TigerAngel's Blog

Husband Comiing Home Today From Hospital

Thanks everyone one for your prayers! John is coming home today, Friday, from the hospital. So many miracles added up to his recovery starting with the timing that I'd just come home from the store when he had a seizure. At the emergency room they gave him 3 units of blood when they found out he was bleeding internally. He had at least 3 more units over the next few days. Now the bleeding has stopped and he ate solid food today and walked about 70 feet. He ordered up his papers and tape recorder today so he could work on his screenplay from the hospital. It's about the history of the hot-rod.  He will have to build his strength up at home so we can go out and about again. He likes to eat lunch at a little patio in the Tower District and he wants to go to Shakespeare in the park again this year for starters.
Thank God and bless you everyone for your miracle prayers! They worked!
Entry #334

Prayers Are Working But Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Thank you all that are praying for my new husband! Last night after I phoned people and emailed after posting here I thought I felt waves of peace coming over me as peopled prayed, in between my bouts of tears. This morining I got elated about 9:30 because John phoned me from his hospital bed. It was an improvement for him to be able to use the phone and talk to me on the phone. Then I realized he's not out of the woods yet!

Got to the hospital and he was having broth, sherbert and water. He was talking pretty good. I told him about all the people praying for him on LP, and prayer chains in dif states and around the world. I said did you feel it? He said yeah. But he is still getting blood transfusions. The GI Dr. came in and said his failing liver he thinks can heal itself.

This is my praise report! I am happy right now through tears because I have more hope now than not. Please continue to say a pray for John when you think to. He has improve in a small miraculous way I think over night but he has a long way to go. For one thing he has to stop bleeding internally.

Blessings everyone! Thank you so much!

Entry #333

Please Pray For My New Husband

My new husband of 6 weeks ate some bad take-out food last Saturday and got very ill. He landed in the hospital where they gave him 3 units of blood and did some cotorizing in his GI track. He's in bad shape. I didn't eat the food so I didn't get sick.

If you are a praying person please send up prayers for Johnny C. If you know of any prayer chains please give them his name for prayer.

I gotta get back to the hospital.

Thank you all.

Entry #332

Why Casey Anthony Got Away With Murder

I like the fact this "car guy" gets it, and makes a case for what's wrong with the jury mentality but not sure about his fudging on the law take.  A few thoughts of my own here. Some of the jurors have since talked and given reasons why they voted not quilty.

1.  "They didn't know the cause of death."

Me: How about sufocation since the body was found with 3 pieces of duck tape covering the mouth and nose? Sounds simple to me.

2. "There wasn't enough evidence."

Me: How about not reporting your child missing, ever. It was the grandmother that reported it after she found out after 31 days. All the lies to the police. Partying and shopping for 31 days. 84 searches for chloroform on her computer plus neck breaking. Chloroform in the trunk of her car plus coffin flies. Duh, seems like common sense to me.

3. "She probably drowned in the pool and covered it up with the help of her dad."

Me: This is rediculous because no one would handle an accidental pool drowning this way by turning it into a murder and throwing the toddler in a swamp for animals to tear apart. Especially the dad, a former sheriff. This explanation by the defense just doesn't make sense.


If you are ever on a jury know this. Defense attorneys can and will make up flat out lies and the judge is not going to call them on it. They don't swear an oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth but maybe they should be required to. I was on the witness stand once and the defense attorney was telling lie after lie. I turned to the judge and asked, Your Honor, can he just make things up? I got no answer but now I know. Yes, they make up whatever fairytale they can to get their client off.

And what a faiytale Casey Anthony's lawyer spun. Also, his voice was smooth and calm. The prosecutors seemed to talk nervously and stressed at least in the closing. I wonder if these attorneys had been switched what the outcome would have been. If this is what juries have come to, maybe it's time for a three judge panel.

Anyway, here is the "car guy's" take on the jury.   http://lewrockwell.com/peters-e/peters-e69.1.html

Casey Anthony walks free this Sunday, July 17th and yes she will most likely make a million dollars if not more for TV, book, movie deal, etc. Seems crazy to me.

Entry #330

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty*Shock

I'm shocked that the jury found tot mom not guilty! The evidence was huge. Maybe they shouldn't have gone for the death penalty and that was the problem for the jury. So, if she didn't murder her 2 year old daughter then who did?

Post your thoughts here.

Entry #329

Things You Can Do To Mitigate Radiation Poisoning

Important info here to get radiation out of your body, soil, pets, etc. Pass this one on to everyone you know in email. The mainstream media isn't telling us how bad it is especially on the West Coast. For example, baby deaths are up 35% since the Japan meltdown:

http://www.counterpunch.org/sherman06102011.html This is from San Jose, CA to Seattle, WA.


Here is some ways to combat it:



For many articles on Radiation coming to U.S. from Japan go to www.rense.com.  Scroll down about a quarter way down and watch the center column for the heading: JAPAN RADIATION COMING TO THE U.S.

For example in Seattle,  they did a study of how much air a person breathes in per day and made a contraption to simulate it. It was trapping 10 hot particles a day. That is what they are breathing per day in Seattle! If you have a matalic taste in your mouth, that is a sign you have taken in a hot particle.

Get the info off farmwars site, print it out and do it! Pass this on to everyone in your email addy book. You never know who they know in the area being  hit the hardest and may save a life!

Entry #324

NEBRASKA Nuclear Plant Level 4 Emergency (Flood) *Vids

Gee, I just stumbled onto this story on YouTube. Not a peep out of mainstream media. The river floods are said to only rise higher this summer and this nuke plant is already in trouble.

Pass this one on to everyone you know since they aren't telling us.

Drop down the arrow to read the article while seeing the video for more info there. It's a 3 part video.



Entry #323

Swiss Polititians to Storm Bilderberg & Arrest Kissinger & Perle

Kissinger and Richard Perle are two attending the Bilderberg meeting wanted for war crimes by the world criminal court. Wooo Hoooo!! I hope they get 'em! That would be one for our side. This is big!!




Watch this site www.inforwars.com for continuous up to the minute coverage of the Bilderberg happenings!

Entry #321