angelm's Blog


1000-1101-333   Keep your eyes open!!

Entry #170



Entry #169

Red eyes!!

I was starting to lose my summer tan,so I went to the tanning bed yesterday.Iwoke up this morning ,My eyes are burning.I made a mistake by not wearing eye protection(learned a lesson)Hope everyone has a lucky lottery day today!!!!!!!

Entry #167

Morning flood

Got home from work this morning-heard water running-Yikes!!The darn toilet had cracked and the bathroom was flooded.Isn't that the way to just get your day off to a start?Hope everyone enjoys their day!!I know mine got off to a rocky start but it will be fine!!

Entry #166

Cruel people

Why are some people so cruel?I had posted for help for Ky. lottery and I felt like some people wanted to bite my head off!!I have always tried to help everyone that has asked me for help.There are some wonderful paople here at LP-God bless you guys and gals here that are such sweethearts!!I know from now on I will not ask for help and figure thigs out on my own.**Life is too short,we need to make the most of it while we can!!

Entry #164



Entry #163


Ky. way overdue on 00 pr.-where are they?

Entry #162


031-017-377-925-245-985 p4-9449 9979

Entry #161


p4-3372              p3-848-625-503-744-750-700 Good luck!!!!!!!!!

Entry #160

this eve

playing these for eve 1011-6566-9799-1151

Entry #159



Entry #156