rdgrnr's Blog

Obama's "Taxmageddon" Huge Tax Hikes On Low And Middle Income People Starting January 1st

Low and Middle Income people will begin to feel the labor pains of giving birth to Obama's high-tax nanny-state in January.

Contrary to what Obama told us, 60% of Bush's tax cuts went to low and middle income earners.

And Obama's taking that away January 1st.

I hope all you nanny-staters that vote for him enjoy the huge tax increases.

Details inside:  http://blog.heritage.org/2012/06/15/morning-bell-how-taxmageddon-will-impact-you/

You're going to be paying through the nose but that's the price of a true nanny-state.



Entry #77

Did You REALLY Think It Would End With The Size Of Your Coke?


Nanny-state Libs are never satisfied until they control every aspect of your life!

Check this out:


Remember, if you like being told what you're allowed to eat and drink and what you're not allowed to eat and drink by bureaucrats who have absolutely NO Constitutional authority to do so - vote Democrat.

Entry #74

Romney Moves Ahead Of Obama In Wisconsin For First Time

This is great news.


My guess is that a lot of those union members that Obama threw under the bus in the failed recall election are going to return the favor.

He didn't show up to support them when they needed him and they're not going to show up to support him either.

And you can't blame them.

Entry #73

Soccer Is A Lib Sport - Let's End It

I've always hated soccer and never let my kids play it. Americans play Football and Baseball and Ice Hockey and Basketball. Screw soccer, it's a foreign game and it's stupid and boring.

That's why libs love it.

And how many people are killed in riots at Football, Baseball, Hockey and Basketball games like they are at soccer games every year?

And now our soccer players show their disrespect for our military on top of it (which proves they're libs).


I'd like to know how many tax dollars are being spent to support these ingrates.

Whatever it is, it's too much.

Time to end it.

Entry #72

Maxine Waters To Face Music for Ripping Off Taxpayers to Benefit Husband

If only Nancy Pelosi would have "drained the swamp" of all the corruption like she said she was going to do when she became Speaker, we wouldn't have all these Congressional Crooks stealing our money to benefit themselves and their families and friends.


At the very least, all that money that Maxine gave to her husband and all those other rich guys at that bank should be paid back with interest.

Aren't there any poor people in her district that could have used that money?

Entry #68