MADDOG10's Blog

If the U.S. is to survive...!

Will An Obama Victory Spark A Civil War In The US?

September 29, 2012 

Obama Forward SC 690x1024 Will an Obama victory spark a civil war in the US?

America is on the verge of fragmentation and civil conflict because its citizens have lost control of their government and lost faith in its political institutions.

Nineteenth century political satirist Ambrose Bierce once described Washington D.C. as a strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles and the conduct of public affairs for private advantage.

Indeed. Not much has changed one hundred years on.

The August 27, 2012  Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just eight percent (8%) of likely voters think that the US Congress is doing a good job.

Most Americans agree that the Democrat and Republican establishments are infested by individuals whose allegiance is not to their country, but to themselves and their political party. Their aim is to be unconstrained by the Constitution and the rule of law and unaccountable to the American people. Their conduct is driven by political expediency and winning elections for the sole purpose of obtaining power and profit.

The US has elections, but it no longer has representative government. The US has a free press, but one that is partisan and dishonest.

The Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists states:

Public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility.

The reality of American journalism bears no resemblance to that official portrait.

Most Americans agree that the mainstream media represented by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and the liberal newspapers are little more than propaganda machines for the Democrat Party and are distorting the news in an attempt to manipulate public opinion to support the reelection of Barack Obama.

Few American institutions remain untouched by political corruption.

Through the blatant careerism of senior officers like the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, even the American military has been politicized to further the goals of the Obama Administration by submitting to the agenda of radical Islam, attempting to suppress free speech, and undermining public trust in the military by allowing active duty personnel in uniform to engage in partisan politics through their participation in a gay pride parade.

The real issue of the 2012 election is the endemic corruption in the federal government perpetrated by a permanent political class, financed by crony capitalism and facilitated by a fawning media (“It’s the corruption, stupid”).

They have brought us to the brink of bankruptcy, have opened our borders to illegal immigration, and have permitted a fifth column promoting Sharia law to infiltrate our society and judicial system.

Most Americans agree that there are anti-democratic and anti-American forces working aggressively inside the government and country to reduce American global influence and to promote the interests of global financiers and ideologies hostile to the United States.

The Obama Administration is expecting reelection and expecting trouble. It has ordered nearly one billion rounds of hollow point bullets. Hint – that type of ammunition is not meant for target practice. The 750 million rounds ordered by Obama’s Department of Homeland Security alone is enough ammunition for the government to fire three rounds into the body of every living American citizen.

When the truth is eventually told, the chronicles of the Obama years will represent the most sordid in American history and symbolize a pivot point when self-serving politicians collaborated with a compliant press to trigger the fall of the American republic.

If Obama wins, the American people should be prepared for economic collapse, a full assault on Constitutional rights, societal fragmentation, and civil strife.

There is a criminal in the White House, who is bent on a radical transformation of the country and must be removed from office if the United States is to survive.

But representative government will not return to America simply by defeating Barack Obama. It will only return when ordinary Americans feel empowered by their political institutions, not oppressed by them.

Entry #224

Two of a Kind - Dumb and dumber.

Obama Has To Draw An “inside Straight” To Win, But The Cards Just Aren’t There

September 27, 2012 

President Obama face WH photo SC Obama has to draw an “inside straight” to win, but the cards just aren’t there

The unskewed polls show Mitt Romney leading by 7.8 points and for good reason.

Barack Obama is not winning any group he lost in 2008, not doing better with any group he won, and not closing the gap with any group he lost.

Looking at his campaign, Barack Obama appears to need three cards for an inside straight to win reelection.

He has the two end “cards”, his Media Cheerleaders at one end and the power of incumbency at the other. Filling in the “cards” between them to gain a winning “hand” looks to be beyond Obama’s reach.

Here are the “cards” he needs to fill in his inside straight.

The female vote: he won this group by 13 points in 2008, and now the Battleground Poll (BP) tells us he is trailing with white women, who will make up at least 39% of the female vote by 9 points. A nine point lead among the first 39% makes getting to a 50/50 tie a tough job (and duplicating a final tally lead of 13 points almost impossible.) He’s not pulling this card.

