MADDOG10's Blog

If nothing else, READ this article...!

 Written By : Thomas Sowell

There are some very serious issues at stake in this year’s election — so many that some people may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Individual issues are the trees, but the forest is the future of America as we have known it.

The America that has flourished for more than two centuries is being quietly but steadily dismantled by the Obama administration, during the process of dealing with particular issues.

For example, the merits or demerits of President Obama’s recent executive order, suspending legal liability for young people who are here illegally, presumably as a result of being brought here as children by their parents, can be debated pro and con. But such a debate overlooks the much more fundamental undermining of the whole American system of Constitutional government.

The separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branches of government is at the heart of the Constitution of the United States — and the Constitution is at the heart of freedom for Americans.

No President of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress. He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes. Nevertheless, every President takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained — not just the ones he happens to agree with.

If laws passed by the elected representatives of the people can be simply over-ruled unilaterally by whoever is in the White House, then we are no longer a free people, choosing what laws we want to live under.

When a President can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have “a government of laws, and not of men” but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.

When we confine our debates to the merits or demerits of particular executive orders, we are tacitly accepting arbitrary rule. The Constitution of the United States cannot protect us unless we protect the Constitution. But, if we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the details of particular policies imposed by executive orders, and vote solely on that basis, then we have failed to protect the Constitution — and ourselves.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the No Child Left Behind Act, it is the law until Congress either repeals it or amends it. But for Barack Obama to unilaterally waive whatever provisions he doesn’t like in that law undermines the fundamental nature of American government.

President Obama has likewise unilaterally repealed the legal requirement that welfare recipients must work, by simply redefining “work” to include other things like going to classes on weight control. If we think the bipartisan welfare reform legislation from the Clinton administration should be repealed or amended, that is something for the legislative branch of government to consider.

There have been many wise warnings that freedom is seldom lost all at once. It is usually eroded away, bit by bit, until it is all gone. You may not notice a gradual erosion while it is going on, but you may eventually be shocked to discover one day that it is all gone,een reduced from citizens to subjects, and the Constitution has become just a meaningless bunch of paper.

ObamaCare imposes huge costs on some institutions, while the President’s arbitrary waivers exempt other institutions from having to pay those same costs. That is hardly the “equal protection of the laws,” promised by the 14th Amendment.

John Stuart Mill explained the dangers in that kind of government long ago: “A government with all this mass of favours to give or to withhold, however free in name, wields a power of bribery scarcely surpassed by an avowed autocracy, rendering it master of the elections in almost any circumstances but those of rare and extraordinary public excitement.”

If Obama gets reelected, he knows that he need no longer worry about what the voters think about anything he does. Never having to face them again, he can take his arbitrary rule by decree as far as he wants. He may be challenged in the courts but, if he gets just one more Supreme Court appointment, he can pick someone who will rubber stamp anything he does and give him a 5 to 4 majority.

Entry #149

Tenaj made a mistake.

At 7:48 pm last night you posted an article about a Minn Lawmaker who was busted for a sex act with a young man.

You came back 2 (2) hours later and said it was a mistake, made an opology and then went on to say all the haters can Kiss your A**  wiggle, wiggle,

and to those who Love you, you're welcome...

What kind of crap is that..

If you were sincere, you wouldn't have had to add your expletives would you?

If you were sincere, you would have made a correction and been done with it.

If you were sincere, you wouldn't have to wait two hours later, after you deleted the article.

You only post articles about Republicans, not Democrats, so I'd say you intentions were that of a lie and not the truth.

Were not haters, but when you drive home a fact that Republicans are Liars, you eventually have to look in the mirror..

Entry #148

Romney and Ryan Turn the Tables on Obama

Romney and Ryan Turn the Tables on Obama
 Written By : Michael Barone

Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan was supposed to be a problem for the Republicans. So said a chorus of chortling Democrats. So said a gaggle of anonymous seasoned Republican operatives. All of which was echoed gleefully by mainstream media.

The problem, these purveyors of the conventional wisdom all said, was Medicare — to be more specific, the future changes in Medicare set out in the budget resolutions Ryan fashioned as House Budget Committee chairman and persuaded almost all House and Senate Republicans to vote for.

But while Democrats licked their chops at the prospect of scaring old ladies that they’d be sent downhill in wheelchairs, the Medicare issue seems to be working in the other direction.

