Coin Toss's Blog

Secretly study people for healthy sanity

"SECRET STUDY Anyone can practice to increase healthy sanity,
just as music or science is practiced. One rewarding method
is to secretly study people to discover a man's slavery to
Attack Back. Attack Back is any unhealthy reaction, such as
rude remarks, whining demands, slanderous lies. The stronger
the Attack Back the weaker the man. Lacking intelligence for
a sane reply, his heaven is to hurt. Your study of this human
lunacy drives you sane."

Vernone Howard

Entry #189

A Letter From Goldman Sachs Re: Occupy Wall Street

A Letter from Goldman Sachs
Concerning Occupy Wall Street

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)– The following is a letter released today by Lloyd Blankfein, the chairman of banking giant Goldman Sachs:

Dear Investor:

Up until now, Goldman Sachs has been silent on the subject of the protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street. That does not mean, however, that it has not been very much on our minds. As thousands have gathered in Lower Manhattan, passionately expressing their deep discontent with the status quo, we have taken note of these protests. And we have asked ourselves this question:

How can we make money off them?

The answer is the newly launched Goldman Sachs Global Rage Fund, whose investment objective is to monetize the Occupy Wall Street protests as they spread around the world. At Goldman, we recognize that the capitalist system as we know it is circling the drain – but there’s plenty of money to be made on the way down.

The Rage Fund will seek out opportunities to invest in products that are poised to benefit from the spreading protests, from police batons and barricades to stun guns and forehead bandages. Furthermore, as clashes between police and protesters turn ever more violent, we are making significant bets on companies that manufacture replacements for broken windows and overturned cars, as well as the raw materials necessary for the construction and incineration of effigies.

It would be tempting, at a time like this, to say “Let them eat cake.” But at Goldman, we are actively seeking to corner the market in cake futures. We project that through our aggressive market manipulation, the price of a piece of cake will quadruple by the end of 2011.

Please contact your Goldman representative for a full prospectus. As the world descends into a Darwinian free-for-all, the Goldman Sachs Rage Fund is a great way to tell the protesters, “Occupy this.” We haven’t felt so good about something we’ve sold since our souls.


Lloyd Blankfein

Chairman, Goldman Sachs

Entry #188

The Observor


One man in the lunatic asylum was known as the Observer.
Everyone called him this because of his habit of sitting
quietly and patiently observing the other inmates. While
the others engaged in friendly chats or helped each other
in small tasks, the Observer watched quietly and took notes.
His written conclusions filled dozens of pages.

One afternoon, wishing to test his discoveries, he walked
over to one of the men. 'Sir,' said the Observer, 'I notice
that you eagerly give loads of advice to everyone on any
subject. But isn't it a fact that all you really have to
give is childish nonsense which you pass off as wisdom?'

When hearing this, the man's body shook with rage, which
the Observer promptly noted on a page."

                  SOLVED The Mystery of Life, p. 40


From the late Vernon Howard,

Founder, New Life Foundation

Entry #187

Project Blue Beam

NWO Project Blue Beam: False Holographic Second Coming

3.9.2010 Research Update By Chase K. Hunter

I am writing this essay to warn the world about what is about to occur in the next few years. The time period to watch is between 2012 and 2019.

The world apostasy known in Christian circles as the "advent of the Antichrist" is beginning. People who learn the truth must discreetly warn others that Maitreya will attempt to "pose as the return of Christ" on a world scale and the greatest spiritual deception in the history of the world will commence if unsuspecting souls accept him as a messiah. Maitreya is the final false Christ spoken of in the Book of Revelations.

Christians around the world are being warned inwardly by the Holy Spirit about who and what Maitreya really is. Maitreya has been secretly meeting with world leaders for over 20 years. He was first photographed in Kenya in 1988.

What has Maitreya been secretly planning with world leaders for 22 years?

Does it relate to RFID Chip Technology, brain RFID chip implants, controlling the entire world population and the global money supply through the use of human RFID chipping? Does it pertain to a one world government without voter consent, the North American Union, the Amero, a cashless RFID chipped society controlled by world bankers? Watch every video on this linked page before you leave this site.