The “Jewish” vote card was one that helped him in 2008. While they consist of only 2% of the vote, Jews who are a “canary in the coal mine” indicator gave him 78% of their vote. No Democrat has ever won the presidency while getting less than 68% of the Jewish vote. Obama is now at 59% with little chance of improving- not much chance of pulling this card.

The Hispanic vote card: In 2008, Obama got 67% of the Hispanic vote. BP reports Romney is getting 40% of the Hispanic vote, so this is another card he won’t pull.

The African-American card: he got 95% of this group.  Silly 94/0 media “poll” aside, there are no credible polls that show Obama doing anything like that; and for the first time ever, black ministers are telling their congregations not to vote at all. He is not pulling this card.

The young vote card: Obama got 66% of this vote in 2008, but the latest survey of young voters shows Obama getting just 61% of this group, so he’s not getting any help from this “card” either.

Entry #223

And they want another Four years ??

Axelrod fumbles: Obama doesn’t have a plan to save Social Security

Kevin Danielsen September 25, 2012 8:41 am

In the usual conservative sanitary environment that is MSNBC, liberals can normally relax, knowing that they won’t be asked any difficult questions.  However, Time‘s Mark Halperin cordially asks David Axelrod about the President’s plan for Social Security, since he never mentioned it on 60 Minutes the night before …Axelrod begins to stutter… reports on the conversation.  We’ve provided a snippet:

HALPERIN: “So what is his proposal?”

AXELROD: “Mark, I’ll tell you what, when you get elected to the United States Senate and sit at that table — this is not the time. We’re not going to have that discussion right now unless the Congress wants to sit at a table and says okay we’re ready to move on a balanced approach to this. The reality of Social Security is this is a much less imminent problem than Medicare. We have extended the life of Medicare for close to a decade through the changes that we’ve made and Governor Romney wants to repeal. But Social Security is a more distant problem. One that needs a solution. But it isn’t as pressing as a Medicare issue.”

That’s correct.  He said, ‘this is not the time.’  What do you mean, ‘this is not the time’?  You mean to tell me that Obama expects to campaign on the Pelosi-like plan of ‘elect me again, and then I’ll tell you what my plan is’?  And then he has the nerve to smugly condescend, saying, “Mark, I’ll tell you what, when you get elected to the United States Senate and sit at that table…”

No, Dave …I’ll tell you what… if the President doesn’t have a plan (even a half-baked one would be nice), then we’re going to get ourselves a new President.

Also, Ed Morrissey makes another good point:

Next, Axelrod admits that Medicare is a bigger problem.  That’s true, but that’s not been the position of the Obama administration.  They keep claiming that ObamaCare has fixed the problem in the short term and bent the cost curve downward over the long term.  Now Axelrod admits to reality, which is that ObamaCare didn’t help save Medicare at all — and that it’s on the same decade-long trajectory to collapse as it was when Obama took office.

What have we found out from today’s episode of Morning Joe?  Obama has wasted four years while the entitlement collapse continued to pick up steam, and even after four years, he still doesn’t have a plan to address it.

Well said, Ed.

Entry #218

Old news that keeps on coming BACK...!

You decide if he's a RACIST..!



Allocation of $1.2 Billion Tax Money


obama tax money$1.2 Billion given to black farmers.

This is kind of an old story but it kind of slipped under the radar and I am  bringing the issue back to life.

Dept. of Agriculture

Through the Department of Agriculture, President Obama's administration  authorized the use of $1.2 Billion of our tax money to go to black farmers as  payback for years (decades) of discrimination. (Fox  News, Nov 2010)

Affirmative Action

The Agriculture Department said that this was necessary in   "addressing an  unfortunate chapter in USDA's civil rights history."

Judge Approved This

In October 2011, a judge gave the  government approval. (Huffington  Post)

"This agreement will provide overdue relief and justice to African American  farmers, and bring us closer to the ideals of freedom and equality that this  country was founded on," Obama said in a statement.

Bypassing Congress

Obama is bypassing congress through the Departments so that he can enact  policy and spend money. It is a power grab. Not only that, the judge that  approved this allowed for reverse discrimination -- money  given to people of  only one ethnic background.


Entry #212