Romney and Ryan have gone on the offense, noting that while their plan calls for no changes for current Medicare recipients and those over 55, Obamacare, saved from demolition by Chief Justice John Roberts, cuts $716 billion from the politically popular Medicare to pay for Obama’s politically unpopular health care law.

The Romney campaign is putting TV advertising money behind this message, and it will have plenty more to spend — quite possibly more than the Obama forces — once the Romney-Ryan ticket is officially nominated in Tampa, Fla., in 10 days. Team Obama is visibly squirming.

It turns out that Ryan and Romney, who in late 2011 and early 2012 moved quietly but deliberately toward embracing the Ryan agenda, may have outthought their adversaries.

Those last-minute Mediscare-type mailings to seniors, which enabled Democratic Gov. Lawton Chiles to narrowly defeat Jeb Bush in the 1994 Florida governor race, don’t work so well anymore when the issue is brought out fully in the light of day.

But Medicare/Mediscare is not the only thing on which the Democrats have underestimated Ryan and the putative presidential nominee who selected him from the high-quality field of potential VP nominees from which he made his pick.

Ryan brings two other things to the Republican ticket that could prove important in the two-month sprint from the Tampa and Charlotte, N.C, conventions to Election Day.

One is foreign policy chops. Romney has less in the way of exposure to serious involvement in foreign and defense policy than any major party nominee since Bill Clinton in 1992 and Romney’s fellow Bay Stater Michael Dukakis in 1988.

Ryan, as a member of the House, theoretically brings a little more. But actually a good bit more, to judge from a little noticed speech he delivered three blocks from the White House to the Alexander Hamilton Society in June 2011.

In that speech, as Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens noted last week, Ryan showed that “he knows how to think.”

“Our fiscal policy and our foreign policy are on a collision course,” said Ryan, whose number-crunching knack clearly appealed to fellow numbers-cruncher Romney.

Defense spending accounted for 39 percent of the federal budget in 1970, said Ryan (who was born that year), but accounts for only 16 percent today. Under current budget pressures, it is at risk of going far lower.

Ryan referenced Princeton scholar Aaron Friedberg’s book “The Weary Titan,” on how Britain ceded world leadership a century ago in the face of economic pressures. He pointed out that while Britain could assume that the United States, with similar values and goals, might take up the burden, we have no similar fallback today.

Ryan acknowledged that our long-term dedication to freedom and democracy must sometimes yield to short-term interests. But that dedication, not occasional accommodations, must be our lodestar.

As Stephens argues, this puts Ryan much more than Barack Obama in line with the examples set by Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan and — dangerous to say it — George W. Bush.

Romney takes the same approach on this, and on the other valuable quality Ryan brings to the Republican ticket.

And that is his solid mooring in the lessons of America’s Founding Fathers. “America is an idea,” Ryan said, that “our rights come to us from God and nature,” rights that “belong to every person everywhere.”

This election can be seen as a contest between the Founders’ ideas and those of the Progressives, who saw the Founders as outmoded in an industrial era.

Ryan strengthens Romney in his invocation of the Founders. Obama is stuck with the tinny and outdated debunking of the Progressives. Which rings truer today?

Entry #145

His close adviser, needs glasses...!The first attack ad

The amateur president has had an easy ride in his re-election campaign – until now. He has been comfortably ahead in most of the opinion polls. The left-dominated news media continue to fawn upon Mr. Obama as though he were – in the words of one of his own close advisers – “black Jesus.”

Now, the black-Jesus freaks are in a panic. The first attack ads were on your screens within hours of Mitt Romney’s confirmation that Paul Ryan, the tea-party movement’s dream candidate, was to be his running-mate for veep.







The Church of Obama, much outspent by the Latter-Day Saints in the White House campaign, is in a panic. It has even resorted to a swear-word in an email inviting potential supporters to stump up $5 or more to keep Mr. Manchurian in the luxury to which he has become accustomed.

The hard-left “Democrats” of today (the quote-marks should surely be part of WND’s house style from now on) don’t just hate conservatives. They fear us.

Why? For all they try to make out that the tea-party movement is a tiny gathering of beyond-the-fringe extremists, they now suspect – and rightly – that this extraordinary, spontaneous, grass-roots uprising against the left’s encroachments upon liberty represents the opinions not of a marginal, numerically insignificant minority but of the great majority of the people of your great nation.

