MADDOG10's Blog


         Isn't it amazing how all the Intelligent wonders of the world, come crawling out of the woodwork with all their analytical summations as to why someone lost , after they Lost?

         All the pros and cons as to why he lost isn't going to change the outcome now is it..?           Truly amazing..!!

Entry #299

Are YOU going to be paralyzed on Tuesday.?


U.S. general: Obama paralyzed by fear

Exclusive: Gen. Patrick Brady explains why president abandoned Americans in Benghazi

Published: 14 hours ago

  • By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, U.S. Army (ret.)

Now I understand! For years, many veterans and active military have been alarmed about the idiocy of the changes in battlefield aeromedical evacuation known as Dust Off. For reasons having nothing to do with patient care, Dust Off has been removed from the control of the professionals, the medics, and put under the control of amateurs, aviation staff officers, or ASOs. This is the first such change since the Civil War.

I document the unparalleled excellence of Dust Off, and the effects of the changes, in my book, “Dead Men Flying.” Needless to say, it was the most outstanding battlefield operating system of that war – some one million souls saved and unprecedented survival rates. No warrior of Vietnam is more revered than the Dust Off crews.

In the words of Gen. Creighton Abrams, former U.S. Army chief of staff and former supreme commander in Vietnam: “A special word about the Dust Offs … Courage above and beyond the call of duty was sort of routine to them. It was a daily thing, part of the way they lived. That’s the great part, and it meant so much to every last man who served there. Whether he ever got hurt or not, he knew Dust Off was there. It was a great thing for our people.”

Fast forward to current battlefields. We hear horror stories about patients waiting and dying because Dust Off didn’t launch or came too late. The launch standard in my unit in Vietnam was two minutes; today it is 15 minutes! Can anyone imagine a fire truck taking 15 minutes to get under way? I could go on and on, but one has to ask, why? Why the changes to an excellent, proven system?

The answer is the Obama-Panetta Doctrine. In response to the horrible abandonment of dying Americans in Benghazi, Defense Secretary Panetta said: “(The) basic principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time information about what’s taking place.”

On its face, that is a remarkable, indeed incomprehensible, change from America’s doctrine in past wars. By that standard, there would have been no Normandy or Inchon. In fact, I can’t think of a war we fought in which we didn’t go into harm’s way without real-time information or to save lives – something the president refused to do in Benghazi. Dust Off would never launch in Vietnam under that doctrine.

Medal of Honor recipient Gen. Patrick Brady tells the inspiring, miraculous story of his days as a Dust Off air ambulance pilot in Vietnam. Get his newly reissued book, autographed: “Dead Men Flying: Victory in Viet Nam.”

To fully understand the doctrinal change, one has to understand President Obama. He has a dearth of understanding of our military and military matters. We hear he is uncomfortable in the presence of ranking military and seldom meets with them. He is not a person who can make decisions, and he takes an extraordinary amount of time to do so, leading to such unseemly labels for a commander in chief as “ditherer in chief.”

President Obama may have set records for voting “present” on important issues. He cowers from crisis decisions.He is a politician who thinks only in terms of votes and his image. Although I was a psychology major back in the day (I’d love to hear a professional analyze risk and Obama), I won’t try to define his insides, but I believe he is risk-averse – fearful of risk – and that is the basis of the Obama-Panetta doctrine.

This aversion for risk dominates Dust Off rescue operations where, in addition to an unconscionable reaction time, risk assessment is the primary consideration for mission launch – not patient care. In two years flying Dust Off in Vietnam, I never heard that term, nor did any Dust pilot I know. The ASOs, remote from the battle, have developed time-consuming algorithms to analyze risk while the patient bleeds, something that’s impossible to do by anyone other than the pilot and the ground forces at the scene.

And Obama’s terror of risk contributed to the massacre of Americans by terrorists in Benghazi. We hear that the president did not even convene the Counterterrorism SecurityGroup while the Benghazi terrorist massacre was visually and verbally available in real time. That is like ignoring FEMA during Hurricane Sandy. But once you bring in a group labeled anti-terrorist, you have to acknowledge terror exists, something the president is loath to do.

My veteran friends are horrified by the Obama-Panetta doctrine. At least 359 retired flag officers support Mitt Romney – only five that I know of support Obama. Some 150 former prisoners of war also support Romney; I know of none who support Obama.

America needs to listen to these veterans. They understand leadership. They know how to deal with risk in war. They would not want this man with them in combat or crisis. They never left a needy comrade behind. Obama did.

