rdgrnr's Blog

Democrats Remove Thomas Jefferson's Name from School in New Jersey


We wouldn't want the guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence and most of the United States Constitution to have his name on anything. While we're at it we better change the name of Washington DC too to keep the Woke Leftists happy. Let's call it Schitt DC in honor of Democrat Hero Adam Schitt. 

Entry #1,892

Pa. Dem Senate Candidate Says Release of 1/3 of Prisoners Will Be Safe


Democrats always have the best solutions when crime is skyrocketing out of control.

Release more convicted criminals from prison and turn them loose into society.

Yeah, that should work, right?

Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

Entry #1,891

CDC Wants Americans to Wear Masks Again for Monkey Pox


They want you to wear a mask even though everyone knows it's only spread through sexual contact.

But this will make those spreading it feel better if everybody has to be inconvenienced by pretending that it's an airborne disease that anybody can get.

It's a Democrat idea.

Isn't that special?

Entry #1,890

Biden Enlists China-Owned Tik Tok to Help with Midterm Voting Assistance


Just when you thought Dopey Joe couldn't do anything more stupid or corrupt.

He's going to have his good buddies in CHINA help with our ELECTIONS.

I mean with his good friend XI and CHINA helping Dopey Joe, what could possibly go wrong?

Isn't that special?

Entry #1,888

A California Shopping Excursion


Watch the video.

That is life under total Democrat rule and Democrat policies and Democrat culture.

This is the end result of Democrat de-funding of the police and Soros-financed DA's who refuse to charge anyone for shoplifting and Democrat no-bail policies and Democrat Judges who won't sentence criminals to prison and Democrat Parole Boards who turn criminals loose on society.

The sunshine state! Enjoy! 

Entry #1,886

Uh-Oh 3rd Brigade Stinky Has Blocked Me Again! OH NO!

He just doesn't want to take a chance on me humiliating him in his own blog. 

That, and the innate need of all Leftists to silence anyone who dares to disagree with them.

But guess what Stinky? I'm still gonna respond to all your stupid nonsense, lies, fake news talking points, propaganda and utter baseless, pointless bullsh!t right here.

How ya like them apples, Stinky?

And by the way Stinky, I checked out your latest blockbuster news. 

Here's the Cliff's Notes on it: Orange Man Bad.

Gee thanks, Stinky! Did you tell Numbnutz and Little Benny the Wimp yet? This is breaking news! So bold and refreshing! We have to spread the word, ORANGE MAN BAD! No one's ever told us that before! Thanks ever so much Stinky!

I'm sure Numbnutz and Little Benny the Wimp will be in shortly to fawn over your proclamation and attempt to hump your leg.

Entry #1,881