rdgrnr's Blog

The Big Speech? Pffffffttt!


What a crashing bore.

And a pack of lies.

And the same promises he didn't keep last time.

Not even worth discussing.

But hey, did it look to you like it did to me that Michelle snubbed him when he came out and turned her face when he tried to kiss her on the mouth? It sure did to me. It looked like she was pissed off about something. She sure didn't look very happy.


On another note, I saw the number 1107 in a dream last night. That was it and I woke up afterward. Whether it means anything or not I don't know but naturally I have to go play it now.

Entry #169

Anybody See The Voice Vote On Putting God And Jerusalem Back In The Platform?

LOL, It was a real and total fiasco. Villaraigosa had to do it 3 times because it seemed like the NO vote was winning. And the last and final time he did it, it surely sounded like the No vote won. But he said the Yea's had it by a two-thirds majority and then the booing started.

It sure seems like the Atheists, Anti-Christians and Muslims are taking over the Democrats' loose confederation of extremist lunatic fringe-groups and associated weirdos, wackos and nutjobs. And they were NOT happy about being overruled by the loony-wingnut faction.

I doubt that most Democrats even know anything about this because the Obamedia is staying away from it. The only place I saw it was on Fox.

Whoever winds up winning this fight for control of the party, one thing seems certain -- their campaign is now on life-support.

Because a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Entry #168

Obama's War On Women

Most babies murdered by abortion are baby women.

The Democrat Platform calls for the continued, unrestrained slaughter of babies, most of which are baby women.

The Republican Platform calls for outlawing abortion, thereby stopping the slaughter and saving lives.

Which, in good conscience, will you choose?

Entry #161

Another Big Fat Lie By Tenaj

This is the title on her blog: Republican Minn. lawmaker urged to step aside amid scandal Posted at 7:48 pm.

It's about a Congressman caught having sex with a 17 year old boy at a rest stop on the interstate.

The only problem is she altered the headline to make him a Republican when he is in fact a Democrat.

This from janjan, who talks nonstop about alleged Republicans lies.

Let's see what she does now.

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Entry #159

Another American Killed By Afghan "Friend"

This is what happens when the military gets involved in nation building.

It is not their job to train Karzai's security forces.

I can't think of anything that will destroy the morale of our forces over there faster than this ongoing problem. It's hard enough being constantly vigilant against your enemies without worrying about your supposed friends shooting you in the back.

Those people aren't our friends.

It's time to get out of there.


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Entry #157

Ultimate Irony

When a President hires tax cheats to be in charge of collecting taxes.

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Entry #156