Entry #295

This is the person that you want in the house?

'Obama gift-wrapped Libya to al-Qaida'

Group claims documents will 'bring down' U.S. president's administration

Published: 1 hour ago


Documents obtained by former Muslim Brotherhood member Walid Shoebat reportedly demonstrate the Obama administration is to blame for the deaths of Americans in the Benghazi consulate attack because it effectively empowered the Islamic terrorist organization al-Qaida to take over governance of Libya.

Shoebat reports a group of anti-al-Qaida Libyans in exile have come into possession of some highly classified documents that, in their view, “will bring the Obama Administration down.”

“Obama gift-wrapped Libya, handed it over to al-Qaida,” the group asserts, “and we can prove it.”

The group has already provided the copy of a letter that, as WND reported, suggests the Obama administration approved assigning a member of al-Qaida to handle security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

“The rest [of the documents],” Shoebat’s sources say, “will be provided when Mitt Romney is in office. His election is our only hope for humanity.”

But Shoebat has provided a glimpse into the evidence that is reportedly on its way: “They include passports of al-Qaida operatives and identifications of terrorists from many nations – Chad, Egypt and Pakistan to name a few – which are now all camped in Libya as they enter by crossing borders guarded and managed officially by what they called ‘government appointed al-Qaida leaders.’”

Shoebat says claims there are “countless documents,” which will soon be turned over to the National Center for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism.

“They show evidence of bribes [see image at right] by the government to top officials, weapons dealing and bank siphoning by al-Qaida operatives, to include copies of bank transactions that illustrate the subordination of the newly established Libyan government to al-Qaida,” Shoebat asserts. “These included [Osama] bin Laden’s personal driver Sufyan Gammou and Abdul Wahhab Hassan Qayed, the brother of the recently assassinated Abu Yahya al-Libi. Qayed was officially put in charge of Libyan border control. This arrangement is responsible for the passage of large amounts of al-Qaida operatives into Libya.”

Shoebat’s sources claim the documents demonstrate that the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi were not merely the result of an intelligence failure, but of negligent, willful ignorance of al-Qaida’s influence in Libya.

“It wasn’t failure,” these pro-U.S. agents reportedly said, “but the Libyan government’s mafia-like system, subordinate to al-Qaida and installed with the blessings of the Obama administration that is responsible for the deaths of Americans in Benghazi.”

The Benghazi controversy has been developing since Sept. 11 when on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in an organized terror attack.

While evidence now indicates the White House knew almost immediately it was an organized, planned terrorist attack, for weeks officials blamed the deaths on Muslim anger over a trailer of an online movie critical of Muhammad.

Reports now have emerged that there were orders for the U.S. military to stand down and not respond to calls for help from Benghazi.

Shoebat is the grandson of the Muslim mukhtar, or village head, of Beit Sahour-Bethlehem, who was a friend of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj-Ameen al-Husseni, an ally of Adolf Hitler.

After serving as a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and participating in acts of terror against Israel, Shoebat studied the Tanach, the Jewish Bible, in a challenge to convert his wife to Islam.

Six month later, he says, he realized that everything he “had been taught about Jews was a lie.”

Convinced he had been on the side of evil, he became an advocate for his former enemy

Entry #293

OMG, funny, funny...!

South Florida Firehouse Draws Investigation After Using Obama Toilet Paper

Posted: Updated: 11/02/2012 12:23 pm EDT

Florida Firehouse Obama Toilet Paper
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A South Florida firehouse is under an official investigation after firefighters there stocked their bathroom with toilet paper bearing the face of President Barack Obama.

The rolls, which resemble the ones on sale here for $10, were discovered last week at Fire Station 103 in Pompano Beach, Fla. City officials shortly thereafter announced that they were mounting a probe into the situation.

Pompano Beach Fire Rescue spokeswoman Sandra King told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel that the controversy "is being fully investigated as a 'politically motivated, conduct unbecoming situation,'" because city personnel are prohibited from displaying political materials on city grounds.

"If you have an opinion you're certainly entitled to it, everyone has their opinion. Put it on your own personal vehicle or your own personal things," King told WSVN. "But you don't display it on city property, on city grounds that maybe someone else doesn't agree with that politically motivated and its inappropriate."

The same firehouse reportedly drew a similar complaint last year, after one firefighter reported that a colleague had an anti-Obama bumper stickers affixed to his locker. Administrators asked him to remove the messages, and he reportedly complied.

Entry #287