The “Democrats” also have very good reason to fear Paul Ryan. He is young, fresh-faced, good-looking, charmingly articulate, not fooled by the climate scam, conservative in matters of religion, opposed to baby-butchering. All of these are pluses with voters who had despaired of the wimpy pantywaists who have until recently been in control of the Republican Party. (Margaret Thatcher would have called them “wets.”)

Ryan’s biggest plus, though, is the one the “Democrats” are screeching about most volubly. He must have read my column of last week pointing out that out-of-control federal spending could bring America down without anyone firing a single shot. He has a plan for bringing that spending under control.

To control public spending you have to make the biggest possible cuts at the least political cost.

Yet the sheer grossness of Mr. Obama’s overspending leaves very little room to pick and choose between programs before deciding where the ax should fall. The very large cuts that are now essential to the very survival of the United States leave very little room for political maneuver. A lot of people who have been getting a lot of other people’s money for a long time are going to have to do without it.

It is often said that politicians think only in the short term. The truth is that it is the voters – or at least those who have allowed themselves to become habitually dependent upon the labor of the taxpayer for their living – who think short-term.

At each election, those who live at taxpayers’ expense have just one question in their minds: Which party will keep my gravy-train rolling along for a few more years?

The true significance of Mr. Ryan’s appointment is that, like the trail-blazing Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, and unlike just about everyone else in the Republican leadership, he is not afraid to be honest with the voters about the fact that the gravy-train has already tipped into the gulch.

Scott Walker fended off a recall challenge by an unholy consortium of unions and other beneficiaries of the taxpayers’ involuntary largesse by being straightforward with everyone about the extent of Wisconsin’s indebtedness and the seriousness of the consequences if it were not addressed.

Gov. Walker’s entire campaign was refreshingly undoctrinaire. Quietly, politely, gently, firmly, persistently, he spelled out how many beans make five (memo to black Jesus: the answer is a whole number greater than four and less than six).

He followed the advice Lenin gave but never followed: “Explain. Always explain.”

A substantial minority of union members voted for him. They could see he was genuinely worried about Wisconsin’s finances, and with good reason. When he gave them the freedom not to belong to unions if they chose not to, many chose not to.

I was also pleased to see that Ted Cruz, an outstanding tea-party candidate in Texas, won his primary. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak brilliantly in his home state recently. He will go far – you heard it here first.

Thanks to the “teabaggers,” suddenly the Grand Old Party – long dead from the neck up and from the neck down – is springing to glorious life once again.

Do not underestimate Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, or the countless other first-rate candidates who, thanks to your nation’s enduring devotion to your Founding Fathers’ principles, are now being chosen over the tired, custard-faced apparatchiks of the old Republican Party who preferred doing shoddy deals behind closed doors rather than explaining things openly to the voters.

Will the selection of Rep. Ryan be enough to turn the limp Romney campaign around? I don’t know, but it is a very good start.

Entry #143

Dragging their feet again..!

Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman told The Daily Caller that he thinks President Barack Obama’s administration – and specifically Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner – need to stop withholding information about the Delphi pension scandal from Congress and the American people.

“What American taxpayers should be looking at is how the administration has not provided us with the information to be able to understand what happened to over 20,000 Americans who apparently were left behind during the taxpayer-funded bailout,” Portman said in a phone interview. “We’ve been trying for years – since 2009 – and the administration has not been willing to be transparent and let us know what really happened. We are eager to get the administration before my committee, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and the oversight committee in the House and to have a full investigation of this.”

During the 2009 auto bailout, the Treasury Department and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) worked together on and eventually axed pensions for 20,000 non-union salaried retirees who worked for Delphi. Those workers’ pension plans lost between 30 and 70 percent of their value, while similar plans covering members of the United Auto Workers and other labor unions were preserved and made whole.

For three years since, Obama administration officials have claimed in congressional testimony and court filings that it was the PBGC – a federal government agency that handles private-sector pension benefits issues – that made the decisions in this case. The PBGC’s charter calls for independent representation of pension beneficiaries’ interests.

But,  on Aug. 7, The Daily Caller published  internal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) emails showing that senior White House and Treasury officials were instrumental in the pension terminations.

