TigerAngel's Blog

Supreme Court to Obama: Prove It

The Supreme Court of The United States of America gives Obama until December 1st to produce his birth certificate showing he is a "natural born" citizen of the United States and therefore quilified to hold the highest office of the land.

He can't because it doesn't exist. Obama will have to also answer for posting 3 fake birth certificates on the D.C. websites. He will have to answer for taking 600 million plus dollars in donations and defrauding voters.

Any person reading the Writ of Certiorari that Justice Souter accepted at the Supreme Court and says Obama must answer by Dec. 1 will understand the evidence with their own eyes. 

The only part of the filing that was rejected by Justice Souter was the Injunction to stop the election. The Writ of Certiorari is still in play.

We are headed for a Constitutional crisis if this is not resolved.  Anything Obama signs in office will be null and void. Anyone showing or telling Obama state secrets would be committing a crime.

You can read the Writ and exhibits for yourself  www.obamacrimes.com    Find the article and click on the pdf file.

Obama may even be an illegal alien. Don't  take my word for it, do your own research!

Entry #49

Obama- The One Video

If you only watch one last video before voting for Barack Obama, this should probably be the one. Most of the secrets of Obama are unlocked here... at least, as many secrets as possible in the short time since the "Most Secretive Candidate Ever" was nominated for the position of "Most Powerful Man on Earth". Some of the most enlightning ten minutes you can watch on the subject.


Entry #47

Att. Phil Berg vs. Obama Live Internet Radio Coming up

Attorney Phil Berg on Lan Lamphere internet radio you can hear tonight, (next guest) It is now 3:15 pacific time. He took Omama"not a citizen case to the Supreme Court last week.

Hear him explain the evidence NOw. It will replay and he'll be on the show tomorrow night also.

Tommorrow nite show he will play the audio of Obama's Kenya Grandmother saying she was present at the hospital when Obama was born in Kenya.

Folks, this election could drag out til January or be stopped by the Supreme Court between now and Jan 20. No need to RIOT however since no one is to blame except one person: Obama! He is perpetrating the biggest hoax on the American people in our whole history!

more on Berg court case and radio shows at obamacrimes.com

here is the link to the radio show tonight  http://www.patriotbrigaderadio.com/livejava2.php 

right after this comedian LOL that's on now, Phil Berg. . he's great!!!

Entry #45

Yes, Obama REALLY Is A Manchurian Candidate

great article, sums it all up and reaches the Manchurian conclusion.  Webster Tarpley has 2 books out for this election. One is titled "Obama: The Postmodern Coup-Making of a Manchurian Candadate

article here:   http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=79411


book info:  Obama: The Postmodern Coup-Making of a Manchurian Candadate


Did you see the original 1962 movie?  The remake? I like both! And here he is---Obama!!! OMG vote McCain!!!!!!

Entry #43

See Berg vs. Obama on FOX NEWS Tonight!

On Fox news at 6 & 7 pm Eastern Time, attorney Phil Berg will be on both shows, Brit Hume and Shepard Smith.

He will explain his case going to the Supreme Court because OBAMA IS NOT A CITIZEN!!!!


Also there is a website for upset Dems, lots of good stuff there. Find your state, click on it and see if it has it's own law suite. Nine states the other day had there own lawsuits against Obama being on the ballot!!!!


Entry #39

The Obama Analysis, Part A

Get informed, great part A. While you're at it why don't you see the rest of this series. . it's that excellent!

At part A page notice the name of the posting person "livingonplanetZ", click on his name, go to his channel, all the rest of the Analysis parts are right there up front PLUS. . lots more great vids.

The guy looks to me like Allen Keys, can anyone confirm that?


Entry #38