Now is the time to network with other Christians and persons of faith to share what we know. If you fail to speak out against these evil plans for a one world government, you will fail not only your children and grandchildren, but everyone you know and love, and the human race itself. There are 6 biliion of us, and about 300 to 400 of "them" at the very top tier of the hidden Illuminati world ruling elite, making these plans. God is on our side, but you have to act. Raise awareness. Refuse to listen to any more American TV CNN garbage which tries to tell you and your children that "RFID is the wave of the future."

WE CREATE OUR FUTURE, NOT THE AMERICAN TV MEDIA. TV is the MOUTHPIECE of the BEAST. RFID Chip technology is the Mark of the Beast.

Maitreya's False Signs & Wonders Begin


Urgent breaking news for all Christians and American Patriots - False Messiah and global Antichrist "Lord Maitreya" has claimed affiliation with the HAARP project blue beam - the artificially manifested "fake star of bethlehem" popularly called the Norway Spiral - this final global false Christ figure is now planning his worldwide appearance as the false Messiah. Spread this news report far and wide. Hurry for we have very little time.

2010 Will Separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls spiritually. Are you ready? Gird your loins and prepare your soul for what is to come. I genuinely hope I am wrong about what I am about to say, but it is on my heart to say it and I will just let the chips fall where they may.

As 2010 approaches, spiritually awakened truth seekers around the world should be watching for these emerging global apostasy end times related events:

The international introduction of the global new world order Illuminati Antichrist and new age false Messiah "Maitreya", who is based in London and promoted by PR man Benjamin Creme. Study the videos collected on this page. TV ads promoting Maitreya as the return of Christ have already been airing on Fox News network. CNN reportedly will air the ads as well.

Entry #186

Copper Wire

Subject: Copper Wire --

After having dug to a depth of 100 feet last year, New York scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the New Yorkers, a Pennsylvania archaeologist dug to a depth of 200 feet and shortly after, a story in the Wall Street Journal read: "Pennsylvania archaeologists' discovery of 200 year old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the New Yorkers."

One week later, A local newspaper in Texas reported the following: "After digging as deep as 300 feet in his pasture near Lubbock , TX, Bubba, a self-taught archaeologist reported that he found absolutely nothing. Bubba has therefore concluded that 300 years ago, Texas had already gone wireless." Just makes you proud to be a Texan doesn't it?

Entry #184

More wisdom from Vernon Howard

"What about the positive virtues, like love, patience, humility,
that make for a rich life? How can we acquire them?

They appear spontaneously when you find yourself. The True Self
possesses all these natural virtues. But there is something of
extreme importance for you to remember. Every genuine virtue
has its counterfeit.

The counterfeit of humility could be an assumed pose for the
purpose of making a good impression. Someone may want something
from you, and so he presents a pleasant and kindly manner. But
it will vanish quickly enough if he is thwarted. His real nature
then reveals itself, perhaps in rage or arrogance. You must be
very careful that you do not assume that other people are what
they appear to be. You must be a wise judge of human nature." 

                         Psycho-Pictography, p. 160

Entry #183

Biden Says You Are A Terrorist

Written on August 2, 2011 by V2ABiden Says You are a ‘Terrorist’

Joe Biden called Tea Party members “terrorists.” That’s right. People who believe in the Constitution, the right to vote, curtailing spending money that we don’t have, and stopping the creation of money out of thin air are terrorists. The terrorists I know blow up polling stations, kill government officials they don’t agree with, fly planes loaded with passengers into buildings, slit the throats of captives, blow up churches, kill ministers, bomb synagogues, use women and children has human bombs, hijack planes, kidnap foreign hostages, and so much more.

So Mr. Biden, can you name a single Tea Party advocate who has engaged in ANY of these practices? Just one will do. Of course, you can’t. But since the media offers similar comments about the Tea Party, I doubt that there will be much coverage of your comments from the once mainstream media. The media coverage I have seen is supplying cover for the Vice President’s latest ‘gaffe.’