Those emails show that Treasury was the driving force behind terminating those pensions — a move made in 2009 while the Obama administration implemented its auto bailout plan. The emails contradict sworn testimony in which several government figures have consistently said that the decision to terminate the pensions came from the PBGC.

On Wednesday, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Dave Camp  demanded  the Obama White House, Treasury Department and PBGC turn related documents over to him by Sept. 7. Portman said he “applaud[s]” Camp for that, and hopes the administration will comply.

Entry #142

Just get back to the issues.. Period..!

Race to the White House: The American Media’s Lack of Moral Discernment
 Written By : Warner Todd Huston

Many on the GOP side of the aisle have been complaining that Mitt Romney seems to be incapable of hitting back against the constant stream of lies, innuendo, and calumny that Obama and his minions have unleashed thus far in this campaign. Romney’s campaign has been a veritable campaign of milquetoastiness by comparison. Yet the Old Media has the gall to claim that there is too much mud slinging going on by both sides.

This inability of the press to discern the tenor of the two campaigns proves two things clearly. First that the media are ignorant of the concept of morality, certainly, but it also pretty much proves that they are sold out to Obama’s reelection campaign.

Take Politico’s recent piece where they complain that “even the media’s had enough” of the “disgrace” that this race has become.

The race for the White House has grown so toxic that it’s become a top topic among reporters and analysts covering the contest — and some are even calling on President Barack Obama and presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney to call a truce.

Politico goes on to repeat carping from such Old Media mavens as Brian Williams of NBC News, former Democrat operative and current NBC/MSNBC correspondent Chuck Todd, CNN’s lefty shill Soledad O’Brien, and others, all of whom claim to be tired of the “ugly” campaign.

This is at least the third time that Politico has carped about the death of the high-minded campaign and every article takes the same track: both sides are at fault.

Well, we are all tired of the “ugliness” in this campaign, for sure. But the problem with these reports is that this ugliness is not coming from both sides. In fact, it has been predominantly from Obama, his super PACS, and his surrogates.

This act of moral equivalence making it out as if Romney was being just as nasty as Obama is proof that the Old Media is attempting to inoculate Obama for the exact sort of nasty, negative campaigning they are pretending to decry.

The fact is, Mitt Romney has run a pretty much, straight down the line, issues-based campaign. Agree or disagree with his political points, he has avoided attacks on Obama’s character and his surrogates have not engaged in a back channel, grudge match the way Obama’s have.

Just think about what Obama has done, as Ben Shapiro notes:

  • From Vice President Joe Biden: “They gonna put ya’ll back in chains.”
  • From Mitt Romney: “Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago and let us get about rebuilding and reuniting America.”
  • From Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt: Romney is “unhinged.”
  • From Obama: Romney put a dog on the roof of his car.
  • From Romney: Biden’s comments on coal, in which he said that coal caused more deaths than terrorism, showed his lack of vision for the country.
  • The Obama campaign has called Romney a felon and a murderer.

And this is just a small sampling of the lies and personal attacks that Obama has perpetrated against Romney and now Paul Ryan.

In return, Romney has decried Obama’s tactics, he’s criticized Obama’s campaign attacks, and expressed his desire to keep this race about the issues, but Obama has responded by a continuation of personal attacks, lies, and mud slinging.

Yet, Politico says both sides are doing the same thing.

This, I think, is an ages old left-wing concept, though. It goes right along with the idiotic, left-wing policy of “zero tolerance” we see in schools, that sort of policy where both participants in a fight are punished for the fight — as if fights just spontaneously begin and no one is the instigator. It’s as if the one who isdefending himself is just as guilty as the one that picked the fight in the first place.

And that is what we see here. We see Obama cynically distracting voters with his campaign of mud slinging and lies and when Romney defends himself the Old Media tsk tsks Romney as somehow being just as bad as Obama. And what does this act of moral equivalence do? It lessens Obama’s culpability, makes of him a mere participant with everyone else instead of the instigator. In this way the Old Media makes Obama nearly blameless when in reality he is the most guilty of all.

It’s an act of moral equivalency that is, in the end, no morality at all

Entry #141

Obozo and his childish ways

Ryan Pledges Romney Administration Will “Put Aside Childish Things”
 Written By : William Teach

Hopefully, one of those things will end up being the Obama administration

(Daily Caller) Ryan said that if elected, Mitt Romney would treat Americans like adults.

