Coin Toss's Blog

Hilarious advice


Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place.

Replace all the female flight attendants with YOUNG good-looking strippers.

They don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss.

The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a "party atmosphere" going in the cabin.  And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money.

Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women.

Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues.

This is definitely a win - win situation if we handle it right -- a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset.

Why didn't Bush or Obama think of this?

Why do I still have to do everything myself?

Donald Trump

Entry #565

Do you know why?

(Received in e-mail)

Congressman Trey Gowdy (RC) (Trumps choice for Attorney General if elected President) turned
the tables on the media and asked them questions about Benghazi. The silence was deafening. Best video clip I have seen in months. I hope you watch it, it's only 3 minutes. The Media should be
embarrassed by Congressman Trey Gowdy ' s questions. This is most certainly the most embarrassing event that has occurred in the last 16 months. The burden falls on the media who
have not done anything to investigate this.

After viewing this 3.5 minute video, I urge you to forward it to your friends.

Do you know why?

Entry #564

Wisdom from Vernon Howard - Sanity

"Sanity in the atmosphere strikes an insane mind as being odd
and uncomfortable. The strangeness forces it to try to switch
the atmosphere over to its own insane nature. But since this
is impossible, the insane mind turns hateful toward the sanity
and also, of course, falls into self-torment."

A Treasury of Trueness, # 955

This certainly brought some posts here on LP to mind.

Entry #563

1977 Stanford Yearbook entry

1977 Stanford Yearbook

VALERIE JARRETT. 1977 Stanford yearbook
Here is the lead fox in the house. This one gets to whisper in the kings ear many times a day.
I'd like to draw your attention to the small print next to Valerie's name.  While attending Stanford  University.
ponder and re-ponder what she boldly stated way back in 1977 ".......using freedom of religion in America against itself."
AND guess what....that is exactly what she and her Muslim czars have, and are doing as we sleep.
VALERIE JARRETT - The Top Muslim in the Top Power Seat - Obama's TOP ADVISOR.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, THIS is Obama's top advisor.

Seems as if his promise to fundamentally change America is in full swing. Had enough yet?

Entry #561

Which candidate do you match?

Click on the link below and follow the link to try this short quiz and see which candidate you agree with on various subject.

Be sure to move the "how important is this to you" spot on the left to match with how important an issue is to you.  Also, use the "Other Stances"  selection often �which allows you to explain why you chose that answer. 

It is very well done, informative, and worth your time!  If nothing else it makes you think about how you side on important issues.

Have fun and when the election rolls around, please remember to VOTE!

Entry #559

Thoughtful husband

Bill tried to cheer up Hillary this morning.

He reminded her that Nelson Mandela wasn't elected president until after he had served 27 years in prison.

Entry #558

US soldiers told to tolerate...

Barack Obama recently nominated Eric Fanning, a civilian who is openly homosexual, to serve as secretary of the Army. That follows ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Two women recently graduated Ranger School, and there's a raging debate about women in combat roles. But while the administration is no doubt pleased with its tolerant and politically correct force, the military can't even uphold human rights.

The U.S. military has been tolerating its Afghan allies sexually abusing young boys for years. The Afghan militia would go so far as to take young boys into U.S. bases to do "bacha bazi," literally translated as "boy play." Gregory Buckley Sr. told The New York Times that, before his son was killed in Afghanistan, the Marine would tell him he could hear the screams of the boys at night. Why didn't U.S. soldiers intervene and beat the pedophiles into a pulp? Because they were told the military's policy was to respect Afghan "culture." The military justified inaction because it was fighting the larger evil of the Taliban. Besides, it didn't want to alienate its molesting Afghan allies.

Remember: This comes from an administration that advocates harsh responses in violation of due process for college students accused of date rape. The Times also reports that when Dan Quinn, a former Green Beret commander, threw an Afghan police commander to the ground over the rape of a boy in 2011, the military stripped him of his command. So while Obama makes the U.S. military a petri dish for "enlightened" progressive social experimentation, the whole idea of just war is called into question. What a legacy.

Entry #557


Einstein... E = mc2

Einstein  developed and verified the accuracy of his remarkable formula:  E = mc2 

Energy = Mass x Speed of Light squared 

A lesser known Einstein formula determined:

If you strip naked and run in a circle at the speed of 298 km/sec 
(the speed of light) It is theoretically possible to sodomize (screw) yourself.....

If you are physically incapable of achieving that speed at your age, however,
you can achieve the same result by voting Democratic in the Nov. 8 2016 election

Entry #556

Message to China


Dear Chinese Hackers:

Please send us President Obama's birth certificate, college and law  school transcripts, and Hillary Clinton's e-mails.

Also, please let us know where obama and hillary were and what they were doing during the Benghazi assault.

In addition, please send us Lois Lerner's e-mails.

Thanks in advance for the above-requested information. We know you are able to come up with

this quite expeditiously .....

Sincerely, And I'll owe you one, OK?

The Donald

Entry #555

A conundrum

Example of a Conundrum :

"A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don't have one.
You'll probably never need one again."

The definition of the word Conundrum is: something that is puzzling or

Here are six Conundrums of socialism in the United States of
America :

1. America is capitalist and greedy-yet half of the population is

2. Half of the population is subsidized-yet they believe they are

3. They believe they are victims-yet their representatives run
the government.

4. Their representatives run the government-yet the poor keep
getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer-yet they have things that people
in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream
about-yet they want America to be more like those other

Think about it! And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA
in the 21st Century.

Makes you wonder who is doing the math.

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a
few lunatics, But we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions
of a few lunatics.

Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering...

2. It seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going
to run out of money. But we never hear about welfare or
           food stamps running out of money? 

What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money,
but the second group didn't.

Think about it.....and last but not least:

3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises
for our military and cutting our army back, but we are not
           stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.

Am I the only one missing something?   If you agree, please feel
free to pass this on!

Entry #553

By idiots

(Also applies to Canada)

IF ...

Food For Thought:

If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If you have to get your parent's permission to go on a field trip or to take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy 
leaders in Egypt , you live in a country run by idiots. 

If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If an 80-year-old woman can be strip-searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher is cute, but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, Subsidized Housing and Free Cell Phones, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If the government's plan for getting people back to work is to incentivize NOT working with 99 weeks of unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but cannot find work, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more safe according to the government, you live in a country run by idiots. 

If you are offended by this article, I'll bet you voted for the idiots who are running our great country into the ground. 


Entry #552