If former Vice President Cheney had made such an idiotic statement, he would have been excoriated in the media. Every Democrat would be calling for his resignation. “How dare he sully the reputation of citizens who only want a rightful voice in their government,” they would charge. As far as I can see, there’s been so outrage, just some scant reporting by the rising alternative media.

Post Continues on

Entry #182

Obama releases chupacabra into Arizona


Posted on Tuesday, July 12th, 2011
By Frank Lake



PIMA COUNTY, AZ  – The U.S. Department of Interior has released a Chupacabra into Arizona in an attempt to get the State to repeal their new immigration law.

After the U.S. Justice Department filed suit Tuesday against Arizona, Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar had the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service release the Chupacabra or “goat sucker”  into Saguaro National Park in Pima County.  Salazar, acting on orders from President Obama,  said,  “We are encouraging Arizonans to repeal their immigration law before it goes into affect on July 29th, or we will be forced to release more Chupacabras into Arizona towns, cities and Home Depot parking lots.”

Upon learning of the release of the creature into her state, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was defiant,  “Bring it on! We’ve dealt with aliens, monsters and mutants in Arizona for the last fifty years – especially since Don Imus moved into the state. Arizonans don’t scare easy. The feds can send in a Bigfoot Army if they want, we will take them on.  And we will win!”

White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, told Wolf Blitzer at CNN, that the U.S. government will use “any means necessary” to get the people of Arizona to comply with U.S. Immigration laws.  When Major Garrett of Fox News pointed out that Arizona seems to be in full compliance with existing federal immigration laws, Gibbs shouted “Chupacabra! Chupacabra! Chupacabra!”

There is a good deal of mystery surrounding the Chupacabra.  Some believe the Chupacabra (much like Immigration Reform) is a myth – something that never has or never will exist.  Some witnesses believe the Chupacabra to be a small half-alien, half-dinosaur, others think he is a tailless vampire with quills running down its back and still others believe him to be a panther like creature with a long snake-like tongue.

State authorities advise Arizona residents to avoid making any contact with the Chupacabra.   Federal authorities, on the other hand, advise Arizonans to approach and pet the Chupacabra.

In related news, Governor Jan Brewer found a horse’s head in her bed when she returned home on Tuesday night.  Authorities have not determined who placed the head in the Governor’s mansion, though one eyewitness said he saw White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, riding a donkey nearby.

Entry #181

Alien Monkey


Posted on Saturday, July 23rd, 2011
By Frank Lake

GEZHAI, CHINA – An alien monkey has taken control of a small village in China.

Chinese villagers first feared the alien monkey that stepped out of a blue alien spaceship (before it disappeared).

But the alien monkey, that Extraterrestrial experts believe is from Planet Zeeba, spoke fluent Mandarin and told the villagers that he had come down to help the Villagers.

Locals first panicked when Mao Xiping, a housewife from the village of Gezhai, in Henan province, central China, found the scraggy simian stealing cucumbers from her flat.

She thought it was a harmless rabbit, until she noticed it had an ‘alien face’ and her neighbors agreed it was like nothing they had ever seen before.

The alien monkey then spoke to Mrs. Mao and said that he had come in peace.  The alien, nicknamed Yao Bo by villagers, said he wanted to help the Villagers restore their farms to health.  The town had been devastated by a drought in the past few months.

A surly neighbor, Bing Zong, took snatched the alien monkey and caged in a washing basket and demanded that officers place it under arrest.

But Mrs. Mao came to rescue and brought Ling Bo home

Experts were last night examining the alien monkey to make sure he was in full alien health.  John Malley, an alien expert on the U.N. Panel of Extraterrestrials, flew to China and confirmed that the alien monkey was in full health and that he was, indeed, from Planet Zeeba.

Mrs Mao, who fears rabbits more than aliens, said: ‘At first I thought it was a rabbit, and was scared out of my mind.  But when I learned it was an alien, I was happy.”

