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Obamacare continues to Rape

The new information is out at and I ran the info for my area and for someone making $50,000 per year they want $32,500 of that for healthcare in premiums and total out of pocket costs!  The G0<snip>ED democrats consider that affordable healthcare?

My personal premiums rocketed over 80% !

Obamacare has never been affordable for the middle class. Beware the democrat that tells you they want to help the middle class as they are the ones who want to eradicate it.

Trump said if he was elected we would be tired of winning...So when is the winning gonna start?

Obamacare repealed and replaced....Nope!
Tax code repealed and replaced...Nope!
There are a whole bunch of Nopes and I ask again...when is the winning gonna start??

BTW Be extra careful when you look at your plan if you have one because they do a lot to try to hide the total costs.

Entry #38


This is an illustration of concepts so the numbers are close but not exact.

To start, the first 127,000 of your income has 12.4% taxes coming out of it (6.2% shown and 6.2% "Gruber") for SS.

Then you have got the other taxes which make the true brackets for taxes coming out of your income as approximately this

0-10,000 12.4%

10,000-20,000 22.4%

20,000-47,000 27.4%

47,000-102000 37.4%

102,000-127,000 40.4%

127,000-200,000 28%

200,000-417,000 33%

417,000-418,500 35%

418,500 on up 39.6%

That's the first part of the divisive and anti middle class Marxist mayhem.

With Obamacare the subsidies are gone at about $47,000 which is a major league kick in the pants.

Now you can see that, once again, the democrats are lying to you when they say they want to help the middle class.  With their scheming it makes it really hard on people who are struggling to succeed.  The donkey kicks you really hard under 127,000 per year because they hate the American middle class and they want to Oppress and destroy it. They lied about Obamacare and they are lying when they say they are for the middle class.  Don't sucker for more of their self-serving elitist lies!!!

Yes Obamacare needs to be repealed and replaced and so does social security.  We need something that lifts us up and not these Marxist programs which divide and oppress.

Don't let them victimize and bully you yet again.

Entry #37

Sigh Sigh Sigh!!

Hopefully loot-o-theft-o-rape-o-care will get repealed and replaced soon but the current topic is taxes.

If the media reports are to be believed then there is some argument over state and local tax deductions with the fed income taxes.

The state and local tax deduction is a very Gruberesque swindle.

Either the people working on it are in on the scam or they really can't see what is going on!

The federal deductions for state and local taxes are, in fact, taxation without representation.

How you ask?

Here is a faithful representation of what is really going on and how the deduction is really a WMD (Weapon of Marxist Destruction).

It does leave out the details which get everyone bogged down so people like Gruber can swindle you but this is what is going on....

Just as an example lets say that the federal government needs to raise 1 trillion in income tax revenue per fiscal year.

To make it easy lets also assume a flat tax rate with deductions for state and local taxes.

If there were 10 trillion in income the rate would need to be 10%

But wait! Don't forget the state and local deductions.

Say California and New York, two high tax states, each account for 500 billion in income for a total of 1 Trillion dollars of income which would mean they would each have 50 billion overall tax bills for a total of 100 billion dollars.

Now suppose that they each exercise their state and local deductions so, as an example, it cuts their taxable income to 400 billion dollars each which would mean they each have to kick in 40 billion for a total of 80 billion in income tax.

Federal tax revenues are now 980 billion and are 20 billion dollars short!

So now the feds need to raise everybodys tax rate to get the 1 trillion dollars!!!

This siphons off income from people in the other 48 states and forces people in the other 48 states to pay taxes in jurisdictions that they have never heard of, will never go to and will never have representation in!!!

Once the people realize this they will be cutting the heads off of swindlers and dumping their blood in Boston Harbor in the Boston Gruberesque-swindling-fat-pig party.

Taxation without representation in America???  H3LL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entry #36

No Fake repeals!

The swamp should have the moral courage to fully repeal Obamacare.

It is malicious Marxist policy deliberately designed to harm people who are trying to claw their way to success which is why it was designed only for people who make either low income or for people who make over $425,000 per year while seriously penalizing the middle (as discussed previously).