“We have a very serious choice to make,” Ryan told the crowd. “And what Mitt Romney is offering is to make a decision together.”

Ryan has earned praise as a serious policy wonk willing to tackle the tough issues, and in his speech to the overflowing crowd at a northern Virginia high school, he spoke of issues — like entitlement reform — that tend to be flashpoints used to rile up voters.

Ryan said politicians ought to confront those issues head on, like adults, instead of avoiding them.

“The problem is, too many politicians in Washington, like President Obama, have been more worried and concerned about their next election than they have about the next generation,” Ryan said. “We will not do that.”

He’s exactly right: what happens is politicians tend to pass legislation with thoughts of their next elections in mind. Even on the occasions where the legislation has long term goals and impacts, those are suborned to short term cares. Take the Stimulus: what was the long term goal? Get the economy going. How did it work? It shoveled money to short term projects. It propped up public sector unions and the States for a short time. And, once that money dried up, things went right back to being crummy. It gave people around $40 extra a month. But, it changed withholding rules, meaning that a lot of money was lost from the Social Security trust fund in the long term.

The “green” energy projects were designed for the long term, but with short term thinking. Hence, money was dumped into companies that had little to no chance of succeeding. This kind of spending isn’t just an Obama problem (though he seems to have perfected it), but a government problem. “How can I spend some money to help my re-election?” Doesn’t matter what this does in the long term to the pols.

“When we get elected, we will not duck the tough issues, we will lead. We will not blame other people; we will take responsibility,” Ryan said.

“Remember how President Obama used to say we aren’t the blue states or the red states, we’re the United States of America?” Ryan asked. “Remember when he said to put aside childish things and have an adult conversation? We’re still waiting for that adult conversation.”

This nation, like so many others, has serious fiscal issues that need to be addressed. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security (there are multiple programs, and they aren’t just for seasoned citizens). Long term infrastructure. Energy. Debt. Deficits. Unemployment. It will be interesting to see if a Romney/Ryan administration looks towards dealing with the long term issues, rather than simply pushing legislation that is designed to say “hey, look at what we did, don’t forget to vote!”

Crossed at Pirate’s Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.

Entry #140

Jobless Rates Rise in Pivotal States

Jobless Rates Rise in Pivotal States


The jobless rate climbed in July in nine of 10 battleground states that could play a pivotal role in the presidential election, even though employers added workers in most of them.

The unemployment rates rose in Iowa, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, according to Labor Department data released Friday. The rate also increased very slightly, in Colorado and North Carolina, and held steady in Ohio, ending 11 months of declines there, the data show.

Nevada's 12% unemployment was highest among all 50 states. Michigan's rate hit 9% for the first time since January, and Florida's rate, now at 8.8%, increased for the first time in more than a year.

The state figures largely tracked the national jobless rate, which ticked up to 8.3% in July from 8.2% in June.

A rising unemployment rate typically reflects a weakening labor market. But the state increases in July resulted partly from more workers becoming hopeful enough to start looking for a job, increasing the size of the overall labor force.

Indeed, employers added jobs in all but three of the battleground states—Florida, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania. Some of the gains were small, but Michigan and Virginia both added more than 20,000 jobs last month, seasonally adjusted. That is the biggest monthly increase for Michigan since January 2011 and the largest for Virginia since the recovery began in mid-2009.

No issue looms larger in this year's presidential race than the health of the economy. President Barack Obama says he inherited an economy in crisis, which is healing slowly with the help of his policies. Mitt Romney and his running mate, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, say Mr. Obama's approach has failed and theirs would produce stronger growth and job gains.

The presidential election likely will hinge on voters in the 10 battleground states, who could be strongly influenced by local economic conditions, including income trends and the cost of living as well as unemployment. . However, some research suggests voters tend to attribute the quality of their state economy to state officials, while holding the president responsible for the national economy.

Lynn Turnley, a 51-year-old homemaker, attended a rally for Mr. Ryan in her hometown of Glen Allen, Va., Friday. Ms. Turnley said that Virginia's economy reflects strong state leadership, particularly Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell, which she viewed as a contrast to President Obama's policies. "Virginia is a very fiscally conservative state," she said. "They're better at running the finances."

Polls show the presidential candidates in a tight race in Virginia, with Mr. Romney having nearly erased Mr. Obama's lead. According to a Real Clear Politics average of polls, Mr. Obama leads Mr. Romney among Virginia voters by 47.3% to 46.3%.