Ling Bo was elected mayor of Gezhai last night.

Entry #180

Sad day for skier Lindsey Vonn

A sad day for skier Lindsey Vonn......
I find this so sad. She truly earned this medal...
American Lindsey Vonn has had to forfeit her Gold Medal on Friday, July 1, 2011.

The International Olympic Committee announced today that it has taken back the gold medal previously awarded to American skier Lindsey Vonn and given it to U.S. President Barack Obama.

Olympic officials said Obama deserved the medal more than Vonn because no one has ever gone downhill faster than he has.


Entry #179

Businessmen Against Obama

Businessmen Against Obama

These days, it seems casino magnate Steve Wynn would rather tempt his luck at the card table than take his chances investing in the economy, thanks to Barack Obama's anti-business policies. Earlier this week, Wynn -- CEO of Wynn Resorts and a Democrat and Harry Reid supporter -- called this administration "the greatest wet blanket to business, and progress and job creation in my lifetime." Wynn blamed the president for the fear pervading the marketplace. "I could spend the next three hours giving you examples of all of us in this market place that are frightened to death about all the new regulations, our health care costs escalate, regulations coming from left and right."
In fact, according to a new Heritage Foundation report, within two months of the president's signing ObamaCare into law, improvement in net private-sector job creation went from an average of 67,000 jobs per month to just 6,400 jobs per month. Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation, as Heritage admits, but many business owners cite ObamaCare as one of their top barriers to new hiring.
Regulation wasn't Wynn's only concern. Obama, he said, "keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don't invest, they're holding too much money. We haven't heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists." Coming from a Harry Reid Democrat, these words are pretty powerful.
Wynn wasn't alone in his critique, either. Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot, said that the single biggest impediment to job growth is "the U.S. government. Having built a small business into a big one, I can tell you that today the impediments that the government imposes are impossible to deal with. Home Depot would never have succeeded if we'd tried to start it today. Every day you see rules and regulations from a group of Washington bureaucrats who know nothing about running a business. And I mean every day. It's become stifling."
As for Obama, Marcus says, "His speeches are wonderful. His output is absolutely, incredibly bad. As he speaks about cutting out regulations, they are now producing thousands of pages of new ones. With just ObamaCare by itself, you have a 2,000 page bill that's probably going to end up being 150,000 pages of regulations." Is it any wonder, then, that the economy is struggling?
Entry #178

States with budget surpluses

Across the country several states are enjoying budget surpluses while the federal government faces a historic fiscal nightmare. Indiana, Ohio, Maine and South Carolina are among the states that ended their fiscal years in the black. Higher than expected tax revenue and significant spending cuts are the reason behind these success stories. It may be mere coincidence that all the aforementioned states -- and several others that also met their numbers -- have Republican governors and/or legislatures, but worth a mention.

Entry #177

The Camel's Nose Is Officially In the Tent In Michigan

The Camel's Nose Is Officially In the Tent in Michigan

Received this in an e-mail this morning. I wasn't sure if it was valid or a goof, then I clicked on the link.

Bang Head
Here it is:

Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3- or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!

Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the United States. When President Obama took office, the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (all Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine. Why? I have no idea. Do you? We don’t pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I’m sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.

So now in Michigan, when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”!
Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves and putting them in our welfare system?

Press 3 for Arabic.

This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.

The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for...(get this).....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!!

When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"

Check it out for yourself.

Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3- or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow multi marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!

Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the United States. When President Obama took office, the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians, (all Muslim), immigrated here from Palestine. Why? I have no idea. Do you? We don’t pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I’m sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.

So now in Michigan, when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”!
Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves and putting them in our welfare system?

Press 3 for Arabic.

This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely, for, as far as I know, no public announcement or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.

The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page, (as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for...(get this).....English, Spanish, and ARABIC !!!

When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"

Check it out for yourself.,1607,7...527---,00.html

Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent! I am afraid. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!!

Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent! I am afraid. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!!
Entry #176