corner of my closet with headphones on playing "white noise".

But I truly love him and his contribution to our family's sanity  makes it all worth it.  I guess I just get upset when I'm trying to think and can't.  I hate it when I can't concentrate on my own thoughts.  For example I rarely listen to the radio in the car.  My sons think it's weird and I guess it is, but I'd be a real psycho if I didn't have some quiet time to just think about things.

Thanks as usual for letting me rant.  I've been a widower for 15 years since my 2 sons were in pre-school, raised them on my own since then and appreciate people that can understand my problems and psychotic episodes.  Sometimes I get acerbic on here and I apologize for that.

I've done that with a few members on LP and feel like a jerk afterwards, but my apologies to them are sincere.

Entry #15

Blues With A Feelin'

I've been playing Blues Harmonica for 30 years.  Played with a few bands etc.  Today I busted a reed on my 'C' harp right before my son and his friend got home to jam with me (he plays bass and his buddy plays lead guitar).  Spent over an hour trying to fix it it.

This is at least the 5th "C" harp I've gone through in that time.

I tried rubbing alcohol and WD40 in my efforts to fix it.  If you don't hear from me anymore it's because I used toxic substances in my repair efforts and did some inhaling of these products. 

Just to save $25.00......M-a-a-n...

Entry #14

One of the worst NFL calls I've ever seen

Bears at Lions....1:30 left in the game...Bears score game-tying touchdown....official on the field who was not in a good position to see the play called it an incomplete pass.....upstairs booth sees he is wrong and calls for a review...official who must have had his Christmas bonus bet on the game says everyone in the booth, on the sidelines, in the stands and watching at home are WRONG and he's RIGHT.

Watch the re-runs tonight and make your own decision.  You'll see why there was a sudden rise in temperature in Chicago at 3:15 this afternoon. 

I only have 16 Sundays each year to enjoy my team.  They have done a good enough job at self-destructing without some bone-headed official doing it for them.

The NFL should review this type of officiation for the sake of the game and its fans.

Entry #13

Job Networking

I'm a self-employed maintenance/remodeling contractor.  For the last couple years I've been suffering increasingly worse arthritis in my hands.  It is making it difficult to continue in my line of work (screwdrivers and wrenches don't mix with arthritis in your hands).

I'm considering changing my line of work and would like to get an internet-related job such as research, proofreading or writing but don't know where to start in my search.  If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please PM me.  I would appreciate any help.

Thank you!!!

Entry #12

Chicago's new crime target - poker?

WGN news reported tonight that Chicago is going to crack down on home poker games.  A $200 fine would be levied for violation.  The rationale behind this is to prevent private games organized by individuals on the internet.

Tell your grandmas and aunties about it so they don't get busted at their dining room tables with a jar of pennies and a deck of cards in their hands.

Before you know it, we will not be able to pass gas without a license and prior methane testing (and you know where they're going to put the sticker). 

This is not just about Chicago and poker.  It's about "throwing the baby out with the bath water" (i.e., not using common sense).  That is truly an issue that we have to face in our society.

This is a misplacement of priorities.  Concentrating on the real bad guys would be a more appropriate goal for our law enforcement and security assets, not just in Chicago but in the world.

Entry #11

Pick 3 money management system

This a method to use to maximize your wins and minimize your losses if you find you are near-even or making a profit playing the game.  I wouldn't recommend it for a newbie to the game or if the numbers have not been falling your way recently.

Start out with a .50 straight / .50 box bet on each pick. 

If you win a box bet, increase your box bets by .50 for the next 40 picks (not draws) if it was a singles box or 80 picks if it was a doubles box.

If you win a straight bet, increase your straight bets by .50 for the next 250 picks.

If you win again before the limit (40/80 or 250 picks) increase your bet again by .50 for the appropriate bet (straight or box) and start over counting your picks once again until you either hit again (and increase your bet by another .50) or until you have hit the limit of picks without winning. 

If you reach the limit without winning, go back to the original .50 bet on straight or box.

Keep in mind that you are tracking your box and straight hit results separately.

Theory:  You are using 50% of a .50 win toward a bigger win next time.  You are also taking advantage of winning and losing streaks.

Try it on paper first to see if it can work for you.

Entry #10

Prediction board participants, thank you

This is just a thank you note to all of those who post their picks on the prediction boards on a daily basis.

You put your picks and credibility on the line every single day and are willing to be held up to scrutiny and accountability. You are all 1st string team players in this 9,600-person effort.  Thank you and,



Entry #9

Now I know why Saddam was good for Iraq

...because he knew what would happen when the animals got loose from the zoo.  Why did we open their cages?

They call "Persia" the cradle of civilization because many of them are still in their cradles.

