pacattack05's Blog

Last word

Last Word

A man to his friend: "At my house I always say the last word".

His friend: "What is the word?"

The man: "I am sorry. Forgive me"
Entry #705

Fishy story

Two rednecks plan a weekend of fishing. They go all out and buy top of the line rods and reels, supplies, gear, equipment, tents, food and other provisions. All costing a pretty penny.

They fish all day and can't catch any fish. It starts to get dark and they call it a night.

The next day, they're hoping their luck might change, but they spend another whole day until dark with no fish. They'r about to give up, when one of the guys says he wants to cast his rod one last time. Sure enough, just before darkness, he catches a small fish.

He looks at his friend and says, do you realize this one fish has cost us 1500 bucks?

His friend turns his head and replies, it's a good thing we didn't catch more.

Entry #704