angelm's Blog



Entry #110

God Bless!

God bless all the mothers in heaven and here on earth-Happy Mother's Day

Entry #109

Where is?

Where is 511 and 400 at -haven't hit Ky. in a while!!

Entry #107


I have figured it out we all go through our teenage years just to stress out parents and drive them insane!!!!!!!!I don't know if girls or boys are worse.I know it is tough on kids with peer pressure and everything else they go through but boy I need a break!If anyone knows what is going on in a teenage boys head let me know cause' right now I feel like pulling my hair out!Unhappy

Entry #106

Rainy Sunday

It is a chilly,rainy day here in Ky.Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and won alot on the lottery!Posted some numbers for the week in the pick3 forum-Good luck!!

Entry #105


Here are 3 numbers for this weekend: 986 985 964

Entry #104


Love,live and laugh!Enjoy each day on this earth!Hope everyone is having a great week!!!!!!

Entry #103


A smile goes a long way.Share a smile-you could brighten someone's day by sharing a simple smileSmile

Entry #102


Life is not always easy as I am sure we all know.There are good times and bad-happy times and sad.We just have to take it day by day and make the most of it,because life is short!

Entry #101


Hi everyone!Hope everyone's doing well.I have had a horrible headache all day!Here are a few pick 4 numbers to watch for the rest of the week:6897 3893 3199 4345Blue Angel

Entry #100

Sunny Sunday!

It's a beautiful Sunday!(get out and enjoy it)Here are 5 numbers to watch for till Tuesday 174 960 400 268 369  ***Life is short-enjoy it!!***

Entry #99

Rainy day!

It's a cloudy,rainy day here in Ky.I would love to just stay in bed but there is always something that needs to be done.Started my day off with a great breakfast-a ding dong and a coke(health nutBig Smile)Enjoy your day guys and gals!!!

Entry #98


like these today and tomorrow:102 895 112 624 111

Entry #97

Good Folks!

There are some very good folks her at LP and I would just like to say thanks!!

Entry #96