Employment gains in the Commonwealth last month was driven largely by new jobs in health care and education. In Michigan, strong sales of cars prompted some auto makers to skip their typical summer factory shutdowns, boosting payrolls there.

Employers in Ohio added 11,000 jobs in July. Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and North Carolina also added jobs, though the gains in those states were smaller.

The presidential campaigns sparred Friday over whether the data showed an economy on the mend or in the muck.

Obama campaign spokesman Adam Fetcher said the administration's policies have helped businesses add 4.5 million jobs over the past 29 months and "will build the economy from the middle class out through targeted investments in education, research and development, and infrastructure."

Amanda Henneberg, a Romney campaign spokeswoman, noted that Friday's data showed that the unemployment rate rose in 44 states, and said the president's "policies have left the middle class struggling with higher unemployment, more debt, and smaller paychecks."

Entry #139

Groundbreaking firsts by Barry the czar maker.

Groundbreaking Firsts by President Obama
 Written By : Michael Fell

All those hateful hard core right wing extremists really should quit trashing poor President Obama.  There can be no doubt that his presidency has been nothing if not historical.

Here is an impressive list of some of his accomplishments:

  • First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student then denies he is a foreigner.
  • First President to have a Social Security number from a state where he has never lived.
  • First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
  • First President to violate the War Powers Act.
  • First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • First President to require that all Americans purchase a product from a third party as a condition of citizenship.
  • First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.
  • First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
  • First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
  • First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
  • First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
  • First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
  • First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
  • First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
  • First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
  • First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
  • First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
  • First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
  • First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
  • First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
  • First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
  • First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-Corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
  • First President to appoint 45 czars to his office.
  • First President to surround himself with extremist fringe devotees to the institutionalized “progressive” left’s radical agenda.
  • First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.
  • First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
  • First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing to earn it.
  • First President to go on multiple global “apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
  • First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.
  • First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
  • First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
  • First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
  • First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.
  • Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
  • First President to side with a foreign nation over one of America’s 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

How is that hopey-changey thing working out for you?

Thanks to Obama’s insistence on remaining a stubborn, inflexible partisan ideologue, this list keeps growing.


Entry #138

You Can't Even Feed Hungry Kids In This Country Without The Government Getting Involved

You Can’t Even Feed Hungry Kids In This Country Without The Government Getting Involved

The government wants to control what TV you watch, what light bulbs you have in your house, how big a soda you can buy, and apparently, you can’t even feed poor kids in this country without having some useless government official sticking his nose into it.

Angela Prattis has spent part of the summer distributing meals to hungry children in Pennsylvania, but now, the township has informed her that if she does not obtain a costly “ordinance,” she will be fined $600 each day she distributes food.

(Related: MI Teen Starts Hot Dog Stand to Help Disabled Parents, Shut Down by City Almost Immediately)


The Daily Times has more:

“I’m not stopping,” said Angela Prattis, who has been distributing meals she receives from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to about 60 children from a gazebo on her property this summer. “These kids are hungry. I’m not tearing down the community. I’m keeping the children out of harm’s way.”

Prattis, who has lived in the township for about three years, started distributing meals and drinks to underprivileged children at her church, the Church of the Overcomer in Trainer, several years ago. This year, after giving birth to her second child, she began distributing the meals from the gazebo in her yard.

Township Council Chairman Stanley Kester said the township was notified of the distribution via a telephone call from another resident a few weeks ago. He asked the township solicitor, Stephen Polaha, to investigate the matter, and in a response to council two weeks ago, Polaha returned an opinion stating that, in terms of the township’s zoning laws, the distribution “was not permitted without a variance.”

That variance costs about $1,000, according to NBC10.

This works about the same way as a mob shakedown.

“You sure do seem to be doing some good work for those kids. It sure would be a shame if you couldn’t do that anymore. Pay us $1000 in protection money and we’ll make sure you don’t have any problems.”

Too harsh? Well, here’s a question: What does she get for her $1000? Nothing. What do those kids get for the $1000? Nothing. What is the government doing in exchange for the $1000? Nothing. What’s wrong with asking the most basic of questions that every consumer considers before he buys something: What am I getting for my money? Why doesn’t anyone in the government ever seem to feel compelled to answer that question?

Entry #135