It is just another piece of regressive and oppressive Marxist mayhem that the people-hating democrats forced on the public that the dems thought were "too stupid" to see what was really going on.

Social Security is also regressive and oppressive Marxist warfare on the people and SS should be repealed and replaced too!

It's time to take a pitchfork and stab the Marxists in the foot before they get it any further through the door to do more harm to people who just want to be left alone so they can mind their own business and take care of themselves without the government trying to keep them down and control them with Anti-American and Un American policies.

Hey Hey!  Ho Ho! Greedy Marxists have got to go!

Have the Moral Courage to do what you said you were going to do and don't do any fake repeals!

Entry #35


Taxes and healthcare.

Obamacare put a 3.8% tax on rents.  Who do you suppose pays that 3.8%?

My Rent, when it goes up, had been going up $20/month per year.  After Obamacare kicked in we have been having large rent increases every year.

It went up $50 per month and has been going up $40 per month.

Why do suppose this is?

Who is paying that Obamacare tax on rents and the higher premiums for the apartment employees...I'll give you one guess and a aint the landlord.

Not only do the tenants have to pay the Obamacare tax but we also have to pay extra due to the increasing Health costs for the office and maintenance people.

On top of that the landlord has let go of 5 or 6 longtime employees to help keep costs down.  These people were replaced by lower cost part-time "babysitters".

The staff that has healthcare are complaining of pay cuts because of the higher out of pockets they have to pay on their now rotten health plans.

My neighbors are all complaining about the rent increases.

I now have a rotten health plan and Obscene rent increases.

I have never made anywhere near 200k or 250k yet I have to pay that 3.8%

If there is a big increase in rent next year because of Obamacare I may be homeless and Trump says he doesn't want to cut taxes for the rich!

Ha! Rich people don't pay taxes they just pass them on to everyone else!

Cut the taxes and dump Obamacare already as you promised!

Entry #34

Repeal and Replace

Obamacare violates Americas founding principles, it abuses the American taxpayer and it abuses the American Middle Class.

If the recently pulled/failed bill did any of that than I can understand why it failed.

Let's not forget that when you work and someone else is entitled to all or part of your income  not only is it generally called slavery but now it is also called Obamacare.

Trump said that there was going to be so much winning that we would be tired of it.  Well, when is the winning going to start?

The sooner the invasive and oppressive abuse called Obamacare is over the better.

Entry #33


Here is how Obamacare works where I am -

If you earn below about $16,500 per year you get put on Medicaid.

If you earn about  $16,500 per year you get a fully subsidized policy

At $47,500 you pay full cost for the policy out of pocket.

This is the Percentage of your income you pay for your Obamacare policy at the following income levels

@  $16,500 per year you pay about 7.2%  of your income out of pocket for your healthcare

@  $47,500 per year you pay about 63% (yes that's Sixty Three percent!) of your income out of pocket for your healthcare

@  $100,000 per year you pay about 30% of your income out of pocket

@  $200,000 income per year you pay 15% of your income  out of pocket for your healthcare

@  $300,000 it's 10%

@ about $415,000 per year it is back to about 7.2% of your income for healthcare

@ over $415,000 per year you pay less than a fully subsidized policy out of pocket on a percentage of income basis.

Please tell me again how Obamacare is not a liberal elitist swindle that wasn't designed as another tool in the Marxist toolkit to eradicate and subjugate the American Middle class.

Clearly Obamacare is weaponized government designed to harm the middle class!

I'm waiting to see if this is going to be remedied or if it is going to be made worse.

Entry #32

It's Science! Or is it Religion?

The anti carbon bigots are pounding the table so hard I am wondering if they are simply just zealots.

Does their CO2 analysis vs climate change include everything they don't know and didn't think of?

If they do know everything then the arguments should be calm and simple.

I have yet to see any convincing report or analysis that shows that the zealots do indeed know everything.

Could someone please point me to an analysis or report that truly shows that these scientists know everything?


Entry #31

A Long Time Ago in the U.S.

A long time ago in  the United States there was a group of people who were told that if they liked their homes they could keep their homes and  if they liked their land they could keep their land!