Shame on you, Iraq and anyone else who condones murder and beheadings of innocents.  May your Karmic reward be 77 virgins...all males and over-endowed.

Entry #8


Tonight I went out and got chicken, tomatoes and Zatarain's rice mix for my sons' and my dinner unbeknownst to them or me until the time of purchase.

I arrived home with my goodies and guess what I found?  My older son's girlfriend had come over during my short absence and was cooking dinner.  She was making Zatarain's rice mix, chicken and tomatoes.

How can these type of synchronicities be explained?  I'm baffled and it's scary, but I love it and will be enjoying her version of my dinner in a few minutes.

She forgot the refried black beans, but I covered her on that angle.

Entry #7

waxing philosophic on plants and life

A couple of years ago my son's co-worker gave him a potted patio plant...I think it's a type of gardenia but don't know horticulture among a lot of other things.  I do know that it likes full sunlight according to what's left of the "stick-in-the-dirt" label and we face due south so that's good.

I've assumed responsibility for the care and upkeep of this plant.  When the temp. gets below freezing I bring it indoors for the winter.  My two teen-age sons and I don't keep a real neat home so the chlorophyll and oxygen are good things, and it's the only plant we have.

The plant has been in the house for a few weeks now and sure enough every single leaf is aimed towards the sunlight it is getting.  The leaves are like automatically controlled satelite dishes aiming towards the sun.

In the past I would turn the plant around 180 degrees every so often so it wouldn't all grow in one direction....and the plant didn't do too well indoors.  Now I'm leaving the plant in the same position all winter because this is the natural need of this plant to survive.  The leaves are growing larger and it's still blossoming as of 11/11.

Note to self.......go with the natural flow of life and work with the flow, not against it.

Entry #6

Frustration re: Osama bin laden

This is just a follow-up to my comments in Jay's blog.  I thank Todd for making these discourses possible and it is truly a chance for each of us to voice feelings about things that may be more important to us than the lottery and contributes to the greatness of this country.  Good debate leads to a successful democracy.

I have been enjoying the various opinions expressed by other members regarding the elections and our current political landscape.  

I consider myself a moderate independent voter and I vote on ideological basis..  If I feel the current government is leaning too far to the left or right I vote against the incumbent party.

In all of my years of voting (since 1968) I have never seen such a tilt in the ideology of a governing party and am frightened about the direction this current ideology is taking us. 

Religion and 'moral values' have come into the mainstream of governmental policy.  This is a scary scenario.  Why is it scary?  Because the Islamic Fundamentalists who are bent on ruining the peace of this world have included these same 'moral values' (albeit their moral values) into their government and dealings with those who think differently.  Neither of these has a place in a secular government that insists on separation of church and state.  And the separation of church and state is an iron-clad fact proposed by our founding fathers which is unrefutable.  If you think it is refutable, then I would suggest you read the history of why people came and colonized this country.  The colonizers were not allowed to practice their religion freely in their home countries because their governments insisted that the government's religion was the only religion allowed in their country.  Our founding fathers had the foresight to separate religion and government.  This is not a debateable issue, it's a factual point of history.  I will not debate this with anyone because one who would debate it either does not know how or why our country was founded or are so obstinate as to not believe truth.  No argument will convince these people and I won't waste my time discussing it.

Moral values is a vague expression saying "my morals are right and yours are not".  People who profess to embrace moral values are the first ones to condone war and capital punishment which kills living, walking, breathing human beings and yet they are appalled that a scientist would like UNCONCEIVED embryos taken from a placenta in order to save more walking, living human beings.  Where is the logic in this?  There is no logic. 

There also is no logic in wanting to change our constitution to BAN gay marriages...reminds me of the amendment to ban alcohol, there is no place in the constitution for these personal 'moral' issues.  Read the Bill of Rights.  Again I will not debate this point because anyone who can read English and has an IQ over 50 can understand the Bill of Rights.  If not I suggest you read it again slowly.  In my 8th grade class we had to memorize this and understand it and take a test on it before we could graduate 8th grade.  If you still don't understand it then you shouldn't have the right to vote for the leaders of our country.

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ and the Bible, the review of the book would have read simply like this, one sentence...."Treat others as you would have them treat you".  If each and every one of the 6 billion-plus people on this planet would embrace this single concept as professed by all major religions, their holy books and history, then we would not be back in the Crusades as we are now, Muslims vs. Christians.  If you are not living this in your daily life than you have no such thing as a moral value.  Any person supporting outright murder of walking, breathing human beings has no right professing 'moral values' or complaining that an unconceived embryo being used for research is less moral than murder of a walking breathing human being who has parents, siblings, children who will mourn their death.  He is a hypocrite of the worst kind. 