That didn't turn out to be true as they were ripped from their homes and land and they were escorted by U.S. troops on a death march out west.
Their homes and land went to other people and their young and there elderly died on the death march.

They were "given" new land out west and told 'here you go, now you can become the farmers you have always wanted to become'.

This, by the way, was done under the "auspices" of a Democrat president.

Does any of this sound remotely familiar?

Apparently it's ok to steal from and subjugate your neighbors while democrats are in office.

Those who forget history.....

Entry #30

At the very least

Anyone born between 1 January 1954 and 31 December 1968 (50-64 Years old) who had their great health insurance ripped away from them by Obamacare should be permanently Grandfathered in on pre existing conditions.

I have had coverage virtually all my life and wasn't complaining and I was trying to mind my own business and not bother anyone when I got lied to and had my coverage ripped away.  I have developed conditions over the years while being  covered by my PRE Obamacare insurance.  I don't know how many people like me have NEVER had to pay for pre existing conditons on plans that they have had for years and developed the conditions  while being on the plans.

People 50 to 64 who had plans that they weren't paying pre existing condition premiums on should not, all of a sudden, have to pay for pre existing conditions because a bunch of bureaucrats decided to lie to them and cheat them.

This would apply to roughly 10 Million or so People who had their great insurance ripped away from them by a dictate that replaced their great insurance with expensive, unusable, high-deductible plans.

People this old should be Grandfathered because we don't have time to recover from Obamacare .

There may be some 65 year old  or older people who may not be able to go on Medicare and they should be considered too.

I should not even be having to discuss this in the first place because after at least 75 years of wanting to do healthcare, they should have come up with something way better!

Entry #29

Insult to Injury??

Well, now that the G*d D*amn Obamacare is going to get repealed the question is are we going to get insult added to injury?

I had my then current policy for 17 years before the G*d D*mn Dems lied to me and ripped it from me.

I should not have to pay for pre existing conditions as I don't have any  because anything I have now I got while I was insured before Obamacare.

People who had great plans ripped from them by the Motherf*cking Dems should be Grandfathered in and should Never have to pay for pre-existing conditions especially if, like me, they were insured for virtually all of their lives until the Dems lied and f*cked us over.

Yes it is a great thing that Obamacare is going but I just hope we don't get insult added to injury by having to pay for preexisting conditions that are NOT preexisting!

Entry #28

Raise of Hands

How many people remember that Obama said that Trump is "more malleable" when Obama was asked about the 2016 election?

Also, I couldn't resist this pondering "what would Katie Couric and the mainstream media do?"

Entry #26

I'm Stunned

I am wondering how Angus King from Maine can represent his people effectively when he is either too lazy or too stupid to understand the issues!

I was flipping through the channels this morning and CNN had King on and King was talking about Trump and Obamacare and King said that he did not see any ideas from Trump other than buying insurance across state lines to which King said "you can already do that".

Well, It's true for the big insider elites who can do just about anything they want but the little people and small business can only buy insurance from within their own insurance districts in their own states!


Obamacare was passed in 2010 and King still does not know what's in it!

How can we have effective representation when the  representatives themselves don't know what's going on and don't even understand the laws that their own jurisdictions pass?


Entry #25

Oh the Enormity!

The enormity of Obamacare is truly disgusting considering the Marxocrats had over 75 years to come up with a healthcare plan.

In that amount of time we all should now have a Cadillac plan for $250 per person per month and that should be it!

Instead the malicious Marxocrats lied to us and shoved an oppressive and sadistic system up our butts!

Clearly they were not out to do anything for the people rather they were out to do something TO the people.

Obamacare never was about helping anyone.  In fact Obamacare was designed to manipulate, interfere with and control our lives.

It was designed as part of a strategy to continue to eradicate the American middle class.

Remember that congress and the supreme court were not going to pass Obamacare until Obama told them that they would not have to sign up for it as originally planned.

Also, if Obamacare is so great how come Obama exempted himself from having to sign up?

The law is just for the little people aka the "deplorables" not for the lawmakers themselves because if it was such a great plan Obama himself would have been the first one to rush to sign up for it.

Obama knows how horrible it is and that is why he exempted himself from having to sign up for it.

Entry #24
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