It's time to keep our faith in our back pockets and practice it according to our beliefs, on our time and in our own way.  Those who would disagree should read the Bible pertaining to the hypocrites who pray the loudest....it doesn't guarantee them a ring side seat in heaven.

The blacksmith who forges the sword to kill is just as guilty of transgression as the man weilding the sword to kill.

The "compassionate" normer governor of TX and the current governor of FL ......these two states lead the nation in capital executions and not just by a little bit, but by a huge margin.  The lives of people are not as important as an unfertilized embryo.  It's OK to lynch a man but heaven forbid if you make use of a placenta that will be discarded by the hospital in a uncermonious way.  Many of the executions in TX have since been held up to question because of proven shoddy forensic evidence provided by that state's labs.  How many innocent people have been murdered by the states because of blind prosecutorial zealotry  and yet those same states are the most indignant at the idea of scientists using UNCONCEIVED embryos from a placenta for stem cell research.  Is this an example of "moral values"?  Is killing mothers and children in Fallujah morally right? 

The hypocrisy will get you folks.  I'm not religious at all but I believe firmly in Karma and what goes around comes around whether you are the blacksmith or the warrior.

Meanwhile get off your high horses because you are behaving no better than the scarf-faced bedouins shooting mortars at our sons and daughters and unblinkingly flying jumbo jets into our office buildings.  Either you value life or you don't.  You cannot have it both ways.

I've said my piece.

Entry #5

Here we go again

George, I apologized to you about my post, but after reading your blog just now attacking me, I will continue with this, point by point.

1)  You made mention of financial contributions in your original post (that is a FACT)....I've never asked for financial contributions for my free contributions to any forum, of which Lottery Post bars by the way as well as advertising of competitive websites.  It has been an ongoing thing of yours with Bayesoft and others.

2)  I use a spreadsheet to make my selections, not a pencil/paper system and it is a better system than yours and the stats page will prove that.

3)  Your biased matrix providing 8 selections took me 10 minutes to figure out...no back engineering was needed and no "algorithms" were necessary.

4)  Professional jealousy...what a joke.  I'm not a self-proclaimed Ivy Leauger, I'm a blue-collar worker and I dislike bullsh*t intensely.  If you were working 3rd shift in a convenience store, you are no better off than I am.  I make $35/hr as a contractor.....you were making $8.00 (?)  Oh, and take a look at the stats page, you are not doing any better than I am so you can see I don't use your "systems and algorithms" and never will.

5)  Never played your 60/40 system and never will, because using 240 combinations (25% of total combos) does not make sense to me and claiming a victory using that many numbers is meaningless.

6)  Maybe you should renew your prescription for "chill pills" too.

7)  I gave just as much help and free info at Maybell's and Lottery Post as you have and I'm sure members would agree with that.  Your magic approach is not the only trick in the book, so get off your high horse.

Sorry for my frankness, but as I said I dislike bullsh*t intensely and will challenge it at all times.  When you get to the top the stats page, I will give you due credit, but it ain't happening so far.

Entry #2

Rick G

Never thought I would be using BLOG's, but I guess there's times when you have to get things off your chest and this is one of them for me.

I was told last night to take a chill pill from Todd, and he was probably right...I was getting worked up over nothing re: copyrights.

But I came across a thread in the lottery systems forum today that George Sedertree started that is forcing me to resort to continue last night's thread  re: copyrights.

If you don't want to read this I would heartily suggest you close this page now.

George's magic matrix is a very old system that was used by numbers players years ago and in fact I was using at Maybell's before he even became a member there.

First of all he was SELLING this 60/40 (or whatever) system to maybell lottery forum members and now mentions the possibility of renewing it as freeware with contributions accepted.

To Todd:  this is the exact same kind of fraud I was referring to last night and your members are taking the bait.  After seeing his thread the "chill pill" you suggested me to take (which I didn't particularly care for and could have said to you many times before) is wearing off big time.

These are not original concepts and to ask money for it makes me pissed off.  I know his "matrix" and posted it on the lottery systems board for FREE (twice today, and compare the numbers predicted by the two of us).  Second time I have done that because I consider the forum members as friends not to be taken advantage of and maybe you should take a second look at the scam artists in here.

My feeling is 1)  Elininate all posts requiring money for their "original" ideas. and

2) Don't tell members with valid viewpoints on these subjects to take a chill pill.....and don't bother responding, because my viewpoints and Colin's were legit and that is no way to comment to people who come here and give their free info daily.

3) I'm going to read Sandy K's post on the pick 3 board and might make the same move.  If you're rated 26th on lottery boards that means there are 25 that are better than yours.  The IL group came here thinking we'd have a place to post our predictions with civility, but like Adolf's site, it doesn't look like you're much different.  PM's are next on my list of duties today.

4) The arrogance on this board is appalling.

Thank you.

Entry #1
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